Can someone explain to me why I should give a fuck about the "white race"?
Why does skin colour matter so much?
Can someone explain to me why I should give a fuck about the "white race"?
Why does skin colour matter so much?
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Look at history, compare what Whites have produced with what Far East Asians, Arabs and Blacks have. That is the first step.
some races have lower IQ, you must be a negro.
You are part of the team.
The EU let's it slowly go into the night, excusing a genocide.
yea mexico is great because of native mexicans.....................................................................................................................................................................
Whites aren't the only people that have advanced humanity you know.
Why does IQ matter so much to you?
if you truly didn't care, why are you even asking the question? People who truly didn't care one whit about the subject wouldn't waste time making a post about the subject.
>another kike proxy poster shitposting to try and divide and conquer
This is a very obvious shill tactic, theyve been using German and UK flags the most.
Those most adamant tend to be those who accept the truth of racial superiority, but unwilling to believe they are simply born of inferior genetic stock.
Whites on average are superior, but not all whites are the same. The alphamale is born with the drive for self improvement, naturally attracts mates, and lives a good clean life by their natural drive to succeed.
The belligerent betamale feels that they should be acknowledged and treated as alphas while barely imitating the traits rather then embodying them naturally. This causes a sense of dysphoria in the betamale leading to them lashing out at society. Particularly you'll see a great racial insecurity as they know by genetics they have a better shot at being part of the chosen ascended ones, but in reality they're actually subpar to even many of the more well trained mud races. Often they deal with this insecurity with anger and humour to cover up the truth they know deep down.
They are the end of their genetic line and will never breed. This is a natural occurrence for flawed bloodlines to develop traits unappealing to mates, especially when there's a lack of natural predators to stop these lines the old fashioned way.
Whites are the ones who invented globalism, diversity, feminism, open borders, etc. and/or made it popular.
Look at how based Japan is compared to most other western nations.
Caucasians are more than a skin colour, user.
Different races manifest into different cultures, as such, you should be concerned when the race that created the basis for some of the greatest civilizations in the world is being intentionally diluted and killed.
I just want to hear arguments in favour of white nationalism since I can't think of any.
Haha you got me bro! Oy vey da goyim know XD
Yes but whites have done it the best.
Because otherwise humanity will never make it out of our own solar system
Don't pay those people any mind. White supremacists are almost always ugly, poor, fat white nerds with tiny little dicks and are almost always virgins. They are deeply insecure about themselves and the only way they can cope with reality is if they lash out. They fear natural selection.
Asians did too. Early Arabs, but they have become defunct intellectually. Perhaps India mildly.That's about it.
Okay you're going off on a tangent there but it still doesn't explain why race matters.
>intentionally diluted and killed.
It's not though.
Marx was (((White))). Trotsky was a (((White))).
Yeah the Chinese and the Arabs were the people I was thinking of that contributed as much as white people.
Not all races are the same. Currently the white race is hitting it's peak and natural selection is producing undesirable mates to control population.
So all of the machinations of Marxist thought flooding our society and educational centers are not so?
Because it makes the losers here feel better about themselves.
They're not wrong, though. Europe is better off white.
you should take pride in your own folk, feel for your own people. White Nationalism is mainly Americans desperate for idendity. I am proud to be German and I want to bring Germany back.
You should do the saem for your country.
So whenever a white person does or says something you disagree with, he's a Jew?
>Not all races are the same. Currently the white race is hitting it's peak and natural selection is producing undesirable mates to control population.
There's no evidence to suggest that's true. Most people agree that whites are just having fewer children since their priorities in life change in a developped society.
You'll see the same thing happening in non-white developped countries like Japan.
What of Africa then?
It's not just skin colour, it's about culture, religion, variety, morality, stability, economy and more.
No they're not.
That's just conjecture. You have no evidence to support the notion of a white genocide.
Whites are just choosing to have fewer kids. As are Japanese people. seeI like England. I think it's a great country but I don't know if "pride" is the correct term to use since I'm only English by accident of birth. It's not really an accomplishment.
What of it?
No, but the original instigators of the system that propagates the destruction of western society were postulated by Jews.
It is unwise to make assumptions of your discussion opponents points.
Dude Marx and Trotzky were jews, how far in denial are you? You want to tell me now you don't recognize the biggest evil in this world?
It's you again.
Guys, this guy is a known shill. Give up. He cannot be argued with.
instead of asking us, go ask other races why their skin matters
That was jews you retard
I implore you to research the Frankfurt school, the original propagator for the ideas of Marxism in our educational centers. I also implore you to think critically as to why it is that the birth dearth of society has come about in such a short time-span, when merely 40 years ago birth rates were quite high, well so for any nation as large as ours.
