It´s know by everyone that they are vital to preserve our race, but ts fucking imposible due the quickly change of mind, the NO word that sometimes means yes and the fact that you have to be atent to her but not to be so bored.
What it s the correct way to get a girlfriend, act like a animal and beeing dominant or act like a subhuman that is mad in order ti impres she?
How to deal with womans
i like the old times when you only shoud go to her parents and say them, if they agree you could marry she and fuck she too
There's no point, they're all sluts.
I just found my ex gf's tumblr (We havent spoken for a year, bad breakup)
All she does is fuckin cry about how she wishes she had been better and shit, and how she wishes we could talk again.
at least you had gf i spend 5 years of my life loving the same girl now she know this and she still treat me as someone else, like if persev she for years is a normal think
I would like to forget she but...
You are a bunch of weak ass losers who don't deserve decent wives. Sort your damn selves out first.
And if you still can't find a woman to settle down with after you've fixed your shitty weak as selves, guess what? That's evolution saying, "Yeah, your genes suck, no breeding for you."
So quit your bitching about women. Accept that you are inferior and keep your bitchy little mouths shut.
Thank you.
digits of truth.
I could easy fuck a slut as you may do, but the fact is that i m nt a nigger and i m not usefull just to ave sex, the problem is that the average womans is stupit or something
NO, go someone and say you are useless is not util, and less true, why are tryng to solve the womans problem
Why so many guys who suck at dealing with women? I've always noticed that their is almost an intellectual laziness to irl misogyny. Like people who can't deal with women are also the ones who can't hold down jobs and socialize with coworkers or customers. But they sit at home with fifteen Wikipedia articles open and brag to strangers online or make social media posts about how stupid everyone is.
Grab her by the boob, pull her face into yours and bite on her nose for exactly 3.4 seconds. She will try to recoil during this time, but you must hold her in place. Once the 3.4 seconds has elapsed quickly bring your right knee up into her left ovary. Bend over quickly and collect as many eggs that fall out of her moist vagina. If she tries to stop you from collecting the eggs, you may have to drop her to the ground and press your knee against her head while manually scooping the eggs from her vagina. When you have a decent amount (roughly a tablespoon) you must quickly smear them on your penis. Make sure you cover the entire shaft. Don't worry if your balls get a little bit of egg on them, it'll wash off during the intercourse.
So, now that you're penis is coated in the unfertilised embryos of your lover, you can begin the intercourse.
If your female has not yet become complacent, a knock to the head, or cunt, should render her in an immobile "catatonic" state.
At this stage, you must bring your erection to a full bar either manually, or with the aid of a friend. Then, slowly force your penis down the gullet of your lover until a soft choking or coughing sound is heard. Retract your penis and check the shaft for a glistening coat of saliva(we'll be using this as lubricant for the intercourse). If sufficiently coated, move your penis, or girlfriend, to align both of your genitals. Next, using an open palm, strike the woman across the face until pleasure is achieved. Ejaculate into a bowl and consume.
dont bother, honestly
theyre a waste of time
The fact is that last century womans weren t sluts but nowadeys all of them, so if i m not a casanova and i m a bite reserved i m prety fucked becouse they have seen in tv how to be a slut and expect a slut fuck, i trat she as a real woman and she will reject me.
Have i to act like slut fucker?
I currently have a gf but at the last friday party I spent my night with a girl and for the first time in my life I feel ill when she not around me. Should I leave my gf ?
But in a few years i want to have a family wih a woman that i can trust, these who at 30 marry with someone becouse they need are all of them pussys, i need to know by far my love and soul
Kick, punch, it's all in the mind.
>The fact is that last century womans weren t sluts but nowadeys all of them,
You know so little. Only difference now is that it is far easier to be exposed, with cameras everywhere.
I can understand how you have a gf and can lie her
Expose you pls
yeah i forgot to add in my post
women come to their senses maybe at 30, sometimes later
a very select few actually have brain before that.
You don't marry for love. You marry for children, wealth, and power. Only thing you need to have is trust that she wont financially betray you.
