Should white muslims convert to christianity?
Should white muslims convert to christianity?
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I am a White Muslim but no way I will covert to cuckristianity
No necessarily, just renounce Islam or get the rope.
flag checks out
No they should neck themselves
Completely useless
Forget cuckolithicism. Orthodoxy is way better
spit at your face, amerifag
orthodoxy is a biggest bullshit among all christian denominations
It's a Christian's duty to spread the word of Jesus Christ. We are like the Apostles on Pentecost, we may be afraid to spread Christ's message but, the effect of spreading it is astounding.
No, they should be given dereligion training and taught how to live secular, civic lives that encourage personal and cultural development without resorting to crime, violence and abuse.
>the same should happen to all religious people.
Your ancestors were weak converting to islam. Return to origin is the right choice.
my ancestors had a free choice
and they've done it in the 9th century
>Should white muslims convert to christianity?
>Should muslims convert to christianity?
rephrase redux
>Should anyone convert to christianity?
extra ecclesiam nulla salus
He will come again with glory to judge the living
and dead.
All whites should become Muslim, declare non-white Muslims as apostates, and wage jihad against them.
Yes or expulsion
No they should be covered to fertilizer.
If you call jizya free choice okay than
calm down satana
pick one
The League of Militant Atheists will rise again. It will create a prefect society just like it did the first time.
L'Islam devint religion d'État quand le khan Almuch se convertit et prit le nom de Jaffar. Ibn Fadlân fut alors envoyé par le calife Abbasside Al-Muqtadir en 922-923 pour établir des relations et apporter des cadis et des professeurs de droit islamique aux Bulgares de la Volga, ainsi que pour aider à la construction d'un fort et d'une mosquée. Les religions païennes voire chrétiennes continuèrent cependant à être pratiquées.
Orthodoxy is catholicism you moron
I'd prefer both
Poland stop embarrassing youself
Im orthodox and is far away from catholicism
The only true name for the organized atheist is the Allied Atheist Alliance, the AAA!
Orthodoxy and Catholicism literally only differ over the church hierarchy and traditional practices. Otherwise there theologies are virtually the same, just worded differently.
They should be issued an ultimatum, either renounce Islam or GTFO. Also everybody should convert to Christianity.
All muslims should convert to Christianity along with everyone else who is not already.
Nice digits dude! Kickass.
Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity!
(haha j/k fuck Republicanism! Restore the Monarchy! Death to the Republic)
But more srsly you're correct to our Polish friend.
poland pls
yes. Mohammed was a heretic pedophile
They need to choose conversion or exile
Then you make it the law that suspect muslims and jews must eat pork to show they are true christians
Then you up it to conversion or death
Then persecute all those who lied and cheated
500 years of prosperity will follow.
You talk about theory. The reality is i can do the difference because im from a Orthodox family and living in a Catholic country.
Orthodoxy is the purest and simple type of Christianity. From wich islam was inspired.
The Catholicism is filtred and depurated adinfinitum.
no we should kill them all.
So long as they breed in large quantities with European men only, I don't care what white women believe in.
Traitors to the superior white race
France is a secular shithole living in the shadow of a once Catholic country.
Also Orthodoxy is hardly the most simple type of Christianity, there is way more dumbed down shit in the west with these non-denominational churches and other low church Prot movements.
Also Muhammad knew fuck all about Christianity, he thought Mary was part of the fucking trinity.
Italy the same, only old peope go in church. The youngs see Chrstianity like the worse thing on earth.
No, they should be converted into corpses.
>So edgy
you must be an underage
if they so desire
>not being a sedevacantist