This is confirmation bias. Stormfags will always try to incriminate the Jews in everything.
It's really pathetic that grown men can still fall for this.
No it's not. Blacks have literally offered nothing of value in political, culture or social aspects throughout history. There is nothing subjective about facts.
>no evidence to support the notion of white genocide
Lmao fucking retards, this is why your country is fucking shit. White people are literally niggers with pale skin.
No you're just a dumb faggot, who doesn't understand the Jews role in history, let alone in present day. All of us are wholly capable of accepting responsibility for ourselves and shit, but we're not blind niggers either.
>accident of birth
typical liberal speak
But you found your way here luckily.
Of course you can argue this way. It is typical for our Zeitgeist and comes natural to the liberal worldview, since individualism is king there.
But if you try to leave that midset for a moment, and try to view it a bit more objectively, what is wrong in taking pride in the achievments of your ancestors? Wouldn't you be proud of the achievments of your brother? So why is it so hard to apply this to your extended family, your nation, your people?
What the fuck does Marxism have to do with "white genocide"?
It seems like you're just mixing up all these random concept and drawing arbitrary conclusions.
Presumably you understand the difference between correlation and causation right? Just because white people (and people of other races in developped countries like Japan) are having fewer kids doesn't mean they're being willfully exterminated.
There's nothing preventing whites from having kids. In fact, if you have kids the govt will give you large sums of money to look after them if you're unable to do so yourself. Your theory is just absurd.
Humoring you, I will give you a lesson on confirmation bias.
The wonderful developement of the Human brain has led us to have a refined skill at pattern recognition, this is the system in which IQ tests are based off of. This pattern recognition is useful in situations such as these because it is important to recognize reoccurring themes in the elements that one pays attention to. Now if you would like to provide me evidence to the contrary to my analysis that Jews have been the developers and propagators of Marxism, then by all means do so, until then however, there is no discussion to be had with one who uses no backing for his claims.
Because you can take many things from a white man BUT NOT HIS PRIDE!
I didn't realise the only two races were whites and blacks.
Not a single argument anywhere in your post. Try again.
Okay but if we follow your logic to its natural conclusion then why stop at your nation, why not extend it to the entire human race as well?
Its not about skin color pleb
Its about YOUR people. If you arent white, than I dont expect you to give a fuck about whites. If you are, you should care about your own tribe
don't listen to the bull shit its more than just skin color.
>what does Marxism have to do with decreased birth rates
Lmao wow are you real?
Neither is there a single argument in any of your posts. I have no respect for your intelligence.
Why are you bringing Marxism into this?
I though we were talking about race and identity and you're brining up leftist economic policies.
Well you see OP, it's not that it matters if you care about race, it matters that everyone else does. Let's say a majority of non-whites develop an animosity towards whites, and then organize and act in that manner. Do you think you would be spared because "I totally don't care about race guys"? Would you want to be on your one in that situation? Wouldn't it be smart to team up as well?
>It's just skin colour, guys!
Wilfully obtuse false dichotomy. Race is about your origins and your nation. I'm willing to bet you are not a white Briton ie not Saxon, Celtic or any other derivative of white European besides. If you are you must be a heavily fluoridated transexual that's on the weekly E.T. abduction schedule and your asshole is so wide from being probed and mind controlled (yes via your asshole) that you're not even worth considering as a member of the human race anymore.
Witnessed, also /thread
Marxism is not just an economic policy, it is an entire system and encompasses social policy and culture
>if dey look difrent den they dif spoecies duhurrr
This isn't even national socialist ideology lmao.
>If you are, you should care about your own tribe
But WHY?
That's what I'm asking.
Why should I care?
There are plenty of white people who are cunts and plenty of brown people who are bros. I don't think race is a big deal really.
>try to incriminate the Jews in everything
but it is true confirmation bias doesn't explain half of it. Have you actually looked at our monetary system? Have you looked at the US media which is mostly under the control of 5 (((people)))? Have you never wondered, why modern movies are full of leftist propaganda?
I mean by now it should even be noticable by a normie like you, they are pushing random gay couples in every second movie. Also note how those gay couples always behave incredible unrepresantative.
Have you read Marx? I take it you have not otherwise you would see the anti-western and anti-European mentality overtly present in his works.
Marx's doctrine of supreme equality of all beings is counter-intuitive to the natural laws of the world we live as well as the development of Human's on this planet. Inequality is a natural facet of life, and not simply inequality in monetary sums, but in intelligence and IQ. As such, it is natural for groups which have the least differences to stick together and purvey their facets of dialogue more effectively. Marx would challenge this by stating everyone is equal and should be housed in the same environment.
