Éire/pol/ - No Shill Edition

Man questioned in Limerick over seizure of ID in name of London attacker

Second man arrested over documents link to London attacker

Muslims ‘terrified’ after Galway mosque attacked during prayers

Curriculum must not be just for 'white Irish' only, expert warns

Other urls found in this thread:


first for keks county

>Dr Victoria Showunmi
>an education expert

>an immigrant trying to change the education policy of the country they move to

fucking arrogant sheboon

>"If you look at migration in terms of people of colour, what is quite different is they change the face of Ireland; Ireland is looking very different"

And this has what to do with teaching Irish history? Ireland should now teach nigerian history?

>Dr Victoria Showunmi

This is her.


She appears to be from Britain.

>My research interests and expertise are in gender, identity, race and class. My current research focuses on 1) the notion of identity and leadership and 2) Black girls and Black young women and their well being. I am passionate about equality issues and how they translate into everyday practice for organisations and their workface. Another strength I have is being able to see and grasp the 'big' picture which is a must when working with complex diversity issues.

Yeah I don't think anyone should be listening to her

But she's an "expert." She has dark skin.

the social "sciences" were a mistake. If you read enough bollocks for long enough you can become a "doctor".

Gonna be so quite tonight pretty much all of eirepol is doing exams

>Gonna be so quite tonight pretty much all of eirepol is doing exams

Proof they're all underage faggots.

Even college students finished weeks ago.

Forgot about me, didn't you?

Thanks for the email address. She'll be flooded with spam for the next few weeks now.

Where the NP boys at?

Fuck right off "Senior Lecturer"

start of the leaving cert tomorrow and here I am shitposting. fml

Go to Africa if you care about the well beings of sheboons.

>Mudslimes bitching about a shitty window
>Sheboon lecturing Ireland for being too white
>New Taoiseach is a gay poo
Why can't the kikes leave us alone? (((Shatter))) and Zappone were a mistake

Ireland's first Islamic Clothing Store opens in Limerick

40% of students at CBS (Christian Brothers School) in Limerick city centre are muslim

Limerick school apologises for Charlie Hebdo in classroom

Limerickman attacks Paki Kebab takeaway

Muslim teens in Ireland hate the west

Embrace multiculturalism, potato niggers

Limerick city Muslim community centre set for major expansion

Sunday World reporter dons political Islamist attire to prove Limerick people are "racist"

Radical Islamists Infiltrate Limerick Asylum Centre

Limerick 'not ready' for ISIS-style terror attack

Man questioned in Limerick over seizure of ID in name of London attacker

>who /leavingcert/ tommorow?

This thing has a PhD. An institution actually gave her one. You should read her tweets. She's a babbling, illiterate niggers that can barely string a sentence together. Fucking astonishing. The world has gone MAD.

>where the NP fan boys at?

me, i am irreversibley fucked

Me. Good luck lad.
>tfw going to fail maths
Hold me

Who will be first to be arrested here for hatespeech after the new laws come in? (Other than Howth because that's a given).

>tfw I have to do jack shit for the next 3 days, then I graduate

She's a sociologist it's absolute bottom rung of academia. All post-modernist shite.


Some tweets.

g'luck boys

>emigrating aint so bad huh

Britain sends their black and tans once more to take us out except this time more niggerish.

Speaking of tweets, did Barrett tweet anything in regards to the London attack?

How can we spread the popularity of the glorious ideology known as National Socialism among the nation of Ireland?

Don't make the same mistake I did. Stop browsing Sup Forums and study NOW.

Henry St or Grafton St on a Saturday would be a fucking bloodbath for a Truck of Peace. They should put up the bollards now.

>pic related
talking to your family/normies in ireland about the oncoming jihadis we'll see (hopefully dublin city only jihads).
The manchester and london attacks seem to have made people wary of mudslimes, but not nearly enough. The wolves are walking among the sheep now mo chara.

I'll probably be doing a shit trade desu senpai


Daily reminder that real men have completed trades. Faggots in cubicles from 9 to 5 can't compete.

I may have found an economic system so esoteric and edgy that it might just worth
>Christain Distributism
Basically, Catholic crypto Facism

Oh and Jews hate it with a passion

Fingers crossed for this friday

I mean shit trade as in something like plastering or bricklaying, I won't have a decent enough LC for plumbing or electric (good maths result basically)

what do you do yourself?

Isn't Catholic Fascism basically Falange and Estado Novo?

I think National Socialism should take over Europe again.

Christain Distributism is essentially Facism with explicitly Catholic (or """Christain""""" values)

I completed an electrical trade. Didn't even need a Leaving Cert when I did it, though I did complete the LC.

National socialism, my bad

Couldn't you just get an apprenticeship for electrician or HVAC?

Nice one, are you still at it now?

That's the thing, the employers offering apprenticeships are real bitchy about whether you passed Maths or not in the exam. I'm doing Foundation level maths which is basically "If steven has 100 apples, and michael has 50, what is stevens name"

Lads just a quick poll. Would you rather stay in the EU or leave and join the Commonwealth?

How do Eirefags deal with the fact that the next Irish PM will be a literal homosexual pooinloo

leave and commonwealth DEFINETLEY

Stay in the EU and still cut off immigration Poland or Hungary style.

I'd prefer just normal National Socialism.

