Pic related, what did Western Europe mean by this?
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I wish I could but
Good on you guys though.
>mfw we flood germany with shitskins intentionally
feels good desu
Western Europe is arrogant. So sure "everything is going to be alright" even when a bomb explodes right in front of them, whereas people in eastern are aware of the danger and do something about it. Every day I pray for the west to open their eyes and remember they have balls.
Kill all Muslims now. Fight for your country. If the government is not going to stand up for you, you should stand up for yourself. Kill them all. Kill. Them. All.
srebrenica 2.0 soon
That's what 200 to 500 years of brutal t*rkish slavery and genocide get you, senpai. First hand experience with islam is the ultimate redpill that stays with you genetically.
Based Christian Egyptian.
East Europe best Europe.