no terrorism charges and publication ban has been imposed!

just simple assault charges for woman wearing ISIS flag as headscarf who started shouting "allahu akbar" in toronto store and hitting people with golf club then pulling a knife and attempting to slash and stab people in the name of allah

Other urls found in this thread:

Toronto should be wiped off the face of the earth.

what got me most was the publication ban. top kek, this happened the same day as the london bridge attack and they banned the story from being told. TOP KEK you guys are china now?

Is the key to stopping terrorism acting like the terrorists, shouting Allah Akbar but then only attack Muslims and claiming they aren't real muslims because they let the infidels live

This x100000000000.

Balkanization of Canada when?

anyone have a collage made of all this years Ramadan Bombathon attacks yet?

The reason you never hear terrorist attacks here is because they do this every. Single. Time.

Publication bans are standard here.

They don't tell us shit.

Unfortunately this is true.

LOOL my city (kitchener) has over 40 thousand serbs. They are everywhere.

Could be worse.

>had a knife
>didn't stab anybody

Looks like a loony desu

Not complaining, most are orthodox christian. Not a christ cuck myself but at least they hate muzzies too.

I actually don't mind the Asians and since I've moved from Surrey to Van this place is quite comfy


I could see that.
>inb4 Sikhs are bro tier

Well yeah. It would be islamaphobic to do otherwise.

This reminds me of that time my sister wanted to have practice sex to prepare for her date. She came home after school one day all flustered and said that her crush would only date her if they had sex after dinner. Mind you she was 16 and this dude was 19 (got held back a few years), while I myself was 11.

I didn't have a suit so I put on my dad's which was hilariously oversized, even if I was pretty big for my age and did as she asked. I love my sister so I didn't question much but when she wanted to practice kissing after eating I got a little nervous so I backed out a little. We ended up doing that thing the dogs did in Lady & the Tramp which made it a little less awkward.

My sister had never had sex before, and obviously neither had I. She had no real formal sex education (bible belt) but had seen a porno flick after sneaking into the theater last year. I'm guessing that's where her knowledge came from because she had some pretty detailed requests, asking me to take off her bra and rub her breast, and in turn she would take off my pants and poke my weiner. We went to her bedroom and she gently tied me to the frame with her bra and took off her underwear. I didn't know what was going on and I didn't have any real sexual attraction to my sister but I got a slight chubby and she got on top of me and slid it in her vagina. She told me that she'd do all the work because I didn't know how and kinda started jumping up and down on my semi. This scared my penis flaccid so we gave up.

Anyways, we cannot let trump have the nuclear codes.

Ok Pajeet, Serbs and Croats (when they're no busy genociding each other) generally live quietly and work, have families, etc, and it's closer to 10K in KW out of 500K.

They will come in handy on the day of the rope

Dear Uncle Sam,


Invade us and make us GREAT FOR ONCE!


Your red headed step child,


>nu-pol will defend this

>how to trigger the right every time
>simply shout allahu akhbar when committing a crime
>alt right falls for derp Islam will destroy muh culture and family meme and narrative

>walks on london bridge
>"I love Eng..."

B-but they kill muslims that means they should live in our countries and breed with our women BASED SIKHS

I wonder if this is more gynocentrism, or "if we kill them we lose"...

please read again, i never said i didn't like serbs ;D

>banzai sushi house
>imperial Japanese flag

The absolute mad men, this is the exact same as opening a confederate BBQ house and using the Dixie flag as the emblem.

On a side note, is TENNO HAIKA BANZAI top 3 war cries of the last 200 years?

If Allah was so fucking great he'd take a stroke off my game.

>i like muslim dick in my face and ass and wife's cunt
t. you


if china, kebab shot already

Why the fuck do leafs steal all our place names

So we should just pretend it didn't happen? I'm all for alternative solutions if you got any good ones. Violence seems to be the only thing I can think of at the moment

So Toronto was the 2nd ISIS target during the London attacks? This was co-ordinated

Still owned by the Crown

Because you Fucking Colonized our country and named everything? Why are bongs so uncreative?

the best part is she pledged to ISIS in front of a judge.

