How do we solve the student debt problem?

How do we solve the student debt problem?

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Have the government replace them with an interest free loan

When teh asset prices reset, it's solved. We don't have to solve anything - in fact (((TPTB))) are doing everything they can to maintain the debt slavery. It can't last though.

It's simple. People need to accept the college isn't for everyone. They are all diploma mills where rich kids but degrees they later trade for high paying jobs.

Teach students that university is not a place to train people for jobs

put your loans on credit cards and then file for bankruptcy protection

Student debt is one type of debt that is not forgiven by bankruptcy.

which is why you pay them off in credit cards and file for protection from CREDIT CARD DEBT FAGGOT

In the short term it would help to drastically cut interest on current outstanding debt, making many debts that are near insurmountable actually feasible to pay off in a reasonable amount of time.

Long term the entire structure of post-secondary would have to change. I do not support state funded post-secondary if the schools remained the same as they operate today. There is too much fluff that was put in solely to bring in more students who would not otherwise have been qualified to attend the school at all.

Raise requirement for a diploma, make it valuable again, also remove corruption, they decide you need to pay another year so they fail you.

>being this retarded in current year

>Student debt is one type of debt that is not forgiven by bankruptcy.

Why did they make it this way?


You repay them like a fucking adult.

the captilists want to stop people from learning marx

Because in a bankruptcy they can seize whatever asset the loan was for, you can't seize education and experience. It pretty much is a debtor's prison without bars that only targets the stupid.

I guess they think too many people would default if they did.

Seems to me that the credit card companies might have a way to deal with that kind of debt transference. Has any user actually tried it?

Because it would be kind of exploitable... They can't repossess your knowledge without declassifying the Targeted Memory Wipe system that they've been using to help Clinton evade her crimes.

Fed should create an alternative to a 4 year degree and accept it for getting a federal job

There's no problem, goyim.

>get loan for something other than college
>use it for college
>declare bankruptcy on it and start out with 0 debt and a college degree

Don't go to college in US.

Just wait for the program to collapse under its own weight and you'll be fine. Not sure if anything major will happen within the next decade and a half, other than rising tuition costs and inflation.

I'll try next life when hopefully my local CC isn't charging $10k a year in tuition and knowing what I want to do in life as I'm too old to start from the absolute bottom.

Get a job and work, goy. Maybe when you're 50 you'll have it paid off.


Let them default on the loan once they have been out of school for ten years. That plus the 15 year black mark default gives will stop people who can pay from doing it.

And people who cant pay off their loans shouldnt have gotten them in the first place. This is our fault for removing the free market forces from college price.

Get a job and pay it back. Realize you can't have all the material possessions you want until it's paid off.

I know, life is tough and not fair!!!

Eliminate all universities.
Allow companies to administer IQ tests to prospective employees.
Companies pick the people they want and train them themselves.

but IQ test are racist user

Unironically this.


Kids don't stay home because of debt, they stay because they don't know how to exist in the world.

All they know is videogame, liquor, drugs and nothing else.

If they don't want debt stop taking loans.

Stop creating more of it? That would be a good first step. Watch everyone with a vested interest come out of the woodwork once you try to do this though. Watch and learn...

No jobs = no future
No future = looking for one
Looking for one = going to university or taking huge risk by moving for work on no money. That's no way to live for a supposed first world nation and just goes to prove we are in a depression but the establishment refuses to admit it because it helps to exploit us if nothing is "wrong"

The system is fucked and needs to come crashing down

the collapse of fiat is imminent, hope you bought in bitcoin already.

stop the government monopolies/subsidization/loans

>collapse of fiat is imminent we need a plan
>buy bitcoin which will implode when people need to collect their money back upon financial collapse to plunge into stable assets
This is why you are a third world nation

if fiat collapses, what "money" are they're going to collect? Crypto is going to be the new standard, only brainlets like you are still unable to comprehend it

ban guaranteed government student loans.

either that or remove the interest rate from them but have much stricter requirements.

Crypto will implode, it doesn't have actual value like gold. Everyone will be buying anything and everything they can with their bitcoins if they can't just unload the cash and then buy specific useful assets to store their wealth

Why do you think people will look to invest in cryptoshit during a financial meltdown? You can't buy food with buttcoins you fucking moron

And what intrinsic value does gold have? It's only worth as much as people are willing to pay for it, exactly like cryptocurrency. You can already pay with bitcoin in regular retail stores in japan, if this proves a success, other countries are bound to follow. You just sound like a salty nocoiner moron tbqh

How about don't take loans unless you know you can pay them back faggot?

If you can't defend it with a gun, you don't really own it

1) get rid of junk degrees like gender studies
2) have a minimum requirement for colleges
3) Any government funding should be restricted to anyone who has a high GPA (like 3.0, maybe even 3.5)

Go to graduate school and the loan is interest free for the time you are in grad school. That is why Ph.D. stands for Piled Higher and Deeper.

