39yr old woman gives birth to twins

Why are women having babies later and later? 39? When her twins will graduate from college she will be close to dying of lung cancer!

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Fuck her, fuck him. She is a muslim cunt, he secretly converted. May they both die.

>Why are women having babies later and later?


They will be two of the richest and most intelligent twins ever. OP is a faggot.

Whites are breeding just fine, the retarded white trash ones that is.

>Wife's name is Anal
>Have vaginal sex

what is George Clooney pointing at?


With regards to sexual partners, the CDC reports that the average woman between the ages of 25 and 44 reports having had 4.3-lifetime sexual partners. This figure is probably too low because some women will claim to have had fewer sexual partners than they actually have. Young males report having had sex with an average 6.6 women. This figure is probably too high because some men will claim to have had more sexual partners than they actually have. On average, men and women are probably having roughly five lifetime sexual partners.

Why are both men and women liars? Or is the difference that some women have had 8,000 partners, while most men stop at 20 or so?

>Whites are breeding just fine, the retarded white trash ones that is.
That couple ain't white, she is non-white.

>Amal Abracadabramedin

They are outspoken globalists and were the hardest promoters for Hillary during the election you cyck

is she really muslim? she's lebanese, there are a lot of christians there

I know I'm just saying you lot are always saying whites aren't breeding, they are. The shitty Chads and Staceys and other assorted garbage.

>tfw you used to get your dick sucked for cash

Don't know why I get along with robots so well, they don't make any sense to me.

Most whites vote cuck. So what's the point? This website is pretty pointless other than for a bit of fun. Your country is a shit hole run by criminal faggots.

Why do you care?

>he secretly converted

Her mother is Sunni.

Why do so many rich people have twins?

Is it because they get their eggs fertilized in vitro?

This is pol, do you really thinks he knows and/or cares?

Twins are a biological fuckup and rich people/women are likely older and have a higher chance of a fuckup happening during conception/pregnancy

You can't do that meme for George Clooney. Women love him. He's not playing video games or whatever. He's fucking women. This meme does not apply.

She looks like a more banging Huma

Cant wait to see her divorce rape Clooney, itll prove years of bachelorhood right

Isn't she rumored to be a tranny or intersex? I think that's really hot and hope it's true. I'd love to sniff her feet and tooter. Can anyone confirm this? Pic semirelated.

>be clooney
>choose an arab/paki/mongrel/whatever be the mom of your children

You jelly, bitch? She's hot af. Clooney gets to sniff cute Muzzie feet. I see nothing wrong with him choosing that.