Both the US and Canada have more places of significance with Scarborough in the name than the UK. Eat dick

So proud of you Canada! So brave!

fun fact: bongs don't read books anymore. let alone history.

Look at New England in the US.

I hope this happens, some Canadian regions are as distinct as California and Texas.

Alberta - Based, essentially white lumberjacks who ride moose and don't give a fuck.
Sask, and Manitobia - pretty based as well, though SJW disease has infected portions
Newfies - ok i guess, pretty much spend all their time wishing they where Scotland.
B.C. - Literally a chinese retirement home.
Quebec - literal shit, hates everyone else, wishes they where French, the French wish they where dead.
Ontario - the source of Leafposting, completely overrun with arabs and other brown immigrants, the white people still there are completely self loathing. Should be nuked from orbit.
Yukon, N.T. nunawhathefuck - who?

You need a civil war, cut off the gaping infected wound that is Ontario, and cauterize the wound with a giant maple fence.

you gotta be fucking kidding me? how the fuck do they have the authority to ban publication of shit like this? literal censorship?????? nobody in toronto complains?

lol scarborough is literally a shithole in toronto.

she tried, it sounds like somebody tackled her and they were able to restrain her. and someone was injured in the attack. obviously if there wasnt a publication ban we would know the whole story

If we had a second civil war we would just try and finish what we started the first time, the frenchies have got to go.

Says the Horsemen are investigating, and having no local jurisdiction in Scarborough, I would assume that they are looking into the Jihadette angle.

Toronto will make Detroit look like heaven on Earth by 2018 at this rate

This, but leave Quebec alone. You only really need to wipe out Ontario and maybe BC.

There was a publication ban on Gamil Gharbi's true name and history after he shot those 14 women. 10 year publication ban. Even more interesting is how I have looked for that info recently and can't find it anymore...

This is why you guys suck. USA constitution's first amendment might let CNN run around but at least it keeps cucks from burying anything that would redpill people


top kek
the chick was wearing the banner of ISIS dumbfuck

arab women go on stabbing attacks all the time in israel
im guessing no, but it should at least be investigated. maybe ISIS had just released a publication recently and that tipped these people over the edge at the same time
source?? the judge still didnt recommend terror charges? what are you guys going to do when shes set free after a few months?

it's in the latest articles from CTV.

If this happens, Canada will have no MLB team. Chew on that you nigger.

let's play the "point out the (((coincidences)))

>Based, essentially white lumberjacks who ride moose and don't give a fuck.
Western Australia, Queensland

>pretty based as well, though SJW disease has infected portions
South Australia

>ok i guess, pretty much spend all their time wishing they where Scotland.

>Literally a chinese retirement home.
ACT, but all of the "Chinese Pensioners" are actually Chinese spies

>literal shit, hates everyone else, wishes they where French, the French wish they where dead.
New South Wales

>the source of Leafposting, completely overrun with arabs and other brown immigrants, the white people still there are completely self loathing. Should be nuked from orbit.

Northern Territory

New Scarborough, then. Happy? We are still English, after all.

im just shocked to find out toronto has censorship. i never knew this until today. does all canada do it or just toronto?

Classic mad anglos who can't accept Quebec is the only uncucked place in this country.

>Passed laws to force immigrants and english to speak french
>Literally language police that can close your shop if it's not in french
>Capital city is 95% white
>We shoot the muslims, the muslims don't shoot us (mosque attack in Quebec)
>Nationalist ideals ensures it's "us before them"

Why can't you control your immigrants, Canacucks?

Fucking disgusting cuck. You are truly fucking pathetic.

Your assessment is wrong. Alberta is NDP controlled and majority voted. Literal socialists.

Ontario is still the worst though.

Quebec don't wish they were parisian. They have their own culture and want to keep it. I think you're just mad we have a culture that does not revolve around cheeseburgers.

And those lumberjacks you speak of come from Quebec. The big cities are plagued with marxist brain virus, however rural Quebec is entirely traditionalism. Town named Herouxville bans/ kicks people out if they are migrants, regardless of what gov. says. Lol.

Pic related. Whites only.



>When asked her name during a court appearance on Tuesday, Rehab Dughmosh said through an interpreter: “ISIS – I pledge to the leader of the believers: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi."
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is the leader of the Islamic State militant group, or ISIS.