Don't give it out like candy on Halloween. Don't have the government in charge of handing it out.

Mandatory service:
Either military, or peace corps, or they could volunteer/ intern at shelters/ VA hospitals like community service.

By instituting admissions exams. It would seriously limit the amount of dumbasses going to college on money they don't have, getting handed out useless degrees, while colleges charge the same for a thermodynamics class as they do for underwater basket weaving.

I'm a dropout with my own business. I went to a party yesterday with family. A cousin wants a job, as if I'm obliged to just hire her for the open position. I tell her I'd rather not
>But user, I'm $$$$$$ in debt!
>She went on a study abroad program and took "Sports Culture" classes in Spain with her student loans. "We learned about soccer for college credit!"
>Has useless degree from a very expensive university.
>Won't stop talking about partying.
>Yeah. Simply, I won't hire you.
>Talk about investments with her mother and notice the shame sinking into her.

interesting....exactly like my situation buy maybe im an outlier

who fucking talks like these comics? i don't know any loving parents or families who actually have homes and assets that wouldn't welcome their children into their lives in order to contribute more to their lives.

usually the issue isn't the debt, or that the kid is's that the kid is an ungrateful piece of shit projecting his self-loathing onto his parents so that he doesn't have to take responsibility for the mess that is his life.

of course he won't relax his bullshit and try to live civilly with his parents...if he did, then he wouldn't be able to cry and whine so much about how unfair the world is, and thereby continue to push back the date to the beginning of the budding of his maturity.

well said. paying and thinking you "own" data is one of the biggest lies of our time. It's why I only buy physical copies of games and movies.

checked. the college meme is pushed HEAVILY in (((public schools))), it's basically indoctrination when they know full well most of the kids will get nothing out of college. many people in our generation just wants a sense of belonging that the internet just can't give and modern society doesn't have.

saging this thread cause OP is a "1 post by this ID" even though this is a discussion worth having.

educate people that college/university is a jewish scheme and they shouldn't enroll in one

Hello yes bamk?
I need loan
For to buy a car of course?!?
>cant pay
Ph you wamt to tkae my car!?!
I triked youu! I spent on college!
>have fun in prison

This, people can't claim bankruptcy, only powerful entities like banks can do it, then it's okay and they get bailed out

>Have the government replace them with an interest free loan
No! That would deprive the kike bankers their power over the student.
Everyone in the nation must be heavily in debt!
They must study 17th century poems at college and get kike loans.
To make the serfs under debt.

Educate people to study something that is worth it and that its lent money, not free money.
Also to dont waste it in literal useless shit.

Do you have any advice for someone like me without any sort of professional training and a physical disability (missing hand)?

College is free in Georgia thanks to funds from the lottery.

Yep, I'm not an expert on how loan rules work but that certainly seems like it would fall under the category of fraud.

user above's idea about putting your student debt on credit card would but legal but the amount of interest you would end up paying over a four year degree may not make it a wise decision over conventional loans. Or maybe... i dunno, i'd have to do the math on how that would play out.

>no profession, stable job, any credit history let alone collateral
>getting a five-figure loan
Pick one.

make it illegal for colleges to charge over a certain amount of money, almost like public utility companies.

not gonna happen buddy

No. Easy access to cheap money is what drives costs up. Universities will charge as much as the can (or as little as they have to) to maximize their inflow of cash.

I get asked this question far too often, minus the disability part.
There are a few things, most of it is personal and how one goes about a plan. Look up Steve Pavlina, some of his stuff is dated but most can be applied today. Bump for now while I head over to my computer where I keep packets/pages/links.
If I don't make it in time, check the QTDDTOT on /diy/ later today.

Send students to Europe for free education and health care, they can move back here later.

Set standards for all universities that exclude all negros with a 2.0 GPA. Stop this "everybody gets a college degree" crap.

Do that and you don't incentivize blind acceptance of student loans.

No need. Everything is working as intended. If these stupid fuckers don't understand how loans work, that's their own fault.

What kind of fucking idiot takes out a 5 figure loan without a solid plan to pay it back?

>Five-figure debt
>Meaning its under 99,999$

Fucking plebs can't even handle relatively small debt.

don't take loans if you can't pay them back. simple as that.

There is no problem. They have a college degree. They chose to take loan out to get it. I don't get the problem. If it's not worth it then don't so it. Adults should live with their parents and save money. House prices should be high. Stop complaining.

make it so students who get their degree only get to pay half the amount

>go to jail for misusing your loan?

We don't. If students are stupid enough to get shackled with debt they have no hopes of repaying in order to take courses in subjects that will never get them a job after graduating, how is that our problem?

Take out African studies, gender studies, reform psychology, take out women's studies, take out pretty much any cultural Marxist class or progressive class, and after that's done we have majors that actually contribute to society and can find a legit career.

Not getting useless college degrees.

They won't charge them to cards. Despite the fact they get their money, financial institutions just will not permit it.