You assume that all of the issues plaguing modern European society as well as Asian are simply a matter of the birth dearth, while that is not the case. The very culture which holds these societies together is being subverted by the groups propagating Marxism
Pride in ones nation doesnt mean you are "proud" like winning a baseball game...
It means you are apart of a people and you should do good for your own people before others
Show me where Marxism advocates white genocide then.
You do realize Akira Toriyama designed the Saiyan warrior race after the White warrior race right?
Holy shit you really are retarded aren't you?
>why not extend it to the entire human race as well?
Because I share no blood ties. Aslo (((human race))) is about the biggest bullshit that the left ever pushed.
because other races will take over and destroy you obviously.
You would be fine with muslims or chinese taking over your government? You do realize they will grant secret privilege to there own people above yours. Its tribe wars, even if you dont care, others do
>putting gorillas into the same group as niggers
Strongly-knit, small family groups of vegetarians where the alpha males discourage violence. Chimps are the loud screeching ones going to war and cannibalizing each other over territory.
>(((Rothschild's))) giraffe
Not even fucking giraffes are safe from the international jew.
Chinese and Japanese are second to whites, but they lost it the race when after the renaissance and were left behind during the industrial revolution. The last thing they came up with is powder. Anyway, stop beating around the bush, idiot, whites have offered the most in terms of any aspect of life, something which is not subjective since it has been historically recorded and can be measured, and this is why they deserve to be around.
> Be me
> Be White
It doesn't. Sup Forums is full of faggots.
> Be oldfag
> Unironically want nonwhite genocide
> Unironically cry about white genocide
It doesn't. Sup Forums is full of faggots.
this image is way too stylized
make the text easier to read
also kek for blacks they used that pic of the prison guy
The point is, Everyone should be able to get along.
But the fact that certain groups are pushing to eradicate other certain groups, means you have to equalize it by fighting back against it.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." -Edmund Burke
You realise that Jews are individuals right? They're not some hive mind collective consciousness that all share the same views and have the same goals in life right?
Only the dumbest uneducated stormfag would believe that Jews everywhere all have the same political views and agree on everything.
A more accurate correlation is that people in the MEDIA and SHOWBIZ tend to be left leaning liberals. That applies to whites, blacks, jews, everyone.
Can you give me an example where Marx advocates white genocide please?
Do you think that Marxism even controls society? You realise that not a single European country is Marxist in any way shape or form right? The EU is a neoliberal capitalist entity.
How dumb do you have to be to think that Europe and the US are Marxist?
The amount of integration of Blacks into the cultural societies of Europeans has been relatively low compared to the total amount of Africans in the world. As such most Bro-tier as you would call the blacks are such moreso because of the society of which shapes their being than any inherent kindness. However it was not Africans that built the society which has shaped them to be more civilized, it was the on average more intelligent Europeans.
law of averages sure some whites are this but of this group most are that.
I want concrete examples. Show me where Marx called for white people to be exterminated.
You've proved nothing so far. Marxism isn't even relevant in the 21st century.
What are you talking about? Educate yourself in anthropology you rube. All humans share blood ties. Oftentimes you'll have more in common genetically with someone of a different race than with another white person.
>because other races will take over and destroy you obviously.
How can you say that when you live in the United States? Probably the most ethnically diverse country on the planet.
Marxism is not merely a economic standing, and I have already explained how the doctrines of Marxism implore a subversion of European values, have some reading comprehension.
Marxists today dont call themselves marxists because they dont know what it is nor know what it means. They call themselves "Egalitarians".
Whites are a world minority, therefore multiculturalism is the goal of eliminating White countries
Also you are right about one thing, there isnt just ONE JEWISH thought, there is two. Zionist Jews vs Globalist Jews. Both are enemies and both should be exiled from the west
>Marxism isn't even relevant in the 21st century
You are objectively wrong
I'm going to ask you the same question I asked earlier.
Why is IQ such a big deal?
>Oftentimes you'll have more in common genetically with someone of a different race than with another white person.
Nice Lewontin's fallacy you got there OP.
>What are you talking about? Educate yourself in anthropology you rube. All humans share blood ties. Oftentimes you'll have more in common genetically with someone of a different race than with another white person.
well since wolves can still breed with dogs I guess if you want a pet you should not be racist and get a wolf.
>Why is IQ such a big deal?
It directly impacts the quality of society. It's no coincidence that the most developed and desirable countries are those with the highest average IQs.
IQ means Intelligence Quotient. It is a measure of the typical intellectual feats capable by a specific entity, and when taken on mean average of a collective body it denotes intellectual capabilities of that collective body.
