what does Sup Forums think of this man?
What does Sup Forums think of this man?
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Clearly a Jewish nose isn't it?
good source of lulz from southerners.
fucking based
A war criminal and a monster who raped the South.
I hope all of his female descendants are raped by niggers and male killed.
also he wasn't the greatest tactician, but he and Grant were ahead of their time with the total war thing.
A raging drunkard who somehow was more perceptive about the realities of total war than anyone before him. He wept upon hearing the news of war but carried war and all its brutality to the South in the hopes of crushing it in its entirety as quickly as possible. As a Southerner I despise him for laying waste to our land. As an officer I respect him for the courage to wage war as it must be waged to ensure victory. All said, I think I'll forgive him for the foresight he had in attempting to destroy Atlanta. That place is a shithole
>DUDE free the niggers LMAO
what a cuck
he actually hated blacks. he just hated the south more for breaking up the union.
he's seen some shit, and has much shit left to see
The south did not need to be raped the way he did. They where already beat after Atlanta the march to the sea was not needed.
The south had it coming you idiots started shit we ended it. Play stupid games win Stupid prizes.
most fucking based general in US history
Patton faps to this guy
One of the most savage and brutal men to ever walk the earth.
Is that wolverine?
>dude import niggers as free labor, keeping whites impoverished
confederates are cucks
Shame he didn't fight for the south.
Honestly, I think it probably was needed, but the post-war reconstruction was so badly botched that it was all done in vain. Japan was pretty much beat before dropping the bombs, but doing so is what drove them to unconditional surrender, after which the country was rebuilt as a paragon of democracy - literally the best country in Asia. The same thing couldve happened in the South, and heck, we might have even been able to get civil nationalism to work to the limited extent that it does if Lincoln hadn't been shot and the radicals in congress decided to further destroy the South after the war, fueling racial animosity that lasts until even today. Of course, if there actually was decent leadership to be found in America during the leadup to the war, the whole thing probably could've been avoided, as Trump pointed out. For example, instead of spending mountains of blood and treasure on the war, the government could've done the British option and bought all the slaves and told the plantation owners to hire some Irishmen instead.
He's the man.
He was a Catholic. Well, a Catholic who realized that he couldn't remain one and get shit done. So he ditched religion in order to win.
wozniak was the brains of apple, jobs didn't do shit.
That's Sherman the man who raped the south on the war criminal Lincolns command during the war of northern agression.
You what's really sad is the leaf's claim to fame is taking credit for something the British did, in a war that didn't gain them anything.
Lol that was the British ard tard.
Please tell me what we got out of it?
The rise of Industry over a dying belief in agriculture, and the ability of the US government to function on the world stage.
Doesnt change the the fact that its our ancestors who fought for "British Empire" but lived in Canada
>start a war
>call it a war of the other side's aggression
I'm from the South but I still laugh when I hear this. Also, Lincoln was a good man. Look at him in Birth of a Nation, they understood it was the radical Republicans that fucked everything up in the South and put minorities first. Lincoln wanted to deport the slaves, can't fault him for wanting to preserve the Union by way of freeing them first.
Fuck you Carpetbagging Yankee scum the war was fought over state rights your Lincoln falsely improve education thousands and suspended habeus corpus.
>The rise of Industry over a dying belief in agriculture
We had industry before the war why do you think we won?
>ability of the US government to function on the world stage.
How is this a good thing?
Easily one of the top 5 greatest Americans that ever lived.
And from my state, Ohio.
And the last proper war general, war is supposed to be destroy everything the enemy owns, be it civilians, homes, stores, crops, everything.
>preserve the Union
How does importing millions of Irish 'people' to fight the war do this?
Your ancestors didn't do shit, Achmed.
States' rights to own slaves. If there was no slavery, there would not have been a war. Dress it up however you'd like. In the end, men of the South died defending their homeland, just as the men of the North did for theirs, and politicians fucked over the whole nation because of their naive idealism about racial equality.
Only person in this entire thread who knows what they're talking about
He was interested in winning wars, crazy as that sounds.
>Lincoln wanted to deport the slaves, can't fault him for wanting to preserve the Union by way of freeing them first.
This. Fuck that Booth faggot. Lincoln would have spent the last three years of his second term spending his political capital to ship all the niggers to Haiti and Liberia. Instead we got stuck with that lame duck fuck Johnson and free niggers that bred like rabbits.
