you have 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000001 nanoseconds to answer this.
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A good one would.
God isn't just making a sword he's making souls and they are not complete until the next life user
God ≠ human
You cannot act as if a regular human metalsmith is the same as God.
define good
without being subjective
but he would melt it, good and bad atoms, if it doesnt come out as its supposed to
God is not a person, faggot
>God ≠ human
where in the OP did you see God compared to a human?
typical theist brainlets, incapable of original, un-sheeple thought
So God is a dick that created suffering but doesn't care about it.
A loving craftsman cares for every part of his creation, and we have the most loving craftsman of all
Okay kike, you are clearly comparing a metalsmith to God or the question to theists wouldn't make sense.
Yes, he would smelt the iron, remove the slag, hammer the worthy material into a worthy form, quench the blade to give it a fine temper, and hone the edge keen in which to strike down his enemies, all the while casting away any elements which would cause imperfections to the wayside.
Yup. You're right.
It's an idea
but wait there is more!
This sad brainwashed motherfucker thinks that whoever made thousands of Syrian children suffocate alive from chemical weapons and millions of Africans die from disease is "loving and kind".
fucking lmao
you literally can't physically get any dumber than this, that would be impossible.
>not human
>I'm the brainlet
I don't need to say more I think.
Yes you are a brainlet who can't into metaphors, gratz I guess.
Silly kike, men made suffering. Satan must be getting desperate if this is the best he can muster to dissuade people
Lmao, so what you're saying is god gassed a bunch of syrians now?
As a pantheist I'd say no.
But "he" probably did something to prevent situations like a bunch of ill-mannered atoms spreading everywhere and fucking up his workshop.
If there's only a faulty sword, he'd just throw it somewhere and reforge it some day
Maybe you could elaborate the metaphor instead of making a wrong metaphor and accusing me of not understanding the metaphor.
Let me tell you something new, genesis is not about creation itself.
>is "loving and kind".
You don't understand basic theology, I don't know why should we explain this to you.
Your argument has been answered 10000 times in history throughout different phylosophers. But I will tell it to you once again.
There is no love without freedom. Being a happy slave is useless, that's not real love.
*anyone who is sufficiently skilled to be able to focus in on a single atom and differentiate them from the others would
The"metalsmith did not make the atoms in his image.
Yeesh. Context?
You made a false metaphor stupid kike
Of course the Jew hates God for things humans do
If thy had thus power, he would arrange every atom in perfect order to work with each-other to make an unbreakable sword with endearing and unwatchable sharpness.
Wait I thought God was all powerful..
Now you are saying God isn't "all powerful" because he can't stop man made suffering?
Ok what about Disease? God made disease buuut I though God was loving???
Plot holes everywhere, literally everywhere. LOL
>Now we watch the desperate godcucks try their best to adapt their strawman in order not to look completely fucking pathetic.
It's a very human thing to think that, in creating something, that something has a purpose. It seems nonsensical otherwise. I would imagine that if we were in fact created by an intelligent force, we would indeed be molded in its image. So our "human" way of thinking would actually mimic that of our creator. Therefore, we must have a purpose
I consider humans to be an extension of God, like a son, humans are the sons of God pretty much, how is it possible that out of something so straight forward and mundane as mathematics, algorithms and chemical reactions comes out such a complex net of morals and principles that defy the mere nature of our beings (in other words, human conscience, intellectualism over instinct), not possible for any creature to prioritize morals and principles over instinctive and natural behaviors, that's... like.... so unnatural
That also explains why bad things are bad, they drive us away from god, following your mundane instincts you fade more and more from God's reach, you loose the part of God that lives inside each one of us, you repeal him. Rape, drugs, pride, envy, lust, gluttony, envy, anger, sloth, greed, etc. are instinctive and animal-like behaviors, the inability to behave properly makes you an animal, and animals are brutal, insensitive and selfish
This are examples of men who have lost God
God is still not a person, you say you understand that, yet you treat it like it is. Omnipotent is what YOU are, the things you can be but aren't.
Some Mexican cartel trying to intimidate rival gangs, the webm is probably the Zetas
You know how violent spics can get
sin created suffering, and man created it.
>that's... like.... so unnatural
Just because you can't into how the brain works doesn't prove the design to be of intelligent origin.
In 50 years we will know exactly how the brain works, and how to create life.
God is all powerful, but the world is also tainted with sin - the thing God hates.
Do you care about every shekel you have?
Would a parent make a child that doesn't clean his room ?
>OP compares god to a human metalsmith
>"Where in the OP is god compared to a human?"
Really activates the almonds.
It's simple: God is the cosmic autist.
I would. Most of blacksmiths that make great knives have microscopes to look at the structure of the cutting surface. A true perfectionist would.
you do realize that God is the only reason white people have not finished what Hitler started, right?
Religion is a coping mechanism for a time when daily suffering made emotional trauma unbearable, which allowed for divine narrative to take over in small communities.
Once population density grew, religion was highjacked by smart men to subjugate others in the name of some divine cause.
*tips intellect*
>autism is the key to perfection
everything is so clear now
Underrated kek
some instinctive behaviors are what we would consider "moral" and are selected for not because of their morality, but because they are beneficial to the species.
altruism, i believe, is what your whole post is about.
Maybe you want to keep reacting if you like a fair discussion. The fact that every interpretation of every holy book is wrong does not mean that the initial writings were wrong. 6000 years of translation is what ruined the books, and no fucking wonder it did, look at the amount of words we have now about things that weren't even close to conceptualized back then. Look how much our worldview has changed during that period. If you read the books right, there's more to it than "muh world is created 6000 years ago by muh angry omnipotent skyman". Also never forget that the search of truth initiated by such books (and meanwhile condemned by the churches), is what gave us science, the ultimate objectification of knowledge, but also the tendency to take everything literally.
just gas your family, jew
Why would he punish them when he is in control of them?