>How can you say that when you live in the United States? Probably the most ethnically diverse country on the planet.
kek. The nonwhites have been destroying and dividing the country since we let them in. You realize how black and mexican cities are murder capitals? You realize how the Chinese have bought hollywood and nearly all of the real estate, causing house prices to skyrocket?
You haven't explained that at all.
Prove to me by quoting Marx that he is anti-white. Give me specific examples, not just your own interpretation.
Do you seriously think that wanting everyone to be afforded the same dignity as human beings regardless of the ethnicity is "evil marxism that wants to destroy the white race"?
Okay well that one random Sup Forums infographic proves me wrong.
He's not even talking about Marxism you idiot.
Do you guys even know what Marxism is? Or is it just a blanket term you use for things you don't like?
>You realise that Jews are individuals right?
>They're not some hive mind collective consciousness that all share the same views and have the same goals in life right?
They are individuals, but they are also a nation. A nation that isn't bound by land but purely by blood. The jews are living in foreign countries, but they still keep to themselves. They are not only a religion, but also a folk. And other than us it is much easier to be a proud jew. It is met with far less criticism than for example the White Nationalism you came to hear about.
So do you really think these people do not cooperate at all? Even despite the fact that they evidently do?
What are saying isn't that it is some big conspiracy, where every jew meets once a year to discuss plans. We are simply suggesting that they work together to furthen their interests over ours, because they are a parasitic nation.
There is a reason they have been thrown out of so many countries in the course of history.
You don't belong here
low IQ means you can't control your shit.
I know you are probably not this retarded and playing the devils advocate, but Im too tired for this bullshit
oy vey
That's an absurd comparison.
The differences between dogs and wolves are far greater than the differences between blacks and whites. Please go and talk to your anthropology professor.
Is it?
I don't think that China is a desirable country to live in but they have a higher IQ on average than Europeans.
I know what it means, I'm asking why it matters.
You just said that other races want to "take over and destroy" the white race. Hyperbole much?
Large subset of the white population thru out western history have leaned far too the left. Whites are genetically predisposed to be leftist.
>Do you seriously think that wanting everyone to be afforded the same dignity as human beings regardless of the ethnicity is "evil marxism that wants to destroy the white race"?
You sure try to sound intelligent with all those retorts "exposing" our "stupid" way of thinking.
But ok, so if it isn't marxism behind it, can you name one country that did it in history?
Marxism is the adherence to the doctrines and values of a society denoted by Marx. As such it is inherent in his doctrines of the ideas of communism that all peoples are equal (of which has been proven false by IQ statistics) and can be made to comfortably inhabit a society together while combining the traits of all of their races. This has the effect of subverting all of the structures of developed society and making room for an ineffective mash of competing and violent cultures.Races survive by adhering to their people and their culture, and by trying to manage a collage of every society rather than simply allowing those suited to develope alongside one into doing so, you are actively destroying not just a society, but the race itself.
k, source? I say they aren't and I am completely and 100% correct. Go fuck yourself kike
People in Maroc range from African teir to almost French white. It doesn't. But people who believe that they are inferior and are being conquered (by my people ;) and don't realize the strong win. The weak fall. And you, yes you, are weak. Now which one of your sisters will help me get citizenship? Let her know ill love her until I find a second amd third wife...
>implying china proportionately tests the lower class chinks when finding their average IQ
Lmao fucking niggers, I swear.
Have you ever met any Jews? I have. They vary widely in their political views. Just as much as white people. To suggest that they are somehow a singular entitiy with singular interests is spurious.
Ah another Sup Forums infographic. Brilliant.
So really what you're telling me is that you think we should get rid of all low IQ people right? So dumb whites have to go and smart blacks can stay?
I told you why it matters. Peoples with a stark contrast in IQ will not be able to manage alongside one another, let alone develope collectively as a peoples.
Top fucking Kek people talking that they are "superior" but white wymn consistently go for SUPEIOR AFRICAN COCK and for WEALTHY FUCKING KIKES. They aren't white, and you are inferior. How's it feel, whitey?
>implying we actually think they are a singular entity like some sort of hive mind
Lmao goddamn niggers. You starting to realize why I don't respect your intelligence?
>That's an absurd comparison.
The differences between dogs and wolves are far greater than the differences between blacks and whites. Please go and talk to your anthropology professor
WTF does anthropology has to do with this biology genetics there is as much difference between humans and dogs and wolves. Much isolation of time as well. Science won't come out and say it because of PC bullshit but its writing on the wall you don't want to listen then lay the fuck down and die and get the fuck of Sup Forums.