I don't want to lie to her but the other girl is so hot and I feel so good with her.
>And if you still can't find a woman to settle down with after you've fixed your shitty weak as selves, guess what?
I do not need to settle down with a woman to have kids in fact it is best if i don't since i could have more of them.
Usually having children(in wedlock) sorts their shit out, at least in my experience.
Imagine projecting this much. lel nice reddit formatting too nigger
Isn't that how we harvest caviar ??!?!?
this pottery spins itself
Hahahaha holy shit that Spain-tier english.
Women have always been bitches, the difference is that back in the day bitching around could get them killed and nowadays they are rewarded for that behaviour. Soon man will simply buy sofisticated sex robots and we'll simply segregate from women, screw them.
What a waste of life, you describe a empty life, without love, what kind of family you talk, and futhermore when i will be old i will die alone or with somebody what i had marry, fuck man that s sad
Yeah that´s what i have thought, but thats a fucking disaster, womans are very sociable and in the old times if someone talks bad abut they were very wrong and she would feel worry, that society protected women to beeing a slut, but in morden days the figure of woman has been transformed in to a monster
That have sense but i can t wait for that, i m not a slut fucker and i need to fuck and one woman for all my life
I'm sorry for you man, you'll have a hard time on the days to come. The segregation of genders will unavoidably open the door to baby atificial production + genetic engineering, this is a good thing, just a next step in humanity. We have to realize that animal/natural needs are just a deterrant on our next big goal, the conquest of space-time. Our fate is to become as much machine as possible, it's the only way to go.
That´s disgusting and not ethic, mabe the next step of humanit and the end of these, art culture and society will fall in your prediction, and thats the beautifull of life, beeing a machine to what? Life more? Why would one live longer in this world?
Fucking fool, nobody here is a alpha male but at least the other types of males have the oportuniyt to form a a family
ok stfu
Transhumanism, forced evolution. People seek perfection.
To the topic. Women are social creatures, while men see social interaction as a tool to achieve something, women are programmed to it. You will see women since kindergarten being some sort of attention and validation sponges.
Machines don't live, it's about transcending life.
It seems like it's not only women who are degenerate, men like you are also part of the problem. you probably jump from one girl to another just because she's'hot'...You men deserve everything you get.
They are not vital for anything. Rent their wombs. Use men to make artificial eggs. Make artificial wombs. Just grow a pair and be a fag, ditching ALL forms of estrogen
is right
You probably have issues if you were in love with a girl for 5 years without having dated her
Probably attachment strategies or anxiety issues
Doesn't mean you're mentally ill or stupid, you might just have things to get right, like everyone else
by just being yourself OP
a lot of women suck yea.
but so do a lot of whiny ass guys
you just got to find the goods ones, rare as they are
I'm happily engaged to a red-pilled submissive female chemical engineer, whose 5 years younger then me.
and im nothing special.
28, NEET for over a year, average looks.
You just have to not be the most beta faggot around.
Have a read OP
>Women are sluts
>My ex still misses me a year later
you were in love with a girl for 5 years without having dated her
Probably attachment strategies or anxiety issues
>Still in love
In date she some times and i was to nearly to be her bf but suddenly she act like nothing had happend and try to forget me
Now we are friend despite she know that i love she, but thsi is the final yeear, i will put all my balls and be a real men to conquist she for the last time
Merci baguette i m reading now
It's not by me btw
I found it here, and thought that it was quite interesting
stop being a sperg
Don't get a girlfriend. The concept of a girlfriend and monogamy is a jew trick.
Actually i have think it, but it s hard to change it, tomorrow i will go and show she that i m a man
yeah she slept around even when she clearly loved him, many such stories when womens biology takes over they fuck guys they hate
you simply cant marry a slut out of a woman, its in their biology
Most westernized woman hit the wall by 25.
I'm seeing woman here and in Australia that are hitting the wall before high schools even finished.