That's what you're forgetting.
Would a jew care about every penny he stole from filthy goys?
Here's a hint: he would
God isn't a metalsmith you dumb jew
>you can't into how the brain works doesn't prove the design to be of intelligent origin.
Not referring to physical or technical aspects of the human being, I'm referring to the spiritual plain, if you cannot see beyond the flesh, why even bother debating me?, aren't you supposed to be an edgy dude who thinks God doesn't exists?....
I think that if someone here truly believes in God it is you, and you hate that fact, behaving like a selfish being, proud and brute
>muh science
It doesn't matter, I find jewish people to be the ultimate example of this behavior of yours, renegades, rebels, rogues, revolutionaries, Bolsheviks, liberals, the ultimate way of expressing your frustration to the fact that you don't understand anything
If that smith was a perfectionist with infinite capabilities, yes.
You realize that the New Testament is almost a perfect copy paste the of Torah which is literally thousands of years older?
pathetic desu
>if you cannot see beyond the flesh, why even bother debating me?
Are you for fucking real?
And just cause ya pull a number out of you ass doesn't prove anything either.
Yes I am, care to point out what's wrong with what I said?
>spiritual plain
stopped reading there, you autistic subhuman piece of garbage ;-)
What's the picture where it shows a Jew telling a christian to take a loan from him or something, the christian points out that usury is not allowed, and then the Jew brainwashes the christian with hedonism just so that he could take out a loan from him?
Why don't you actually engage in a discussion about your own fucking question before calling anyone else pathetic? It's like you really want the gas.
In fifty years hopefully we are all dead and the world has ended.
It's cringy as fuck.
>spiritual plain
>muh jooz
>muh communists
I already heard and understood your strawman, nothing more to learn from you.
is it the one with the background music? i've been here almost a decade and that's the only video that still haunts me.
1. Which god?
2. Why that particular god?
3. Define that god
4. Evidence for that god?
5. Define soul
6. Evidence for a soul?
7. How do you know they are incomplete?
Why's it got to be a sword, man?
You live by the sword, you die by the sword.
>you literally can't physically get any dumber than this, that would be impossible.
Don't bet on this. christfags have a long history of defying this rule.
>Maybe you could elaborate the metaphor instead of making a wrong metaphor and accusing me of not understanding the metaphor.
>ask to elaborate
>jew ignores me
Well, your stupid thread is done I guess.
The sun and moon, both round, both emit light, still they will never be a metaphor of each other. Just like kikes and truth never will.
Ok, yeah right, your counter argument is great, speechless
>Stopped reading there, that's the source of the problem I believe, not even bothering to read counter arguments, I fell for the bait
dam too slow
i will not engage your pilpul, rabbi. you'd just better "pray" that white Christians don't wake up anytime soon
Fuck off synagogue of Satan, you rejected your messiah and now you try and convince others to reject him too?
God isnt limited like a human.
Which god?
Who gives a shit about the fucking AIDS ridden children? they deserve their suffering, and so did you kikes during the holocaust. (Assuming it actually HAPPENED)
You do realize that God imbued us with free will yeah? So anything that happens is our own damn fault. Why create a punishment if we lack the ability to choose to do something stupid.
>he can't stop man made suffering
What makes you think he can't, kike?
Let me make another shitty metaphor.
Person C tells person A and B, "You are allowed to do anything, but please do not kill eachother"
A starts killing B, should C intervene? If yes, why? He gave them permission to do anything, merely asking that they do not kill eachother.
God does not create suffering, people do.
oh snap, he sure got pranked
This a cringe thread?
believe me i hear you in your reply to however....
>define soul
>evidence for a soul
soul = a non-physical entity that inhabits the body
evidence= there is evidence of an "aura" so to speak that surrounds the body; an electromagnetic field of the body.
>inb4 source
you can google that yourself
however, to make things more complicated
the body is made of atoms, which are made up of protons and electrons. protons and electrons are nothing but energy
>inb4 source
you can google that for yourself
>bottom line
a "soul" implies that there is something non-physical about you. but if you are made up of atoms, that are made up of protons and electrons, which are nothing but vibrating frequencies of energy, you are not really physical at all. in fact, nothing is physical; everything is energy
our bodies are non-physical; we are souls
really gets those neurons firing
i meant your reply to
Would a master painter cared about each detail on in his every work?
Would he punish itself or get mad at it?
The answer - Yes
Wow, really burns up those biscuits.
Find me a non-human metalsmith, cunt evidence for a soul, and the other questions dodged.
christfags. Consistent, if nothing else.
Atheist jew tries to destroy the faith of the goy.
If it wasn't for faith, there would be no Israel, oh chosen one, stfu
one example of a behavior we might consider moral that is selected for by nature.
No because a metalsmith isn't God
did he die?
>Be metal Smith
>See clump of shitty metal that wouldn't hold edge
>Tell atom to behave
Atom don't behave
>Appoint best atom to tell other atom to behave
Atom still don't behave
>Remove half of the clump
Atom still don't behave
>Appoint clump from tip of award to rove all unbehaving atoms.
>Atom from tail defeats tip atoms
>Tell unbehaving atoms to just stay in unimportant spot
Unbehaving atoms spread everywhere
>Throw away sword and start over
Are we metal?
Of course its a fucking jew
Are we hip hop?