How do we get women to stop dressing like sluts?
How do we get women to stop dressing like sluts?
Would you let your daughter dress like a slut?
girl on the left is a qt, but you just know the chick on the right would squeeze every last bit of seed out of the first guy to take her virginity.
Birth control & feminism gave rise to sex outside of marriage. Girls began competing for male attention, hence the slutty manner of dress. No way to go back in time sadly.
If you want to be surrounded by modest women, you'll have to join a conservative Christian community/Church/commune.
The foul creature at the left side of the image doens't even look like a human.
U know what must be done.
>dress modestly
>wear black choker denoting how well you suck dicks
i'm not watching the video. Is the one on the left a trannie?
I like sluts. They are easy to fuck and women ain't worth anything more than sex dolls.
>dress how I want you to or you're a slut
Ahmed you need to go back to Syria.
Would you marry one?
>t.kissless virgin
Because he wants what he can't get, so he wants to stop everyone because of his fee fees.
opinion disregarded
Damn son these are some ugly ass white folk
Truth is hard to accept lad.
My problem is that my boner dies just thinking about how that woman looks after all those kids. How did he get it up for her?
I am afraid I will lose interest in the girl after she becomes pregnant and ugly :(
Pregnancy does fuck all to a women in the long term. What sort of cuck do you have to be to not love the sight of your woman carrying your child?
butch your girlfriend. woof.
Criticize their dressing can have a terrible effect on how they see themselves, but given that women take everything seriously, the rate of sucide would be too high.
Women don't kill themselves
They just "attempt" to for attention
I've just seen pregnant women and they are ugly as shit, I have also seen how many women let themselves go after they get kids and end up looking horrible, I also know that their hormones change and that it can impact their sex drive, AKA kill it
so its not the child itself that i the big problem but all the extra baggage that comes with it
if you point out an american skanks skankyness they just break down into a borat like creature going "YOU WILL NEVER GET THIS!!! NANANANANA!!!"
Pregnancy ruining a woman is a meme. What ruins women are them overeating during the pregnancy and after the pregnancy, some get fucked up hormones and the stress of raising a child has an affect as well.
But if she doesn't overeat, she gets a medical checkup and makes sure hormones and everything is right, is active and also gets plenty of help from the dad during the most stressful period, then she will easily maintain her beauty. Being younger during the pregnancy also helps a lot.
The meme needs to end to promote a higher white child birthrate.
>"This isn't for everybody. It's for a select few."
What did she mean by "few" instead of "one," Sup Forums?
So are they failed or are they win?
The timecode wouod be 2:32 for that little slip and her embarrassment upon realizing that she just confessed to her slatternly ways.
Start pushing female facist fashion.
I agree, but I still feel like pushing the burden on other people.
can't help it
I dunno how you do it really. In Quebec nobody really dresses like sluts, this is the WORST you will see. This is from a summer music festival. I don't exactly know why but decency has always been important here. I remember in middle school the girls were all for dress codes because they were appalled by the few girls dressing like whores.