This. Its basic economics. Colleges raise prices when there is more free money. Stop handing out so many loans and the price will have to fall.

Make it dischargeable in bankruptcy.

Trump could institute some program to reduce student debt which would be highly popular but I doubt he'll do it.

I don't think most CC lines would be large enough for you to do that. And you would need to be subtle about it too - you wouldn't be able to just write a credit card check against your student loan, the system would stop you.

But yes, if you can talk the banks into giving you an unsecured loan large enough, that would work.

But honestly, it looks like they're not going to enforce student debt collection all that hard - in fact all student debt collection was put on hold recently IIRC. So you might want to see just how low you can get your payments down to and gamble on your debt getting forgiven at some point down the road.


Stuff I do:
Other useful resources:
There's also IFPS manuals that I'll add to this soon, they certify people. Older manuals for Hydraulic Specialist, Electronic Control Specialist, and Pneumatic Control Specialist can be found floating around.

Do what I did
>Enroll in community college at 16 as part of state program that is free
>Graduate HS and CC at the same time at age 18 with an Associate's in Engineering and a diesel mechanic cert
>Get a job as a diesel mechanic making $16/hour with tuition benefits, enroll in online university
>Graduate at 20 with a BEE, 2 years work experience, and $20,000 in the bank, no debt, brand-new car I paid cash for
>Get a job with a railroad as a diesel electric engineer for $80,000/yr to start, tuition benefits, start my Master's in engineering on the company dime and company time
All before I am old enough to buy beer
Know what the funny thing is?
All the empty seats at community college, all the unfilled diesel jobs, and all the open for 3+ years jobs at the railroad.
Anyone could do this, easy.

You CAN have a credit line large enough that you could put all your student loan debt on it, but usually that requires having a very high credit score, which usually requires having a high income, which usually means you can just pay the debt off normally.

dont take debts

>student debt problem

College is a choice, same as buying a car or house. Just like buying a house or car, it is also an investment. No one forced you into it. No one told you that you must take in the financial burden. You agreed to that burden going in. It is your responsibility to meet your obligations and turn that investment into a career to pay your student loan.

How did countless previous generations manage to deal with their student debt? Three words — Accountability, Hustle, Sacrifice. That means you grow up and face your responsibilities. That means if you have to get a second job, you get a second job. That means you don't spend $800 on the best smartphone or $1000 on a video game console. It means you walk a few blocks to the bus to get to work everyday. It means you work on Saturdays and don't spend all weekend smoking weed and playing games. It means you man up and get it done like men have done from previous generations.

Stop requiring majors to take classes unrelated to their majors.
>almost half of an engineering degree is bullshit sociology/humanities/etc classes.
>Had to take two separate semesters of "Race and Ethnicity" courses.
Fuck that noise.

gas the kikes race war now

It's called fraud fellas. Do you really think they'd let this happen?

>he's a boomer or an actual retard who doesn't realize that college is no longer a choice nor is it as cheap as it was in previous generations

90% of pol is too retarded or tinfoil to understand the implications Bitcoin has, let alone understand the inner workings. Don't waste your time trying to convince these filthy nocoiner fiat cucks.

Thats what they call fraud m8

I called Discover once to lower my interest rate and they tried to pressure me into putting about $20k of my student loan debt on the card. They offered me a lower rate than I was paying on the student loan but only for a year. It would have been a bad deal... unless I went bankrupt, in which case $20k of my loans would have disappeared and Discover would have gotten burnt. Obviously they don't offer this to people who are actually likely to file for bankruptcy but it is indeed something they do sometimes offer.

Okay further to that I'd like to see a rework of the sports team situation. I do not like how universities, and even highschools for that matter, will kid-glove their athletes through the academic stuff just so they can keep them on the school teams. I'd be okay with universities continuing to run as feeder systems for the pro leagues but get rid of the requirement that the players be enrolled students. Preferably I would like academic institutions to do away with their athletics programs entirely but I know they use them as a source of income that does, mostly, filter it's way over to the academics.

I work at a university (non-academic position) and the duality happening between the athletics departments and the academics departments really pisses me off. Most of the kids playing on those teams do not belong in a facility devoted to education.

Haven't tried that, but it'd probably work if you get a cash advance from the CC, put that onto a pre-paid debit card, then pay the student loan with it. There wouldn't be a way for a CC company to decline a payment to a student loan or if they automatically block that sort of payment.

Tax baby boomers and generation X, since they started the problem.

I'm in college right now getting a physics/math double major, going to school on dads GI bill money (he gave it to me). SO I think I'm doing pretty good, but when I see the jew debt my colleagues are in for dumb shit degrees like English and gender shit I shed a tear for the future of the US.

thank you very much, friend. i will take this advice with me

>How do we solve the student debt problem?
We don't.
This is a way to weed out the stupid fucks who actually took out a loan to go to fucking schools that value sports&money over education.

They deserve to be in debt.

You're fucking retarded if you think that debt would have just vanished dude