>most are orthodox christian. Not a christ cuck myself but at least at least at least at least at least
oh no bluebot is malfunctioning. the dissonance is too great! feed him more pills!

>Actually thinks people on the west coast root for the raptors and jays

Yeah, you were really pissed off about Massachusetts.

Are you a crown-licker?

as a californian, i can sympathize with him. he just feels abandoned by his own government. i wish the feds would send troops and enforce the national laws here

wrong his dad is Keith Richards.

No, I just enjoy having my own nation and I typically try to avoid getting on my knees and sucking greasy american cock

Australian civil war when? If you guys just cut off that infected quarter, shipped all the abbos in there and made it a containment region you could be world power, instead of a Indian/chinese/indonesia mass immigration target circa. 2100.

Everything south of Lindsay needs to be gassed.

she's mentally ill or trollin for the lulz.

Oh no I am threatened by a few signs in Chinese!

She's probably under 18

If you dont call it terrorist attack it doesn't count as terrorism

>she's mentally ill
de facto with muslims, there's no other excuse to be muslim to begin with.

18x2 is 32. She's 32. The fact it's gagged is because they have to figure out how the fuck she got here with ref status.

How many attacks do you think happen in Canada that we don't hear about?

What about the Maritimes?

How does it feel to be 12 and on summer break?


You know how many murdered and missing women are in Canada with unsolved cases? Not including the brown ones?

No? Got any links to crime statistics?

Now I truly know why Barnes Stinson constantly made fun of you.

> Question 1: Do you want to live in Canada?
> Question 2: REALLY??

Help Us Please

yes it's called use google you lazy cuck.

This. I wish they would break away and form a mini province and had to self-fund all of their retarded SJW garbage.

>makes an argument based on facts
>can't provide cited source
you're the lazy fuck m8

0 English
Syrian name
>if digitz she's a fucking FOB refugee from Syria

cool story

complain to who? the chief of police is a fucking nigger.

Publication bans are generally implemented when there's a victim who is a minor in order to protect their identity, or with higher profile cases where they dont want any potential jurors to be wise to details that wouldn't be presented in court proceedings.

Reading the actual laws in this regard I can see the reason they're probably going for is protecting the participant within the justice system because nobody likes muslims and there might be backlash towards them. However, thats quite the reach since its not like they killed anyone or did anything major. They chimped out with an ISIS flag on their head. If something this minor gets slapped with a publication ban by some cuck south Ontario judge then I want to know what the fuck else has been concealed from the public.

Oh course it is, silly. Toronto is in Canada after all.

I'm unironically betting this is a white crackhead.

I think it's also to try and limit copycat crimes. Look how fast things went quiet about Bisonnette.

shes 32
oh fuck, you are probably right. they are trying to suppress this story because it proves the argument that they arent vetting refugees well enough

still i cant believe in a first world western nation people are tolerant of censorship and that censorship is even legally allowed for political reasons

didnt heard about in the news except quebec city radio who mentioned it a lil, mainstream media is trying to hide it, i fucking hate trudeau gov

Hey Canada, remember how you were the greatest nation in the world and couldn't stop bragging about it? Yes, that was one of my favorite jokes from you.

>I'm unironically betting this is a white crackhead.
A Scarborough woman remains jailed on allegations that she, while masked in an ISIS bandana, swung a golf club at Canadian Tire employees while screaming threats and Islamic chants.

Rehab Dughmosh, 32, asked justice of the peace Alice Napier that she “stay in jail,” rather than have a bail hearing at College Park courts on Tuesday.

Dughmosh was remanded in custody and will appear via video at Scarborough Court of Justice on June 21. She wore a black niqab and forest-green prison sweatsuit at her brief appearance and spoke through an Arabic interpreter in court.

>Rehab Dughmosh, 32
>She wore a black niqab and forest-green prison sweatsuit at her brief appearance and spoke through an Arabic interpreter in court
Yes definitely white

Newfies are the only good Canadians

Wish we could rescue their island from their shit tier continent and drop them in the ocean next to Australia and New Zealand

i guess im glad we have a 1st amendment