There will be much in former FBI Director James Comey’s upcoming congressional testimony that will make the White House uncomfortable, but he will stop short of saying the president interfered with the agency's probe into former national security adviser Michael Flynn, a source familiar with Comey's thinking told ABC News.

Although Comey has told associates he will not accuse the President of obstructing justice, he will dispute the president’s contention that Comey told him three times he is not under investigation.

The president allegedly said he hoped Comey would drop the Flynn investigation, a request that concerned Comey enough that he documented the conversation in a memo shortly after speaking with the president. In the memo, according to sources close to Comey who reviewed it, Trump said: "I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go," during a February meeting.
The request made Comey uncomfortable, but the source tells ABC News that Comey has told associates he will not accuse the President of obstructing justice.

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“He is not going to Congress to make accusations about the President’s intent, instead he’s there to share his concerns,” the source said, and tell the committee “what made him uneasy” and why he felt a need to write the memo documenting the conversation.

Some legal experts told ABC News that Trump's requests as detailed in the memo, which ABC News has not seen, could meet the legal definition of obstruction.

Comey told associates he plans to testify that despite the unusual request from the president he believed strongly that if he did his job properly he could conduct the investigation in an honest way.

DOJ never told Comey of concerns before axing him and now he's 'angry,' sources say
However, Comey has told associates he will not corroborate Trump's claim that on three separate occasions Comey told the president he was not under investigation as part of the probe into Russian meddling in the U.S. election, a source familiar the former director’s thinking told ABC News.

When the President fired Comey early last month he wrote him a letter saying, “While I greatly appreciate you informing me, on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation, I nevertheless concur with the judgment of the Department of Justice that you are not able to effectively lead the Bureau.”

Comey's associates have insisted in recent weeks that Comey would never have offered such assurances, even to the president, as a matter of principle. The FBI has confirmed publicly that it is conducting an investigation into Russian meddling and possible collusion with the Trump campaign, but it has not named names.

The New York Times first reported last month that Trump asked Comey to shut down the Flynn investigation. “I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go,” Trump allegedly told Comey. “He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.”

Comey is scheduled to testify publicly for the first time since he was fired at a hearing in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee at 10 a.m. on Thursday.


So basically he's going to say absolutely nothing and the media is going to sperg out and pretend he did?

thats what i imagine

>mfw he didn't do his job

He needs to learn to shit his big mouth.

When's Comey going to talk about the nigger president and his cronies spying on political opponents?

>mfw Comey was a good guy all along

It's like in a movie where the character with constantly changing loyalties saves the MC at the end

this shit is why he had to go

for a guy who answers most questions with "I can't comment on a pending investigation" I've never seen an FBI agent comment on a pending investigation so damn much

Probably. They also won't bring up that he funnelled money to the Dems through HSBC, his bro does Hillary taxes, comey got the fbi position because he covered for the dems, or that they helped funnel money meant for Haiti.

So Trump will be seen as a liar. Once again. Good reason to impeach desu especially if legal experts say there's still appear to be obstruction from his actions.

are you retarded


nevermind just an inbred yid

Kek, is Comey gonna pull that "extremely careless" shit again

Your Pres. about to be BTFO whiteboi


After a prolonged and convoluted chess game that drags on for months, at which point the audience is so baffled by the point that the few people who have managed to stick around till the end won't even be made aware that the credits are rolling.
It's like the movie 12 angry men, except the first 13 minutes just repeats for 3 hours, then abruptly jumps to the ending, with everyone walking away, having fulfilled their character arcs off-screen.

"...No reasonable FBI director would say that President Trump was obstructing with justice"

What did (((CNN))) mean by this?

>cnn com/2017/06/06/politics/michael-flynn-documents-senate-intelligence-committee

Comey just wants to give everyone the heads up so there is no outrage from the left after the testimony

>stops short
They couldn't just say "Comey will not say" they just HAD to imply Trump did it anyways. Fuck the MSM.

>a source familiar with Comey's thinking told ABC News


Fuck the MSM. They deserve to die horrible deaths. What they are doing is beyond media bias. It's propaganda designed to undermine our democracy. They're trying to undermine and destroy the image of President Trump so badly that it will be acceptable to overthrow him.

They know he's going to say nothing, but they're doing what they can to spin it that he's being silenced. They'll probably also double down on the substance less claim that this is all obstruction of justice.

Bad goys !

>a source familiar with Comey's thinking
excuse me

you are correct, this who thing is mostly
theatre. 80 percent of washington and
the media is running purely on innuendo
what did he mean by this?
isnt that suspicious?
How can we trust him?
He made out with Putin, well kinda sorta he did?
no facts, strictly conjecture and innuendo

Do you understand, in the U.S, House of Representatives and Senate are the same party as the President? Of course you do, (((best ally)))