Christianity is for fags, Bible is jewish fairy tale, lets return to paganism
Christianity is for fags, Bible is jewish fairy tale, lets return to paganism
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These idols look like dildos
Is this Bad Dragon's 2017 collection?
Which one?
1017, actually.
Daily reminder that paganism is an African-tier religion with even less achievements.
let odin fuck you
NO. Paganism was defeated because it is weak.
What's your angle here Putin? Trying to hack religion too?
nice dildos faggot
This. Scandicucks are literally the WE WUZ KANGZ of Europe
>Ancient Greece
Paganism is weak tier religion. Seriously think for a second from the point of view of cunning man who wants to create religion that will dominate world. Will he choose paganism or "One God above all"? What will win argument my God is better than yours?
>who is stronger Superman or Batman?
>oops implications
yeah become a Jew and join us
Never should have come here
>muh pole
That looks like something out of nigger part of Africa
Stop right there criminal scum.
Defeated? Lad we're just beginning to wake up.
I've fought mudcrabs more fierce than you!
No they were defeated over a thousand years ago because their religion was weak.
Nice dildo collection!
serious question
why would paganism be any better than the way things are now
won't different sects worshiping different patron gods fight just as often as sects differently worshiping the Abrahamic god today?
Don't pray to your god unless he promises something.
You don't owe any god ANYTHING, fight for your people and spit in the face of traitors and ursurpers publically.
Die like a man on your feet for the slightest thing and people will whisper about you like a god.
We can never go back. That's an undeniable fact.
Let me guess... somebody stole your sweet roll.
>frogposting faggot
Yeah keep worshipping your sandnigger Jew, Abdul. Jesus is a cuck and so are you. Where has Christianity gotten you? White race on the verge of extinction? Yeah real good religion you got there.
Your "gods" are literally dildos.
where did paganism get you o wait it got you nowhere because it has been dead for over 1000 years
Hands to yourself, sneak theif!
No you're not. A couple of retards LARPing on a nunavut seal clubbing subforum is meaningless when the overwhelming majority of Europeans are Christians. We can't even measure how many people follow your shit religions because they fall into the "other" category
Paganism got us western civilization
Perverted crypto-kikes are upset we aren't christcuck bible-thumpers. kek.
no it didn't it was barbarism not western culture.
I’m fairly certain you’ve wandered into the wrong building friend.
Odin and Kek do love chaos. ;)
Do Christians not believe in Rome or ancient Greece? For fucks sakes you are retarded
In abrahamic faiths the gift of life is a ever expanding debt that we owe god, hence the extreme significance of sacrifice in them. That being said the only way to pay the debt is by a supreme act of giving that only God is capable of doing, while also saying that mankind cannot progress to the next stage until that debt is paid.
As such in these faiths our lives are merely debts to be paid to god.
Paganism was easily conquered by Christianity.
>christianity is for fags
>posts pagan icons shaped like dildos
>christians can't into history
Pagans killed your "God", fag.
and that's why everyone is pagan O wait.
>stop going into larpy shit newfags
>my kike shit is so much better and more refined
I feel sorry for you guys.
>Pagans killed your "God", fag.
>1.5 billion christians
>10 million (maybe) European pagans in the whole whole world
Wuton dildos?
What is better? To be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?
>Pagans build rome
>greatest empire of all time
>Christians take rome over
>it falls
Really makes me think.
The only reason christianity took over is because it is a religion for the weak, just like democracy took over because it is a system for the weak. Under christianity everybody is equal as long as he believes in Jesus. No wonder that nigger, slaves and women flocked to your religion simply because it gave them an afterlife for literally doing nothing.
the one that lets me burn churches
you're all faggots and cuckolds. you all worship other peoples gods, and other peoples values. start worshiping your own values and you will find that you can accomplish whatever you want.
Why you post dildos?
>10 million
I sincerely doubt even that. The only place where neopagans are even noticeable is in Iceland, and you're talking a few thousand at most. Elsewhere they're literally irrelevant and unheard of to 99.9 % of people.
Most people are christian because most people are weak. There are more leftwing people for the same reason
Snow niggers are what ruined Rome but a German wouldn't know that all they teach is your Islamic roots.
But that isnt true and if paganism is so wiped out then why is it that most churches are sites of pagan significance.
Also why is the entire Imperial system of measurement based on ancient pagan measurements?
I bet you think that the concept of the trinity is unique to Christianity.
Favor the bants eh? i'm a sword man myself.
>>Pagans build rome
>>greatest empire of all time
Clearly you are forgetting America, America is stronger, has more reach, clout and legitimacy and has more landmass than the Roman empire ever did
>Christians build America
>greatest empire of all time
>Atheists and liberals and jews take over USA
>it fails
Really makes me think
>lets just count all Christians as pagans too right?
>Most people are christian because most people are weak.
You set a great example shitposting on a weeaboo forum, retard
Do not second that. Christianity is the last brick in the falling fall.
