What shall be Europe's common language once the UK leaves? It just cannot be English. English is the language of the Brits and it would be more than brain-cucking if we keep English as our common operating language in Europe even after the Brits are out.
Can we settle this once and for all?
Fuck you
You'll just have to use English again during the occupation, so you might as well keep using it.
>His culture is slowly being wiped out by the Lingua Franca
Sorry Hanz, the future is bright, the future is English
It will obviously remain English. It's too late to go back - path dependency - and we will only switch to another lingua franca is some cataclysm happens. Either way, it wouldn't be French or German, rather Arabic, Russian or Chinese.
I'll take French over any germanic language.
Plus it was already the lingua Franca once, and for good reason imo.
arabic and russian don't hold a candle to chinese
even french is more believable as a lingua franca than these two.
Why does Europe need a common language?
French and German will do.
It obviously will remain English as we are the most powerful race in the world and you should be honoured to emulate us even after we basically told you all to get fucked
>Why does Europe need a common language?
To understand each other? To have a language kids learn in school after their native language?
>as we are the most powerful race in the world
Are you? Can you provide some evidence for your powerfulness?
Okay, all memes aside, I was thinking of three possible cataclysmic scenarios:
- 1) Shitskins seize power and set up a Caliphate; it's true that most European Muslims aren't themselves Arabic speakers (Turks, Northern African who speak French about as much as literary Arabic, Africans, Pakistani), but with an Islamic education system, over the long run Arabic would be the lingua franca.
- 2) The Russians defeat us in war and conquer Europe; hard power goes along with soft power > every kids are taught Russian
-3) The Chinese become the only economic superpower after the fall of the US and EU, with the Russians being only a smaller power centre; Chinese become the world lingua franca
Although I have to say that it would be difficult if they don't simplify the language; even for German, people have a hard time learning it. English is most simple to learn because it originally comes from Winkings/ Ice niggers poorly speaking Old English - a simple minded language suited to simple minded people.
>he asks in english
even if we're all speaking american english rather british english, the americans still speak english.
Wut? It's only because you won two wars for the Jews. Everybody was speaking French before, and German was the first foreign language taught in France before WWII.
we speak english because of america idiot
If the American spoke Spanish, we will all write in spanish today
>french education
You speak in English because of business and law. Legalese is like English, and international business is dependent on English. The British empire was of trade more so than to colonise (except America and Australia)
I wish it could be some slavic language. everybody would sound badass.
austrian german is not precise and degenerate btw.
>b-but muh precious farmer accent ;__;
why do you think I mentioned americans at all?
I'd agree with dutchbro. German and French sounds good. Then we shouldn't make the same mistake as the leftards and just let sociological processes work: This will have the effect over the time that the two languages will mix up. (We should keep those two languages tho since both cultures are worth keeping in memory.)
>t. Serbian diaspora
>sounds good
*tokes on joint*
esperanto my dude
English is the hypercentral language and already the most spoken second language. Switching now would cause all sorts of problems, not to mention the EU is also NATO at least 23 out of 28 member states are NATO members, and NATO is headed by the US. The US also has nearly 120,000 troops overseeing Europe's defense and leading most the training exercises for the member states. So in short, the EU doesn't speak English because of the Brits, they speak English because of the U.S., and that wont change.
It's funny because it will still be English after we leave
No amount of 112KB jpg posting will change that
Fuck off I am defending your language as cultural heritage. I am not saying that german is a phoneticly speaking nice language but it's a language which is spoken by over 90 million people in europe alone and therefor is worth considering since english is out of the picture in the premise set by OP
as if you can talk proper german
the US will no longer be English-speaking within a generation. Will you learn Spanish because muh Nato?
You speak in English because of international business and law.
It'll be brown all over but will still speak english. I hope.
oida ...
I have to agree with you at this point, but I think the premise under which this thread was opened was to think of alternatives to the English language.
Ofc. we will keep the English language because of simplification reasons but still...
hungarian obviously, even if it that means appropriating mongoloid culture.
Berlin here.
German might be the mother tongue, but here in Germany, English is the go-to language between people of different backgrounds. Even the Germans switch to it on instinct if they detect an accent. Most young Germans consider speaking English a sign of intelligence, and those who cannot are seen as poor or lower-working class. Academia is also largely taught in English, and most of the literature and new publications in scientific research as produced in English, even by German professors and researchers.
