Media already backtracking on Comey hype
It won't change that the media and the DNC sensationalized this entire hearing. The true disappointment will come when Comey testifies that he can't recall or that it's classified. Same as last time same as every time.
Nice try, drupmflet. Orange Hitler will be behind bars pretty soon.
Are people seriously expecting Comey to pejure himself in order to get revenge for being fired?
Got any proof for that claim ShareBlue?
winning status: Tired
> source
^ here is my source
see how i cite it
citing source
- source
If you bite memes that obvious that aren't even supposed to be bait then you're most likely an idiot from the_donald.
Comey probably not going to say much as usual
NBC News has confirmed they will carry the Comey hearing live, with NBC News chief legal correspondent Savannah Guthrie anchoring from Washington, D.C. and Matt Lauer anchoring from New York. Lester Holt, Guthrie and Chuck Todd will co-anchor NBC News’ coverage from Washington, D.C.
You seem upset.
Enough with the fucking "sources" meme!
How is reporting what ABC claims to have gotten from an inside source backtracking? No attacking Comey and supporting Trump would be backpedaling.
Also don't think because Comey might not say it in court that means it didn't happen. Remember he met with Robert Mueller before he was to testify and gave him his testimony, Mueller may have advised him not to bring that information forward so not to impede other investigations into the Trump administration. It'd be on the judge to push the issue if he refuses to answer the question.
>whoa shitpostin on a prayer
>where are the facts
>shareblue dont care
Bon jovi can live on prayer
Fuck, now the chorus got stuck in my head.
He can't say anything else, otherwise he'll be in prison
Who is this source guy
Hi hi
>Doesn't trust MSM
>Only when someone goes their way
>Refuses MSM as source
>Will take unsourced screencap of twitter for proof
eat shit and die.
CNN will remove their countdown before Comey testifies.
Screencap this.
Thanks for seeing things our way all this unsourced shit is unusable.
see how easy your side loses, same way when you started using triggered and safe place as a insult lol
>a source familiar with Comey's thinking
Any day now right? Right?
It was that cowardly Mr. Yemoc spreading lies again!
I have a gut feeling here that Trump will leak the comey tapes after the testimony. Then Mueler get's his head and comey goes down ala perjury.
Your shit posting needs much work
>surely this will be the end of Trump's campaign!
you seem to be a giant newfag
trump always wins
I'm sitting at one of the most LIBERAL Hipster coffee shops in Los Angeles right now.
Everyone is on their MacBooks...and they all look like they're gonna commit suicide.
Glory to Kek!!!
I was the source, sorry for trolling you guys.
I called um up, was all "Fuck drumpf, I got the scoop, two of them" the patched me to head honcho within seconds.
who the fuck is comey
The FBI director who protected Hillary all of last year, who Trump fucking fired this year.
you seem to be a giant newfag
How in the hell would they know?
Did you see the multi-million dollar mansion that James Comey sold? WTF, how does a government employee afford that? Think the Clinton's and the Obama's slid him a few choice suitcases full of cash?
Run around and offer them all razor blades.
Completely normal for the head of an alphabet agency to have a multi million dollar mansion, what are you, a alt right racist?
>How in the hell would they know?
Comey and his flunkies leak like a cheap colander
>Implying this wasn't obviously how it would play out.
Comey doesn't want to go to jail.
>affected by cards and effects
>can be tributed
Holy shit that's a terrible card.
>Will you say anything besides "That's confidential"?
>I can't answer that in a public setting.
Yeah I am a big guy. For u.
MSM taking another huge L ayy lmao
time to add another thing to this great timeline:
>he's not serious, he will drop out!
>he'll never make it past the primaries!
>he'll never win the primary!
>he’ll never insult his way to the nominee!
(wins the GOP primary)
>he just handed the election to Hillary!
>he can't possibly beat Hillary!
>he's doing so bad in the polls - Hillary doesn't even have to try!
>he's fucking up the debates so bad - Hillary's got this!
>he stands no chance of winning!
(he wins the election)
>WTF - the world is ending!
>the electoral college doesn't have to pick him!
>the electoral college won't pick him!
>the electoral college will pick an alternate - it's their right!
(gets the EC pick)
>the senate won't accept the ECs pick!
>they have a right to reject the pick and choose someone else!
(gets confirmed)
>he's not fit to be president, and won't be allowed to be inaugurated!
(gets inaugurated)
>Jan-April: he's going to be impeached any day now....
>he can’t try to get rid of Obamacare!
>what about the 6 kabillion without health insurance?!
(puts the wheels in motion to repeal Obamacare)
>May: he's going to be impeached any day now....
>he can't just fire the FBI Director!
>he doesn't have the right!
(fires Comey)
>he can’t declassify classified intelligence!
>that’s TREASON!
>we got him!
(Turns out he’s the ultimate declassifier and 100% can declassify anything he wants, to whomever he wants, whenever he wants)
>Jun: he's going to be impeached any day now....
>he can't just leave the Paris Accord!
(leaves Paris Accord)
>Comey will testify and will say Trump obstructed justice!
>It will be be our SuperBowl!
>We’ve got him now! IMPEACHMENT!!!!!!
(Comey doesn’t say Trump obstructed justice)
just like Hillary right? comey is going to indict her thanks to these new weiner emails!