Leave the EU.

...OR become the 51st state
Really? All you need over here is a highschool degree

No way the ECJ would allow that mate

The fact that his politics don't reflect the leftist wet dream of having a shitskin leader. Im too blackpilled to care anymore, I just want a bungalow in the middle of nowhere and get away from it all.

Say what you want about the EU but they're paying me €200 a month to drink on my Erasmus next year.

>tfw you become so blackpilled that you DO care

>are you still at it now?

Only occasionally for the odd nixer, but not as a job. I upskilled again and did a degree in electrical engineering. The apprenticeship was a solid foundation, anyway.

I would advise against doing a plastering apprenticeship just because every Pole and Baltic man in Ireland does that shite.

Try do plumbing. I am sure if you apply for a small company (domestic plumbing rather than industrial) and drive around with one bloke in a van, you'll get a job. It's normally the larger companies that want a decent LC. Others will take you with JC.

This site has good info for all apprenticeships anyway:


>mfw I go to this college

Fuck you and fuck Dairmaid O'Cairbre.

>Their country doesn't have gun fighter ballads
It's like you guys are fags or something

If Ireland were to join the Commonwealth it would mean that we would have to take immigrants from all over Britain's former empire. At least EU countries are white.

We need to do some more sciencey shit, some inventions.

Only if the north is returned would I consider joining the Commonwealth. Otherwise not a chance in hell.

Peter Hook of Joy Division and New Order is coming to Limerick in November lads. Get hype.

Damn that sounds like a hot ticket.

€23 for a ticket. On in Dolan's Warehouse.

kys Roorah

Wish me luck lads. Exams tommorow.

So is it just the one day of exams?

Oh what will everyone say when you come back? You've gone for like two weeks right? Lol

I have exams all this week and next week.
Them the following week I gave physics on the Monday. I'm in am alright position.

Two weeks of exams? Fucking wew lad
I'm out in Three days

stop posting and start cramming you lazy drunk

I actually studied and got everything done in time
Lucky bastard. I'm finally finished on the 19th of June.

>19th of June
lol that's the date of my graduation ceremony

Why did he get so much attention?

Maybe if it was just a UK, Can, Aus, NZ union but not all the other Commonwealth countries too. Freedom of movement with pakistan and india would be the end of it all.

Nice. What are you doing after school?

good luck

I'll be working in a restaurant till I go off to uni at the end of summer.
What about you?

Good luck to everyone doing state exams but I firmly believe that there should be a television and radio ban on mentioning them for one month before and one month after they finish. It only piles added pressure on the kids to the point that they believe their entire future depends on their results, which couldn't be further than the truth.

Thanks lad
Working in a cafe till I head to uni in September. More looking at qt protestant girls on Sundays serving them tea and shit.
I might try get a gf over the summer but it's unlikely.

Wtf are you doing in a suburb user? Are there a lot of chinks?
>might try to get a gf over the summer
Go for it my dude

when are you lads pulling down that shitty spire and erecting a 100m statue of mannanan mac lir or morrigan?

God bless you based kiwi.
A few qts around the place. Il see what I can do. That song you listed made me feel.
I remember when exams and stress were just a distance memory. I'd love to go back to the earlier 2000s. How's the qts in yanksville?

Not there anymore, I was visiting friends of mine and no, the place was a nice mix of white and Maori.

I'm Irish lad.

You have a hardon for a meme party that isn't a party.


>mix if whites and Maori
In all seriousness how are the Maori? I've heard they're bro tier, is that true?
>early 2000s
Comfy asf, would do again
>qts in America
Tbh, I'm just looking forwards to leaving my town, never really felt like I fit here since I moved here, take that for what you will

It's a fair cop

Well I better head to bed. Night lads.

Most just keep to themselves. The ones that do speak to you are fucking legends! Really nice people.

Good luck tomorrow
Nice! You're on the north island right? Do you plan to visit the south at all?

I done it two years ago and you'll be surprised how quick you forget about it when you start college or work

I only had to specifically mention my leaving cert results in 2 of the jobs I've ever applied for

Best of luck though lad, it's over quicker than you realise and the getting the results is very anticlimactic.

EU, purely because we'd get more benefits out of it atm. We're a state that actually gets quite a lot out of the EU even if it's a complete shitfest, if we joined the commonwealth we'd just be subject to the same shite as the anglos.

good luck man

Why does Bernie support the killing of unborn Irish babies, Sup Forums?

because he's a jew

>In all seriousness how are the Maori? I've heard they're bro tier, is that true?
There are a ton of Maori in Las Vegas. They are the absolute niggers of the South Pacific. Constantly and I mean CONSTANTLY trying to get in fights, smoking meth, beating their wives and kids, drinking themselves retarded, living off the dole. Send them back to go worship coconuts or eat monkeys or whatever they do.

Did you see they made Rex Tillerson, our Secretary of State, do their fucking "pick up the leaf I dropped or we'll fuck you up" welcome dance? He should have looked that big island monkey in the face and stepped on it.

>Peter Hook of Joy Division and New Order is coming to Limerick in November lads. Get hype.

Prepare for a suicide bomb attack.

Pic related

So I was talking to a friend of mine there, apparently above his tattoo shop theres a Thai massage place, perverts coming and going all the time.

Should we try to get them deported?