I speak English because I'm an American.
The most difficult dialect of German. Make it impossible for the shitskin to even communicate, let alone settle and integrate.
Oh look, the anti-UK kraut poster is back rehashing the same talking points.
>Brexit is a mistake
>Merkel leads the free world
>EU is the future
>UK economy
Ja ja ja ja ja.
Literal Viennese Austroniggers
>Austrian for OP is a faggot and sage
As much as I hate the Germans, I actually love their language. It doesn't sound soft but that's not a bad thing; I like how they construct their words with their building blocks approach, it's all very logical. Even their case system is extremely logical.
However, I tend to think it's less easy to learn by simple people than English or French and wouldn't easily gain traction.
Yeah - so you speak English because of international business and law.
When I lived in Hannover, no one called English, English. They called it the world language.
yeah american english so your culture will fade aswell ireland bro
keep saging on your low level german is impossible for you to reach
The Paddies are royally screwed. They claim their official language as Irish, so the EU has to provide simultaneous translation in to Irish on a channel no-one ever dial in to. (The Paddies all listen to the English translation.)
Once the Brits have gone, the Paddies will have to learn Irish, or a proper language to follow EU proceedings.
>No terrorist attacks since yesterday
if you unironically believe any non-english language is even above meme-tier, then you are deeply confused
>not even the most spoken language
>What shall be Europe's common language once the UK leaves?
fun fact: once GB leaves English ceases to be an official language in the EU. every country was able to nominate one language and since GB took English Ireland chose Gaelic.
language =/= culture
It is a huge identity marker, but you can maintain your culture and shift your language. For example, Italian Americans. Well actually Americans in general. I grew up with a German grandmother who spoke english, but we still did all the cultural things. My mom played polka on an according, we celebrated the holidays, etc.
German words are pretty close to english. Not difficult to learn. But I've never understood how to manipulate declinasions : der, die, das, dem, den, etc... holy shit, there's too much words just to say "this".
Ich habe 3 Jahre lang in Deutschland gelebt, dort studiert und gearbeitet. Deutsche Frauen konnten meinem riesigen französischen Schwanz nicht widerstehen; sie sagten mir oft wie klein eure Kartoffeln-Mikropenis sind und wie sehr sie sich auf einen echten Mann freuten.
Let's face it, Kraut, I would be far better equipped to have a career and be successful if German were the lingua franca than you dumb German cucks if French were.
Hannover here.
Sure that might be true, still, I understood the intention of this thread as "What would be an alternative to English".
I really think that our government is so fucked up that they'd try to get English out of the usual language usage just for the lulz when GB really has left the EU. I just wanted to say what would be an alternative. Your argument is true whatsoever so in a realistic picture, we probably would continue to use English. (Just because of our dependence (politically and economically) of America, even if Merkel doesn't want to hear about it.)
>any non-english language is even above meme-tier
In terms of literature I would rank languages as follows:
A. German
B. Italian
C. French
D. Spanish
E. Russian
F. English
The English literature is very superficial. Brits will always talk about Shakespeare this and Shakespeare that, but the truth is, as someone who speaks German, French, Italian, Spanish and English and has read extensive amounts of Russian literature translated into German, I can honestly say, there is little English language literature that is any good.
Das kommt davon wenn man nur libtard Frauen nagelt die sich eh nur auf Leute einlassen die aus anderen Ländern stammen ;)
Lol this is true. Only like one actual Irish rep to the EU can speak functional Irish.
All of the work and money spent to make EU documents available to the Irish in Irish, yet they all request everything in English.
It will remain English. English isn't the lingua Franca because the UK was in the EU. It's because of the USA. Too many people know English as their second language already and English is still just as relevant as the lingua franca if not more so than 10 years ago.
Whether you like it or not it would be a nightmare to undo and even if EU members were made to make German or French their second language they'd still be learning English as a third.
Sand nigger language.
Oidaaa. Paaasst
you fucked it up
it didnt expect more from you
That's true in my opinion. I still have to say, I'd rank Russian higher since it has brought up some fantastic pieces of literature (Krieg und Frieden, Picknick am Wegesrand) just to name two.
It's really easy. They just have one gender more than us and different endings for grammatical roles (like sujet = der, COD = den and COI = dem if masculine). What's really difficult is to remember that when speaking but it comes quickly.
