life is meaningless, there is no point to being "productive. there is literally no reason to do anything other than provide yourself with vapid entertainment until you are eventually dead.
Life is meaningless, there is no point to being "productive...
K keep me posted
Yore probably a lazy faggot. Usually neets staying at home have such thoughts.
Then you have only one option
Agreed, but it's not life being meaningless that's keeping me from accomplishments and satisfaction, it's the fact that nothing interests me and that I don't value anything enough to put effort into a cause.
work dignify the man
>life is meaningless
No. we are the only living things for light years around us as far as we know. How is life meaningless?
>there is no point to being productive
Yeah there is if you need money to survive. You wouldn't know that because you live in a gibs me dat country, probably in your mother's basement too.
>there is literally no reason to do anything other than provide yourself with vapid entertainment until you are eventually dead
Entertainment doesn't have to be vapid. Things like art, music, writing and traveling can keep you busy too and simulate your curiosity. Then there's having kids to keep you busy. Eurocucks always think kids are the worst thing ever because they have to take time off from their 6 month vacations, but honestly kids are the best thing ever--when they are yours of course.
Kys nihilist faggot.
Its all just a computer simulation anyway senpai. The real existence is waiting for you once you end this little game we have going here.
U so dark U so edge.
Same here, I would just like to watch the world evolve and see how it looks like in the future with all the AI technology we will invent to make humans obsolete. Will be interesting.
You are right, there is no point in being "productive", you only gain money that you spend on vapid entertainment or whatever money can buy.
But if you don't like living life, why don't you just kill yourself? Jump from something and it's over in 2 seconds. one, two, dead.
But you are here, you posted this. You must get some enjoyment out of life, so what the fuck are you complaining about?
This is called depression dear red sausage eating, bear piss drinking eskimo.
You must fight it, or let it consume you. I did, for many years. It's still there but you just learn to ignore it. You just do what you gotta do.
Woag there kid cool it with the nihilism
First post best post
Or how about you try taking resonsibility for something at least once. Start a family, or at least get a dog, do some gardening, get a fucking job...anything. Maybe your life won't feel so meaningless anymore you dumb cunt.
t. Simulation cuck
>only living things
Hey snowflake, maybe you have not seen it yet, but earth is full of different species and some unknown we don't know exist yet in the deep oceans.
tw so delusional, just keep your dreams happy snowflake. whatever makes you happy
This has merit. The opposite of happiness isn't sadness, it's boredom.
Find something you like to do and put some effort into it; you might surprise yourself.
I wish.
What a story mark !
So how is your sex life ?
And how did you beat that depression?
None of these other "people" are even real, Dane. Just fluff added to enhance the experience. You and I are the only players active and on Sup Forums currently.
>life is meaningless, there is no point to being "productive. there is literally no reason to do anything other than provide yourself with vapid entertainment until you are eventually dead.
For you.
No, really, every person does what he sees meaning in and what he can. And it's easy to see that you aren't happy with your life, and want to invalidate other people's life as a consolation
Nigger get in touch with nature or something. Fucking plant a garden and raise some chickens, man.
Your life is devoid of meaning because you have no struggle. Make struggle for yourself.
>life is meaningless, there is no point to being "productive"
Well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.
KEK, did i say i didn't like life? Just because i say how the reality is makes me a sad cunt... pretty stupid of you user. If life is pointless, then everything is more relaxed and fun. I enjoy it. Maybe hard for to get. Think out of the box user.
Sweet, another nihilist in society, we need more of them.
They are convincing though, arent they?
"Shut up loser, the simulation is awesome! I have sex and vidya and weed!"
Top kek indeed.
You cannot fathom the wonders that await you on the other side.
Billshot! I'm active. But now that you say that I feel I should've moved on... P.s. take a break from the internet, go outside, stare at the sun. Lord with
There are good reasons and good points. But you seems occupied with narrow minded egocentric small things.
>provide yourself with vapid entertainment until you are eventually dead
Dumb scandinavian. Don't bingewatch crap on Netflix and wait to die. Surrender yourself to the pleasures of body and mind and when death finally comes you will at least depart feeling satisfied.
Literally it could be, maybe they are all bot's that don't know it yet because they just can't think out of the box, just programmed to be the same as any other bot.
I think this proves meme energy flows through the path of least resistance, omae
The protocols of the elders of zion
That just means you still need to grow up.
Yes. We had been dead for billions of years before we were born, and we never noticed.
A meaningless life is a tough pill to swallow. So might as well enjoy your time here on this planet. Travel, fuck bitches, get money and have as many memorable experiences as you can before you go back to the dreamless sleep..
why are you mad? it's hurts your feelings about reality?`Nihilism means literally nothing just to make people in groups.
>You cannot fathom the wonders that await you on the other side
Take your meds OP and go back to (((your room)))
Really? So, what are you waiting for?
I am very sick but I have a job, pay taxes and contribute to society, planning to have 3 kids with my gf. I used to think like you when I was a teenager but now I'm nearly 30 and I my view changed.
They think they are real. Simple creatures really, I shouldnt disturb them like this, it could cause... complications.
