Why does everyone here suck Putin's cock? It makes me think you faggots are just a bunch of retarded contrarians who fall for the "strong man" meme
Why does everyone here suck Putin's cock...
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half of this site is just dnc shills v russian shills
Really though.
America is so much better off than fucking Russia, I dont understand why "alt-righters" support him. Even the Daily Stormer shills for Putin
im not being neutral im being absolutist, they are both cancer
>America is so much better off than fucking Russia
Not really. Well depends on what you mean but Putin is still harmful to ethnic Russians. At least he showed stength in denying NATO bases in Crimea.
Atleast we have free speech and the gun rights in America
>free speech
>gun rights
Undeniably good idea whoever thought of it.
alotta good you do with it
Fuck Russia.
The country is full of alcoholics and heroin addicts who are so depressed they dont even want children. They keep electing some Strong Man Oligarch because they think he will bring back their former glory which (spoiler alert) will never fucking happen. Its a poor, shit tier third world country.
you first traitor
>strength=pushing around the biggest nig nog pussy of a president
yeah nah
where the fuck are you seeing Putin circlejerking?
literally link me 5 threads right now or this is a made up problem and you're a delusional schizophrenic
Russia supports Sup Forums values. And so Sup Forums currently supports Russia.
I feel much more comfortable allying with ANYONE over the DNC. I've watched them be nothing but vampires my entire life, and 30 years before that.
Russia is NOTHING compared to them, either. The DNC isn't above murdering US citizens.
Priorities, brother.
Putin supports Islam, Islam is our enemy therefore youre argument is invalid
>ctrl-f Russia
Its not fucking hard
It is strength. Show me any post-WW2 leader who annexed a part of a country. Shitholes in Asia don't count.
>The DNC isn't above murdering US citizens.
two sides of same coin, you don't need to support either
But atleast in the US we have two partys that provide checks against each other. For instance, if the DNC gets corrupt the GOP will try to expose them and vice versa. Although some democrats should be hung for treason they are very important to prevent a one party state.
>Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.
>can't do it
kys CIA nigger and your gay false flag thread
It used to be before you went 56%. Now the American Gen Z is majority non-white and I couldn't care less what happens to that godforsaken continent
kek first picture that pops up is her infant daughter. boner softened.
Like it or not he is a leader playing politics, unlike "our" people which are politicians playing at leadership.
We don't suck his cock, we just see a man with the willpower, brains and patriotism we would like our leaders to have.
And as far as I am (for my country) concerned so goes for Trump.
pregnant women can't be sex--
I like Putin because the democrats have a boner for him and scapegoats him as an enemy so they can scrutinize any link he has with Trump and Putin just calls them on the their bullshit.
Fuck do I have to hold your hand?
Also just look at the replies in this thread.
Basically this. He's unapologetically Russian. I respect that. If more leaders were like that the world would be a better place.
To a degree much less that of Europe.
Decades of right-wing brainwashing. Egotism. Those are two big reasons.
>But atleast in the US we have two partys that provide checks against each other. For instance, if the DNC gets corrupt the GOP will try to expose them and vice versa. Although some democrats should be hung for treason they are very important to prevent a one party state.
>>Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Cant decide if shitpost or burgers really believe this. It can't be 2017 and people still believe in left - right paradigm
"grass is greener on the other side" mentality
Russia is a shit place to live. True they don't allow gay "pride" parades, or gay marriage, but these are secondary issues and ultimately don't matter.
That is sorta true. I just stay out of the urban centers so I never have to deal with the diversity.
I have my 95% white community
I have my first amendment
I have my collection of fire arms
I have my low tax rate
I have my land
I love my life man
They think he's le strong white leader of the Western world.
In reality, he's nothing more than a corrupt oligarch.
The sooner Navalny wins, the better.
t. Russian
Anti-semitism isn't a crime in my country, it is in Russia
Kys shill
Its not perfect but it is better than a one party system
Some of us are fascists...
We're like Batman...the hero people deserve. Every night...constantly fighting socialism and GOD FORSAKEN COMMUNISM, unlike the apathetic/pacifist "liberals" who bother to wake up when problems are on their front door. (Thanks guys)
Some people are smart enough to thank us. Some people are driven to the other side. Doesn't matter, we're Batman.
Yeah, burger boy, and your country isn't filled to the brim with degenerates?
Fuck off, scum.
quite actual rape baby shills and proxy shills. with a little mix of useful idiots
hahaha look at this herman simm rape baby. kys shitskin
God, I hate this shit. This, or "let's agree to disagree", particularly when they were the one to start the argument in the first place.
Die of heart disease.
These faggots are always rumblimg something like MUH CHRISTIAN WHITE VALUES about country which in fact is neo-stalinistic and has vast majority if islamic shitskins right in the capital and some other regions
Russia is still recovering from communism and is the designated bad guy no one wants to trade with. They have no useful ports and most of their land is shit tier tundra.
That their country is not someplace I would want to live doesn't mean I can't support their efforts in Syria.
no, no you need to go crawl up in the woods and get purged you dirty commie scum
i was recently reading up on the godless commies trying to go as far as splitting up the ukrainian churches with their typica ""hurr hurr they are russian orthodox" divisive commie bullshit. stay strong over there brother
Good goy. Way to buy into the whole "us vs them" rhetoric.
I like memes.
Once Europe becomes majority black/coloured whites will move to Eastern Europe and Russia in drowes.
> goy
very comical coming from a country that promotes rich jewish oligarchs to further stack their billions as shitskin commies like you live in mud huts. purge yourself monkey
How stupid are you, burgerclap?
I'm both anti-Russia and anti-US.
of course you are.
clear inferiority complex
I bet you're the closet Russian here, OP. Those that obsess the most are the ones that are usually doing it in secret.
If nothing else, the liberals really seem to hate him. So does the deep state.
Im Scottish, German and Native American.
Im am basically the most American person alive.
Who exactly do I feel inferior to?
alabama is too fucking hot
i live in a place much more to the north and im still having issues with temperatures here, i dont know how do you take it
You get used to it.
You feel inferior to countries that have actually mattered at some point in the world. I would guess a majority of the world doesn't know what Estonia even is and those who do know it know that it is just a tiny insignificant baltic country
>Why does everyone here suck Putin's cock?
I don't. I just think the US has no quarrel with him. Everyone from Hillary to McCain to Soros to Cheney seems to want to get involved with confronting Russia on its border though.
Why not? I work and they spend my tax money. If it comes to it, some young kid from Kentucky will go fight. They're getting money from wherever. Why shouldn't they pick a fight with Putin, they're not paying for it.
>muh free speech
try saying publicly that you don't like faggots or that muslims don't belong to America. try it faggot.
literally only good thing about your country
Putin is literally fighting the Jew World Order
Why do YOU think the western puppet governments and media hate him so much?
He may have his flaws but only he can wear the nuclear powered Russian dancing boots
you sexist bigot