Anything but German.
Also kek at the last line
>not even the most spoken language
If they're going to base it on bio-mass they should learn termite.
>A. German
>austrian german is not precise
>Austrians literally invented beamtendeutsch
The 28 European Union member states have 24 different official languages. While the
EU seeks homogenisation and convergence of the member states in many policy are‐
as this does not apply to its language policy. The present article discusses six argu‐
ments why the European language policy should be changed and the use of English
as a lingua franca be encouraged.
1. The current EU policy of encouraging learning different foreign languages instead
of just one single lingua franca will not significantly improve communication be‐
tween the citizens of Europe.
2. It is empirically incorrect that people’s English proficiency is already sufficient as
if to say that a general improvement of the English language competences is not
3. The claim to not only encourage English language acquisition but simultaneously
that of other foreign languages as well is unrealistic, given the enormous efforts
needed to learn a foreign language.
4. The enormous advantages of a common lingua franca for the future of the Euro‐
pean Union are underestimated. A common foreign language would not only con‐
siderably facilitate economic trade and increase citizens’ mobility within Europe
but would also substantially increase the opportunities of citizens to politically
participate and consequently form a European public sphere. Likewise it would
strengthen trust among the European citizens.
Don't dream sauerkraut, it's been settled once and for ever: french
Historically you're not wrong. I was responding to the OP's question of replacement language.
In this max cucked multicultural ethnomasochist wasteland, people will speak what the Jews tell them to speak.
I just asked my German girlfriend (lol). My bad, plural is "Penisse". Otherwise everything's right. Your turn, try to build a consistent sentence in French without google translate.
5. It is quite an exaggeration that supporting the use of English as the common lin‐
gua franca threats Europe’s linguistic and cultural diversity. The countries’ native
languages will not be threatened but persist, and they will continue to be the main
reference points for identification; they will merely be complemented by a foreign
language. Additionally, the argument of language determining thinking and thus
culture has empirically been highly contested. Promoting English as a lingua fran‐
ca will not threaten Europe’s cultural diversity.
6. Encouraging and promoting English as a lingua franca is not associated with high
costs but can be easily realised when following the example of some smaller EU
countries. Television programmes, especially those for children, which are mostly
English language productions, should no longer be dubbed but be shown in the
original language.
No. In quantitative terms,
- English
- Spanish
- French
- German
- Russian
- Italian
In qualitative terms,
- French
- English
- Spanish
- Italian
- German
- Russian
English poetry is the best (with Italian coming really close), French prose is the best.
1) Isn't gonna happen and you know that. You country has almost elected a populist. Five years ago no one would believe Front National of all parties would make it to the second round.
2) Oh, come on.
3) This is actually possible if you think about it. It's best to keep an eye on a 1.3 billion human anthill where everyone is ready to work himself to death.
and überkek Oiiidaa
>t. guy who can't handle more than 0 genders
you literally talk like a turkroach
The Anglos will never get it, Jaques.
Ja, und Schlagober und Kaiserschmarm. I say make Ösisch the language of the Restored Austro-Hungarian Empire, formerly known as the EU.
Fuck off Jewish shill. You speak your language and I speak mine. You embarrass your countryman.
t. Mohammed al Ibn Abdhulla Mehmet
kys globalist scum
drah di ham grauslicha
You should use your natives languages you cuck.
we already have that, it's English
>see thread for evidence XD
stomme kut moffen met hun veroverings drang elke fucking keer weer opnieuw, sodemieter toch een eind heen met je kanker zuurkool mongool
>In quantitative terms,
>- English
How so? Are you counting all the trash that was written post-1970? That isn't literature.
>In qualitative terms,
>- French
>- English
French ok, good stuff. But what's there in English? Seriously, what?
If the US still stays dominant it will remain English, then when China becomes the next superpower it might be mandarin (unlikely but it could happen).
But the most probable successor to English is definetly German… or Arabic
>You speak in English because of international business and law.
>You speak in English because of business and law. Legalese is like English, and international business is dependent on English. The British empire was of trade more so than to colonise (except America and Australia)
As much as it hurts your limey ass to admit it, America as a Superpower has made every International decision since WWII, including English as the linga franca.
>we already have that, it's English
It should not be English. English is not a good language.
Danish is an easy language to speak, it should be lingua franca of the EU, that way no one will laugh at danes because they all speak danish