I personally would not bother with any woman that isn't into either fitness or eating healthy.
you can do it user
>monogamy is a jew trick
>Poligamy mohama trick====jew trick
Well i m pret fucked if a iwant to have childrens and love somebody who i have sex with
Thanks bro this is too autistic but it helps, it is easy to tell from anonim and your help is in many ways better than the the help from my friend who only want to fuck girls i m at 1 carrer
>What it s the correct way to get a girlfriend
that highly depends on the kind of girlfriend you want
but since you're on Sup Forums and probably want someone you can see yourself marrying later on, you will want a conservative (maybe Christian) girl that values femininity and all that
if that's the case you should be dominant but not savage, direct but not a pervert and nice but not fedoratipping faggot
Yes thats the correct technique but i think it is the hardest and requires so much experience, what is ironic because if yu use this technique you aren t a pervet who go girl by girl
The problem is when you have failed and still tryng this technique, so the big deal is that you can not fail many times :(
Always do the opposite of what feminists say.
Approach every woman, talk to strangers, do it in the middle of the night, in elevators, every woman you come across, everywhere. You might trigger 1/10 but the majority of women like any opportunity to talk and chat endlessly. As a general rule to avoid trouble, don't touch them or cuss, if they get offended by you doing literally nothing it is their problem and they will just have to commit suicide if they don't like it.
Sex is important. If she isn't into you, move on. Women need time to warm up but women do want to fuck, so if she won't even kiss you on the lips after the 3rd date she is screwing you around and it is time to date someone else. You should be willing to pass up a 10/10 prude for a 1/10 who is obviously into you. I guarantee you will have more happiness in life with some fat nerd who shares all your hobbies and pumps your cock every night than a materialistic bitchy supermodel.
The rule is 3 dates. Feminists want to bump it up to 5, but there is no logic to this, it is only so they can string along beta orbiters for longer.
1st: get to know each other and discover whether you want to spend long periods of time with each other
2nd: do something you discovered you are both interested in
3rd: discover if she is into you
If she flinches or anything before your first kiss (a peck on the lips) or is generally sarcastic or cynical about you at any point, forget her. Don't be rude, give her a chance to redeem herself, if she gives that bored "ooh" when for some reason you started talking about video games say "oh, let's talk about something else then", if she flinches, lean back and give her an opportunity to peck you on the lips.
Feminists believe men should pay the bill to offset male privilege. Always split the bill.
>reddit spacing
every time.
Posting dating questions on Sup Forums
God damn those were great reads. Thanks for sharing baguette-man. I hope they get spread around more.
Lel it's ez to get girls when you have no standards, tru
Well, you can learn something always, in this case is that you mus talk to all the girls you can in order to be more confident and less asprg
just show them your memes
these are gold!!! is there more to read???
Did u find more stuff? Its quite interesting!
You are more likely to find a hot woman you have a chance with by increasing the quantity of women you get through. You could spend months chasing after a 10/10 for a 0.1% chance of success or you could date several 7/10s and 8/10s for a 10% chance with each.
Eutelegenisis is the answer. Marry a woman, but use the sperm of someone much smarter, healthier, and superior to you in every way. This will make the woman happy, and you will be happy because you'll be making the nation smarter and stronger by bringing superior children into the world.
step 1. expose benis.
step b. receive oral pleasure.
if you have a girlfriend you have no game
>Correct way to get a girl
First, you guys need to step out of your comfort zone, even if it's for 1 minute, that's where the magic happens, and since Sup Forums is filled with a bunch of dungeon dwellers, that is not likely going to happen. You really don't even have to have a big dick, if you can eat pussy you are golden, but these faggots will never know that. Girls like being yelled out and told what to do. I mean some girls purposely insult the other dude to see his reaction, can you imagine if a girl insulted some neet here? Their world would crumble.
shut up advice giving jewbag
we just want non faggot looking white men
who want to marry us and have a family and settle down
but their excuse is always 'i don't think i can make enough for any of that; not have enough for a nice wedding; we should date 3-7years then get married'
and on and on and on..
>be in early 20's and no white man would dare settling down at this age here
This is a retarded argument. The average man should, by definition, be able to attach an average woman.
Our Feminized society and no-fault divorce allows modern females to act however they want with no responsibility.