Can someone redpill me on the French revolution?
Was it a good or a bad thing?
Can someone redpill me on the French revolution?
It literally birthed the Left. Every ideology invented afterwards is Leftist.
>people still don't know how to read a fucking sticky
This, yes.
Ayn Rand came after though.
She used to be heavily shilled here, idk what happened. Just a step away from Ted Kandinsky on the left-right ideology scale.
It was the beginning of the end of Europe.
It was originally all about libertarianism : right to free speech, right to own guns and use them in self defense, right to property... All those things that were illegal for 99,9% of people under the monarchy. All the laws written at the time were intented to limit the power of the government and its minions (police, etc).
How did it end up this way? Because leftists weren't systematically eliminated while we had the chance. Unfortunately, when you're giving rights to everyone, you are also giving rights to people who are going to use those rights to attain power, then remove those rights from everyone else. And that's the limits of democracy. Does that mean a dictatorship is the solution? Many seem to think so nowadays, but only if the dictator's ideology fit theirs.
I'm still a libertarian, as I believe it is not only the ultimate redpill but also the only way for humans to live as real human beings, something more than someone else's slave. Obviously we are going to need a thorough genocide of the political class, public servants, media, leftist voters, etc. and all over the world, in order to achieve that goal.
> Be French
> Be Poor as shit
> Be Pissed because you are not free
> Start Revolution
> Forget to have unifying ideology
> Decide not to attempt any legal / political reform
> Go immediately to bloody violence
> Kill Politicians
> Leave country in dangerous turmoil
> Forget to stop killing. Kill leaders of Revolution.
> Forget to stop killing. Kill leaders of Revolution that stepped up after previous leader killed.
> Forget to stop killing. Kill leaders of Revolution that stepped up after previous leader killed.
> Attempt Socialism
> Fail
> Dictator comes to power and destroys Europe, as well as home country.
Everyone is poor and dead, and no one is more free.
They killed their king and soon their country won't be white. You tell me if it was a success
Basically led to decades of violence and then a dictatorship. Failure.
Literally the worst thing to ever happen to the West. Gave birth to the modern (((left))) and paved the way for all the degeneracy today.