Youre literally worshipping the king of the Jews. This guy was a catalyst for Zionism and yet you still spew his bullshit. If you had any self worth you would denounce this treacherous ideology in any and all of its forms
Lmao at Christians
Every knee will bow heathen.
The crown of thorns and label "king of the jews" was roman humor.
< Zionists follow Satan, they are fake jews, and anti-semits.
< Jews follow god, christ who is king of the jews, christ founded Christianity [traditional catholicism] through his saints.
>Jesus is God
>God was a Jew
Every tongue shall cease.
How could god have created the universe if he was only born 2000 years ago
Christfags btfo
In Christian faith Jesus ever existed
> jews were always followers of christ who is king of the jews. traditional catholicism is the true jewish faith from god..
>modern fake (jews) follow Satan, they do not follow christ, who is king of the jews.
your ignorance in theology is showing..
>This guy was a catalyst for Zionism
MUCH much more than that. keep watching.
> Jesus said, "I have cast fire upon the world, and see, I am watching over it until it blazes."
Jesus literally hated the jews, though not as much as they hated him, literally the only time Jesus went ballistic was during the cleanising of the Temple where he kicked out the merchants, what we know today as globalists, out of the Temple for being dirty jews, literally the only one time he advocated for violence, that's how bad he knew they were. Look it up.
How's called this pagan youtube larper?
Read the bible and find out unbeliever.
Jesus loves you too!
you are right brother
Wrath sits upon you, I wish I could see your expression when you're proven wrong
he hated fake jews.. the Pharisees were actually secretly worshipping the gods of Egypt, that came from Babylon..
why use the satanic fake jew.. very misleading
Stop trying to subvert it further kike. Jesus converted jews and that should be a continuing goal. Wipe out the Satan worshippers.
>Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.
seems to me like jesus hated capitalism
Islam is white