>he thinks theological concepts in Christianity are exclusive to it and not generally based on much older concepts
Abrahamic faiths are trash for people who are easily tricked and have no concept of history much less theological history
What an ingenious way to conceal dildos in plain sight
You know, this stuff on pic is pretty much what i had in my commie yard in soviet times. Fuking idols. They had stone foundation so that noone could move them.
>where all the muslims went
To the Constantinopole?
They are. Ancient pagan men used to sit on them as a form of worship.
They are.
The only successful thing about Abrahamic religions is their history of successfully neutering & castrating the populace into gullible goyim.
Spoken like a true jew. The only ones born with "evil nature" are the Jewish people you paranoid satanist.
more like
>America founded by Scottish Rite Freemasons aka the Jewish cabal
>Cuckstianity woven into government and state
>USA becomes neo-Israel and is literally run by occultist Jewish bankers
stupid fucking leaf.
>he thinks that throwing away his history for some barbaric garbage is redpilled
all it will do is abed the take over.
It's a fucking skyrim quote you faggot
>Snow niggers are what ruined Rome
Why were germans even in rome? That was because christianity accepted them as immigrants and refugees as long as they converted. This lead to many germans in rome and just as many in the army. Once the temperatures were rising (because of global warming) the harvest began to get worse. This lead to an unsatisfaction under the german people who came because they did not have enough food in germania. More germans came but this time as enemies because of Attila and starvation. The germans in the army did not like the idea to fight against fellow germans. This is the story how rome fell. Maybe they will one day tell you in school about it
Also that's hilarious that a pagan is calling me a satanist, fucking heathen
Like I would know a fucking Skyrim quote.
is that way, newfag.
delete this at once
>greatest empire
It isn't even the biggest or strongest
Well technically you are a satanist. You are the one believing in satan's existence.
Lets assume I'd want to do that, but how?
Its all gone, burned and destroyed, there is next to nothing left of old slavic beliefs except very few reconstructed legends and old folk tales and holidays that survived in some bastardised way in minds of the countryfolk.
The current slavic neopaganism is even bigger shit tier than some new-age wiccan bullshit, its just glorified larping.
>>Cuckstianity woven into government and state
What is the first amendment??
Thanks, I'm doing my best
Just you showing your ignorance of history again.
Not that kind of paganism your people practiced, Faithless Abdullah.
>Clearly you are forgetting America, America is stronger, has more reach, clout and legitimacy and has more landmass than the Roman empire ever did
That's just not true. In no way does America equal Rome.
I refuse.
I actually havent ascribed a faith to myself, you have though.
Christianity is itself based on Judaism which is based on the faiths of Ancient Egypt, Sumeria and Babylon.
If you actually bothered to read what those cultures believed you would see no function difference in theological themes between them, the main difference is that barbarism, as you call it, is merely downplayed.
I should, at this point, point out to you how much God enjoys the smell of burning sacrificial meat, as does his analogs in mesoamerica.
Not only that but if you look at the implications of the sacrament then sacrifice happens all the time in Christianity.
Your life is a debt to god, and your every waking day is based on an attempt to pay a debt that only a divine being can pay, you are collateral. You are a slave.
You're the fucking heathen, race traitor. You're definitely not white. Either a nigger or a spic. Which is worse I cannot say but keep shilling for the most cucked religion to ever exist, jewboy.
First amendment has to do with what Congress can and cannot do in regards to freedom of expression. America is a (((Christian))) nation founded by crypto-kike Christcucks.
America, the 56% white country owned in every aspect by the kikes? Truly, one nation under god
>Christians build America
Colonists were inspired by Thomas Paine and we all know what a good christian he was.
It clearly is you retarded cocksucker. Could Rome send troops halfway across the world and still be better than local forces? Did Rome have worldwide military bases?
How about cultural output? Rome influenced Europe, the middle east, and a tiny slice of north africa. Yet there are McDonalds around the fucking world.
Any way you slice it. Cultural output, land mass, economic, military might, etc etc, America has Rome beat. You sound like a fucking retarded faggot with a hate boner against America that you can't even see objectively anymore
>peganism weak
>peganism dead
It may not be the same as it was but elements of fertility festivals, worship of the dead, and shamanism still exist today as the holidays Valtines, Halloween, and Christmas.
It was so engrained into society that Christianity had to tie them to St. Valentine and St. Nicholas in order to justify celebrations they could not cease.
In that case teach me senpai
You fags are literally the new atheist autismos.
OY VEY! shut it down.
Learn on your own it isn't hard.
Let's wait 2000 years and see if Washington will be a word for "Emperor".
>America, the 56% white country owned in every aspect by the kikes?
Yes, like i said, American Christians built the greatest empire the world has ever seen and then it got ruined by liberals and jews.
almost all the knowledge about paganism was destroyed, modern day pagans dont really have much of an idea what they are actually doing
If this is true then islam is the natural successor to christianity in america, as it has become weak.
>everything we know about Euro paganism was recorded by Christians which hated it
Aside of you know, greco-roman paganism which is documented better than first three centuries of christianity.
sorry but we don't need to do everything through religion now.