At any rate, I'll see you on the other side. Don't worry, you'll know its me.
100% this
fpbp; kek
>He doesn't want to be an investment banker
It's a pretty cool job, outside of the US/UK (where the pay is good but the hours are not worth it)
The fun thing is, every single thing has a cause but everything combined doesn't. so how can everything be nothing?
Once we get basic income, what's the fucking point in living anymore?
Things that entertain me:
>outdoors physical activity
>socio-political bullshit around the world
>helping the grandparents/nieces/nephew/cousins
>working on my own or other people's vehicles
>maintaining a clean and orderly environment and personal appearance
>learning/figuring how to fix things that break or need upkeep
The more time I spend with kids, the more I want my own. The more I care about the future of humanity and my nation.
>people think nietzsche was a nihilist
maybe in burgerland
It's not really nihilism, you just sound like someone who's not happy with your life so you justify it retrospectively by saying life is meaningless and everyone else is a "bot" and stuff like that. I don't really care what you do with life, but it sounds like you're making some philosophy out of your own frustrations, and there's nothing insightful about that at all.
> I don't value anything so I don't engage in it
Things gain value from your engagement. Not the other way around. Nothing is worth anything until you are invested and engaged in it. Because meaning and purpose are byproducts of engaged striving.
Clean your room.
I haven't. I fight it. I let it consume me for a great deal of years, I learned to live with it, it was what was normal. Still is in a way, depressive tendencies I guess.
But I can fight that.
Like these last weeks I haven't gotten enjoyment out of the stuff I usually do to distract myself with, but I still laugh at jokes here, I still smile. I just don't let myself get so far down that I become like OP. Or if I do, I do something to snap myself out of it, though that may take a week or even longer, you just need to do it.
With depression you only have two choices, either you fight it or you let it consume you.
How you fight it is up to you, the way I do may not work for you, or you may not have the same options as I do.
For some, drugs may be needed, for others a change in diet or exercise may be what's needed.
But most of all, just do it. I can't stress that enough, no Shia. But everything I ever needed to do, be it take a shit, make food, take out the trash or clean, I always postponed for no real reason other than muh feels and "not right now, later".
But if you just start doing whatever is needed, it will help you a great deal. I know it seems pointless, but so is not doing it. Because the only way YOU can get YOURSELF out of such an situation is by doing something about it.
Finding that motivation isn't easy, or even maintaining it. But there is nothing else too it. You fight it, and you keep doing it until that is the new normal, and then with time you may even lose the depression altogether or at the very least make it manageable.
>obese scaredy-cat bitchtits NEETlord desperately attempting to justify his depressive pit of a life by pretending there is no joy to be found in putting some effort into your existence
Lose fat, add muscle. Cut out sugar. Baby steps.
Or stay depressed. Your choice, fatty.
makes me laught every time desu suka blyat
This is actually the truth, well done.
I feel like I'm cheating at "life" now that I have fully internalized this fact. Doors open for you in 3D once you begin to ascend spiritually/mentally/physically.
>life is meaningless, there is no point to being "productive. there is literally no reason to do anything other than provide yourself with vapid entertainment until you are eventually dead.
Most jobs are a unproductive waste of time, but unfortunately, it's something we all have to do. That's life, and it's probably as good as it'll get.
>it's easy to see that you aren't happy with your life, and want to invalidate other people's life as a consolation
Bingo. Misery loves company. OP is very immature and fails to assume full responsibility for his own choices and resultant shitty outcomes.
So basically if you have kids and a girlfriend and that means your are grown up??
Sorry to disappoint you but grown up means nothing. Just opinions and for stupid people. It's because your kids and girlfriends takes your mind away from this and makes you happy. Whatever makes you feel good user.
Holy shit I'd be killing myself if I had to spend most of my day doing some menial shit like work in retail, where you are given no flexibility.
Work wil set you free
KEK, i'm healthy 6.1 210lbs fit, and pretty happy with reality and not living in delusion user.
Thank you for taking the time to respond. It is tough to get motivated when you have watched everything get worse in your country your whole life, and realizing it is a trend that will not be reversed. I learned the hard way that I have been getting exploited my whole life, and being a conscientious guy it was a very hard red pill to swallow. Between that, the financial crisis and the bailouts, the terrorism from wars we were robbed to finance, the cultural enrichment that is getting played down....
I had always been good at lying to myself, and drumming up motivation. The older I get though, the harder I find it to lie to myself to the end of motivation.
I sincerely hope you continue you fight with the relative success you seem to have been able to create, and maintain. Best to you and thanks for the response.
son, there's comes a time n any mans life when he has to ask himself one very ffundamental question-
>anycunt up itt like slipping the missus the rodger on a saturday night?
At least be a proper hedonist then, experience the greatest highs life can offer. Withering away in your room watching TV shows, playing games and masturbating is fucking torture after a while.