>States' rights to own slaves
Slavery was legal in the Union
>ust as the men of the North did for theirs
Half of them were imported foreigners
The Irish were coming any way, why wouldn't the North use them as a cheap way to bolster the ranks? The South was toying with the idea of arming slaves due to a lack of manpower, until someone realized that was a horrible fucking idea. And obviously, memes aside, the Irish are white, so I'm not too bitter that they came over and fought for their new country, regardless of whether they knew why or what they were doing.
Reconstruction was a bloody mess, we could have preempted the entire civil rights movement right there.
this is not even slightly true.
You're a retard do you know anything about the actual government of the csa? The state had control of 90% of the economy and was the first to use the draft. Jefferson Davis was a tyrant and you are uninformed
angry about america being #2
Get rekd.jpg
You will never beat Canada Master Race
>The Irish were coming any way, why wouldn't the North use them as a cheap way to bolster the ranks?
Maybe instead of of keeping rogue states in the union we should have defended our borders against an invading foreign horde
>Slavery was legal in the Union
Yeah, and the Souths seceded because they feared it would be taken away. Every single Southern state's declarations of independence mentioned slavery.
>Half of them were imported foreigners'
The North got most of the immigration, thus the North had most of the foreign born soldiers. The South would have gladly done the same, but people didn't immigrate there as much, and after the war started it was basically impossible because of the blockade.
>Slavery was legal in the Union
Yes, and rapidly dying a natural death due to industrialization. But fire eaters in the South conned all the inbreds in to thinking that the same thing was going to happen in the agrarian south and it would be all the republicans' fault.
Overrated. He burned farms and destroyed railroad tracks like some wild steppe horde often while running from actual confederate armies. Grant was far better if you want a Union general to praise.
Great general on the wrong side of the war.
Did some bad things to civilians but it was the war time so you have to excuse him.
idiot. drunk. professor of my university before the civil war.
Maybe instead of declaring independence, we should have deported the blacks that made up like half of our population at the time, instead of risking them turning into the societal plague they now are.
>a dying belief in agriculture
What a strange argument.
>south started it
literally how? you know that other states seceded because the north asked for them to send troops to quell the rebellion? The south only once went into the north and Jefferson Davis knew it wasnt a good idea. Our war was literally a defensive one, read a book you stupid nigger lover.
>Yeah, and the Souths seceded because they feared it would be taken away.
No they just knew they would never win another national election
There was no way they could have gotten enough support to amend the constitution
>The North got most of the immigration, thus the North had most of the foreign born soldiers.
And if we were not fighting a pointless war maybe we could have turned them away instead
sad he wasnt as capable as Stonewall Jackson
So a godless kike?
then you couldn't make the Cotton Shekels goy!
Ok and?
If we let the South leave blacks wouldn't be in our country
This is the most southern thing I've read all day.
Badass but under wrong flag..
your mom's vag
Casually forgetting about fort Sumter.
>And if we were not fighting a pointless war maybe we could have turned them away instead
Are you a Know Nothing party member? Immigration from Northern Europe isn't what hurt the US. Hell, I'd even take Catholic Moors from Spain over the blacks we ended up with. What do you think the end game would be had we won the Civil War? Unless mass genocide is an option, eventually the slaves would be free and fucking up the rest of society. At least Lincoln intended to send them away.
I've never heard that all he wanted to do was free them
Look like a drunkard desu.
Was pretty based and the majority of amerifats love him. Which is pretty disgusting considering how ameritards condemn people and countries for the same thing he and the Union did.
Read the man's own words. His annual address to Congress in 1862 is a good start.
>Immigration from Northern Europe isn't what hurt the US
What turned the Northeast into a leftist shithole then?
>What do you think the end game would be had we won the Civil War?
My family is from the North
The idea was to restore those things to the American way of life though. Destroying literally everything would fuck the north over.
Your thinking of Grant he was the Drunkard Sherman was the one who steam rolled the south.
Casually forgetting union troops occupied a confederate fortress. If Chinese troops occupied Ellis Island and pointed guns out into NY harbor would the US not have the right to force them off the island?
I mean they couldn just shipo them back they where BOUGHT so they had to be BOUGHT BACK First
yea and to PRESERVE states rights they needed to buy back what was paid for first. whoever idiots wanted to do that.
