>stop worshiping fake semitic gods
Honor the gods of your people user
Stop worshiping fake semitic gods
>adhering to obsolete belief systems
our ansestors [adam] [noah] have always worshiped the holy trinity... noahs children deluded it..
>reject the religion around which your entire country is built
>worship gods you know nothing about them or their rituals outside few texts copied by monks centuries later after the fall of Rome and establishment of christiannism
Yeah, nah.
I have never met a pagan who wasn't a euphoric larper or edgy shitskin
> [adam] [noah]
>have always worshiped the holy trinity
They only knew God the father according to your sacred text.
you see what you want to see, burger
>christcuck larpers claiming all pagans are larpers
the kike worshipers are really funny
I'd love to honor the gods of my people, but the religion isn't coherent enough for me to feel confident in my practice. I can get close to practice in some areas, but I fear that my ancestors would just see me as a heretic for practicing the faith incorrectly.
Basically every street is named after Oden in Sweden
Friendly reminder that there is no god but man.
Reminder that Christ defeated death, whilst the all father got eaten by a magic sky wolf
The Cult of Kek is the true path.
>le balkan man
>"honor the gods of your people"
>not worshipping Jupiter
>not knowing Jupiter=Jesus
>not knowing Odin was a "godlike" man who lived in the golden age and was a loyal servant of Saturn
>Saturn=Biblical Devil
kys larper
The one true God was the god of "your people" for the last 1000 years
Or roads named Valhalla
I'm no christian but becoming a pagan cause of your heritage is pretty larpy
Stop posting divide and conquer threads.
religion, any religion for that matter, is not like magic where you have to adhere to strict rituals for them to be effective or true.
worshipping god is still worshipping the holy trinity, regardless..in you worship the father, son, or the holy spirit, you worship all three.
I think they can not hold it against you if you really want to honor them. It is true that some parts of the ancient traditions are reconstructed but these parts are put together by comparing with other related mythological systems in the IE family.
I would consider myself a Rodneverec - Slavic pagan and I know much of it is reconstructed but I have no fear, I know my ancestors are looking down in pride.
I was interested until I learned that brown eyes people are pretty much second class citizens in folkisch Neopaganism. I'm not going to participate in that divisive shit
Oden (Odin in Swedish)
>huemonkey nigger
go back to your voodoo shit you subhuman.
Their gone and have been for long time now, how the fuck am i supposed to practice religion that has nothing about it's rituals or anything or what the people practicing it were thinking and so on
The church is a communist institute
>go back to using windows 95 user, honor your ancestors living in africa-tier shacks raping eachother
literally niggers here
>Adolf's park
>medecins sans frontiere
go back to healing people you faggot
>this thread again
Yeah (((church))). Then create a new one
>I know my ancestors are looking down in pride.
Probably not the ones born after 900.
>don't have to strictly follow the doctrine for it to be true
But that's heresy senpai
>brown eyes
>lives only miles away from 1st world countries
>still lives in an africa tier 3rd world country
you first nigger.
>ancient Europe
>insular pagan populations over-run by Muslims.
>Up to iberian peninsula is converted, central Europe is under threat.
>Rise of Christianity
>unification of forces under Holy Emperor Charlemagne and prodigy
>Muslims completely expelled from Europe
>Decline of Christianity in Western Europe
>Muslim immigration
>foreign Islamic terrorism
>domestic Islamic terrorism
>social cohesion destabilizing
Do you see a pattern here you tree-fucking spirit cooking dumbass?
The children of the Gods live on and usher a golden age. It's represented of a cyclic view of time, while biblical time is teleological (things get worse until it all ends). Odin dying and his children replacing him is the natural order, everything must die and be replaced, the dark age must replace the golden age and then golden age the dark age. Your God is Saturn (time), who created a child to eat, to avoid death of time, and will eventually destroy the universe and end time.
LARPagans are cucks.
White men shouldn't worship nonwhite gods.
It still feels disingenuous. It's like trying to admire an ancient work of art after ISIS had their way with it.
>insular pagan populations over-run by Muslims.
Iberia and France were Christian when the Muslims invaded.
>jungle monkey calling me a faggot
try harder you subhuman favelado nigger.
>Germany a 1st world country
>Poland Africa-tier
Time doesn't exist when your soul is eternal.
>le Saturn/Horus/chronos is jesus meme
I'm pretty confident that most Christian Europeans would have second thoughts had they seen Jesus's actual face.
Our ancestors abandoned those ways for a reason pagan
European civilization is christian civilization
your intention counts. do you actually believe any good would insist on man made doctrines instead of honest worship?
>white men shouldn't worship non white gods
1: god has no race
2: if he does, you have 100 generations of cucks in your lineage by your own logic
Actually before 1996 every citizen was automatically a member of the Church if their parents were. And ever since they removed that, Christianity has been on steady decline in members (because nobody was actually Christians to begin with). Just some some weak minded communists.
Every year that passes the communist Church gets less and less members. Keep in mind that there's only about a handful (literally) of actual "believers".
no matter how you dress it up, I'm not going to run an operating system ran by (((Google)))
i've been to poland jaromir, it's literally 3rd world except all the niggers have white skin.