>life is meaningless
This is objectively incorrect. Your goal here is to come to know truth and align your behavior to it. AKA Coming to know the occulted laws of creation (Natural Law) and knowing your signifance in every choice, and doing what is RIGHT and MORAL in EVERYTHING YOU DO. Every meal you eat, every breath you take, is to be used doing what is righteous. Otherwise, you give your will like a weak subhuman nigger into your base desires.
Fuck you, it's not my destiny to be entertained by vapidity like you.
but it's a test. the programmers wan to know how you'll act even when you know it's all meningless. Will you shed your agency?
But it's not meaningless because they want to know if you'll be a good fit for society outside so we're being tested here where they are safe from us.
literally your post makes no sense? what frustrations? The bot example could be true? who knows maybe you're a bot and you don't know it yet. It's just a theory, why are you people so mad?? it's just questions.
user, i really don't give 2shit about me. This talk is about what we define reality. You people are talking about your feelings daily makes me cringe. You all are made of the same stuff as any other living being on this planet.
t. 21st century leftist
You two could be sucking each other's dicks right now. I'm sure that would make you faggots happy.
Work can be fun.
Suicide is a breach of contract and as punishment you are left stuck here in 3D but without a physical body for X amount of time.
You don't ever want to kill yourself.
Here's the modern version of your old ass movie reference. You're welcome.
>he doesn't want to experience the unimaginable high of having just exterminated millions of mudslimes
That, or you could have fun doing the many exciting and exhilarating things that life has to offer. Why choose not to do anything just because life may have no ultimate meaning? Live life to the fullest while you have it.
Those jobs are for monkeys Fincuck. What I was getting at is that OP should go back to school, get a career. Law enforcement is always a good choice, nice pension and lots of authority. Only downside to it, is you're dealing with scummy degenerates most of the time, and everyday holds new dangers. It's a 10/10 career, much mental/physical stimulation.
Læs, træn, involvér dig i politik?
Go into law enforcement, bruv. Everything changes when you're cop.
>This is objectively incorrect. Your goal here is to come to know truth and align your behavior to it
Who said that? what is right and what is wrong? We all define these words, wrong basically means anything that harms other is wrong. We perspective ourselves, because of empathy.. In the nature there are no right and wrong. We humans invented this words to be more civilized to each other and that's it.
Life is what you make it but in the in the large scheme of things it's pointless. That's why don't be so serious all the time you're just wasting it.
We are all little individuated balls of pure energy/consciousness/spirit (the same thing) that flowed out from Source in an effort by Source to understand what/where/whom/why it is. We are all together what constitutes the Godhead, or God, or the Universal Consciousness, whatever term you prefer to describe the same entity, which is all of us.
I would say that you are a class A example of some modern hippie on the welfare check.
user, why are you so mad? what's the trigger that gives you these words?
>ftw just for science
Thanks man, I hope you get there yourself. It isn't impossible.
I can't tell you what's needed, you already know.
I can't tell you what to aspire to, you'll find that yourself.
Stop lying to yourself, it only does you harm, be honest with yourself, if you can't be honest with yourself you can't be honest with others.
And don't let the big picture stuff break you down, use it for motivation. Like that smart dude with the weird voice says, you can't fix the world without fixing yourself first.
We can all achieve peace of mind, but it's individualistic so the only person to fix you is you. Take inspiration and compassion where you can, but in the end it's you who need to fix it.
this kind of thought process is what allowed me to get addicted to drugs. good times
I'm succesful just out of spite.
Maybe he has a family that would greatly suffer if he kills himself. Don't talk like that
Thank you for the kind words; it helps. Best to you and yours, friendo, and good luck on your journey.
Can anyone prove OP wrong? You can give your life meaning and think you are progressing in life or whatever you want to fucjing believe. But as soon as you die everything you worked for will be gone. You will forget you ever lived (your brain turned off)
Unless you think not believing in anything is more far fetched than believing in space jesus.
Meaning is what you decide to make it, baby nihilist.
Neomarxist Postmodernism
>Can anyone prove OP wrong? You can give your life meaning and think you are progressing in life or whatever you want to fucjing believe. But as soon as you die everything you worked for will be gone. You will forget you ever lived (your brain turned off)
So what?
That's just existence.
You're still better off doing something and enjoying your short existence. It just so happens that doing something with your life is more enjoyable than doing nothing.
I tried pointing out how there is a reason he hasn't done so already in the next line.
Thank you and same to you brother.
Fuck off back to plebbit
Degenerates darkens the reality of our world. Don't let them win. Stay and fight them.
>short existence. It just so happens that doing something with your life is more enjoyable than doing nothing.
All depends user. So what so magnificent that humans can do. Some people can find happiness with reading books, internet, whatever makes them feel good.
So basically why are people so mad and hating on each other? it's pointless and not funny, maybe to some sad cunts who want to see other feel sad. In the end makes no difference if that person was good or bad. However the human society would be much better with a happy society.
>y r ppl mean :(
Fucking idiot
I don't think it's that it's meaningless, but that we all go through periods that we honestly can't tell WTF is going on. Hopefully, you're young enough to let it ride- I'm almost sure things will clear.
It's a SONUVABITCH when you're getting old. Scary as hell.