The confederacy has got to be one of the worst causes in history and it conducted one of the worst wars, strategically, in history. If you are outgunned and outmanned and all you have to do to win is exist and persist you don't concentrate your forces and invade your fucking enemy. All they had to do was fight a guerrilla defensive war and wear the Union down.
States rights is nonsense, in the confederacy it was illegal for member states to abolish slavery, hows that for states rights?
None of this means the Union cause was especially altruistic in reality either, its just that there is so much revisionism around the Confederacy.
As a South Carolinian, whose state this man loved to watch burn, he can keep rotting.
Having said that, the man was pragmatic and understood how to win a war. I have to respect that.
Here is some dumb apologist that cries how racist Lincoln was so he can feel superior because owning blacks rather than deporting them is clearly better.
This really doesn't get mentioned, and I'm not sure if it's because people just generally forgot about it, or because it flies in the face of the praise Lincoln otherwise gets as the defender of the down-trodden. There were several sites proposed for deporting the slaves, including Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Liberia (although this was recognized as unrealistic due to the distance), or buying the Mosquito Coast (Belize) from the British.
Correct. Grant was the drunk while Sherman was mentally ill. He was bipolar or some kind of manic depressive.
>What turned the Northeast into a leftist shithole then?
He says, while posting on Sup Forums
Pick one you fucking retard. They're mutually exclusive.
No, it's Sherman who looks like a drunkard. Even his name means beer-man.
Makes you wonder how deeply justified the prohibition was.
>hows that for states rights
Every state agreed to that.
I have a monument to Sherman in my small southern hometown. He was fighting to relieve the Confederate assault and siege on Knoxville. The Civil War is more complicated than you think.
There are nowhere near enough Jews to elect leftists on their own
The only people who get butthurt by Sherman are those people who don't understand the concept of war.
The "attack" on fort sumter was a fucking ND. that would be the gayest "attack" known to man.
A confederate fortress? Who paid for the construction of that fort in the first place? Who maned that fort with Union powder, Guns, and cannon? How was that the South's fort?
>What turned the Northeast into a leftist shithole then?
Wogs. But moreso racial minorities. Turn of the century America was a beautiful place. Not perfect, but better than the vast majority of Europe, and definitely above anywhere outside of there.
Hugh Jackman?
He's getting bald
because its in the name yo usaid it CONFEDERATE FORTRESS
fuck whatever the union called theirs their a bunch of nigger lovers and cocksuckers and faggots and they suck dumbasses
A bad mother fucker that fought for the wrong side.
We could have used him to help us against the Tyrant that was Lincoln.
Fuck the union
If the south would of won all you anons could of had it made
>Turn of the century America was a beautiful place
Immigrants were still mainly confined to major cities back then
You want to know how I know you havent read anything about the war? heres this on for size
>Stonewall conducts his battles up and down shenadoah and wins everytime against the odds
>150,000 union soldiers outside of richmond but they are too incompetent to just walk in
>Confederates team up to drive them away from Richmond and send them on the defensive so they are not camping outside of richmond
They invaded the north for maybe a few days at most.
Go read 'Rebel Yell', you might learn something.
Nobody's buttblasted about Sherman. Its the fact that anons on Sup Forums of all places will defend the Union to be edgy when they would decry the same federal overreach and post ron paul pics by the millions if it happened today.
Yeah, and they weren't from Somalia, Guatemala, or Pakistan.
there should be a statute of him in every city square in the country.
The northeast became liberal long before they came
Fort Sumter is in South Carolina and no it was not federal land. Again once South Carolina seceded the union forces were foreign occupiers. Also note that Fort Sumter was not the federal garrison station for the troops in Charleston. They took Fort Sumter secretly days before the secession without orders because they wanted to be ready to fight.
I'll ask again if Chinese troops occupied Ellis Island and pointed guns out into NY harbor would the US not have the right to force them off the island?
The south warned the union many times that they were on South Carolina property and wanted them to peacefully leave. Lincoln's own advisers begged him to evacuate and instead Lincoln doubled down and sent more troops and supplies. Even despite all of that the south still warned union troops before firing so no one would die from it. Lincoln was pretty much poking the south with a stick trying to get the war going and I can say that as someone who has ancestors who fought for both sides.