And look what happened to them when they went against christian armies
When god gave you said doctrine, yes
I didn't say Jesus, I said Yahweh/Surtr/Saturn, the destroyer is your God. Jesus is a Greek philosopher/friend of man deity trope tacked on by Hellenicized Jews.
And yes, mortal time and divine time are different in your mythology, but Saturn/Yahweh still ends time.
>god has no race
Jesus does.
Charlemagne didn't do shit agains the muslims, it was his grandfather Charles Martel who pushed their shit back in Spain.
Central Europe was under no muslim threat, Byzance and the Frankish Kingdom kept both accesses to the continent shut.
Charlemagne was basically the one who destroyed paganism though, just like Clovis and his sons removed Arianism and imposed what would be known as catholicism 300 years before.
The Netherlands (general region) fought three wars to remain pagan.
>worshiping a religion originating from Jews
This seriously, Christianity is European now, it was whites who were crusading and who created the beautiful cathedrals and other art for it and who made it what it is and Jesus wasn't even "sandniggers", non-Arab and Turk Middle Easterners don't look that niggerish
>Woman who got turned down by a guy so she stabs him in the back, god of war.
>random hippy with a canoe that sails around the island, god of the sea.
>Some random guy who hit a dog with a hurley stick, defender of all gaels.
The old gods are trash lad.
if god gave it to you you can be sure. anything else is, well, not so certain that it really came from god.
You're a massive retard.
The Roman Empire fell just after it embraced Christianity and started to persecute Paganism. By the moment it fell to barbarian invasions, it was almost 100% Christian.
Do you even study history in Australia? How is it possible to be that braindead
I wonder about that actually. Pic related is a modern Palestinian girl, yet that region was even Whiter two thousand years ago (before the Arab invasions)
The Jews were around before Rome, senpai
You see the old path is not religious, it was not so fixed and organized. That's the beauty of it.
You have to get the central story right, straighten the narrative. Other parts come to you naturally. As the times changed - so did the gods, myths and rituals.
I dont know anything about guaranĂ gods
your muezzin called for the evening prayer, do you have your prayer rug ready pajeet?
>all these jew lovers ITT
nu-Sup Forums is a joke
It took over 700 years to retake Iberia.
The Ottoman Empire pushed Europe's shit in until the 19th century when it started collapsing because all multicultural empires eventually collapse.
The crusaders lost and were defeated and it was the pagan Mongols that ended Arab power.
Dunno what kind of idealistic history you study.
>The Netherlands (general region) fought three wars to remain pagan
and look what happened to them against the armies of Christ
ask a shaman, take some ayahuasca and you will meet them for sure
Forgot pic
>Rome imports massive waves of non romans to bolster its army
>Rome collapses
sounds better than a jewish volcano demon, or the stupid myths in the bible
>worshipping gods who were too weak to resist christianity
Talk about slave mentality.
No mosques within 100 miles of me lad.
what happened to the pagans of Europe?
They didn't die fighting for their beliefs, they converted.
>uncucked Romans genocide the fuck out of jews
>burn temple to YHVH to the ground
>buttmad jewish diaspora spreads subversive mystery cult to slaves
>Constantine goes full retard
>Empire loses all unity and gets conquered by 40,000 peasant germans with sticks
No different than the modern day cult of liberalism. Libs and christians are a 5th column.
Stop culturally appropriating Nordic gods. Honor the gods of your people, slavshit
delet this
They are very much alive today breh, they are getting out of the woods whereto they departed after we swapped them for a jewgod
The levant is close enough to Europe that we can expect to see a few European genes appear in the area, but I think they are in a minority.
literally wrong but ok
plus, there were transitional beliefs for the conquered people not to instantly rise up and rebel for being told they have to worship a kike
>Respect your ancestors
>Embrace what they rejected & reject what they embraces
I'm European. My people have been Christian for almost 2 thousands years. You must be really old if all your ancestors were Pagan
morrigan was a slag, cu culainn was a weakling, flidais fertility couldn't help your taytos bog nigger.
Some did indeed die for their beliefs and some converted.
I think you pagans are a plot by ((them)) to divide Christendom even further.
>No mosques within 100 miles
nice try.
That "crusader" is complete fantasy and looks silly.
>cu culainn was a weakling
>ask to be stood up so you can die standing and facing your enemies
Cmon man that's cool
>The Roman Empire fell just after it embraced Christianity
Um no sweetie, the Roman Empire fell 1000 years after they embraced Christianity.
The usual
>not supposed to be Odin - it is IE skyfather
>not propagating the appropriation of Norse gods
>you're obviously not a Swede
>europeans have been worshiping a nonwhite god for millennia
I fail to see why we would want to continue this.
No, I'm only referring to my own country, not Canada, you can keep being a Christard all you want.
>I'm European. My people have been Christian for almost 2 thousands years
you're literally retarded
This, our ancestors knew better and converted to Christianity.
>I'm European. My people have been Christian for almost 2 thousands years
No!....Its not true, LIES