Try to defend taking free healthcare away from the old, children, injured, sick and poor without sounding like a heartless, worthless, sinister piece of shit Republican....
NOTE: You can't!
Try to defend taking free healthcare away from the old, children, injured, sick and poor without sounding like a heartless, worthless, sinister piece of shit Republican....
NOTE: You can't!
>half the country should get "free" shit because of arbitrary things, like how many days have passed on a Gregorian calendar since they crawled out of a vagina
You're the one that has some real explaining to do.
>freedom of healthcare
Now i thought everyone HAS this right to healthcare service. Not everyone can afford it though.
Actually I believe in both.
Now buy me a fucking Glock.
Healthcare isn't free, somebody pay's.
Republicans do believe in *free healthcare like they do for *free gun's
But no one is handing out actual free guns though are they?
You are free to own guns
The government doesn't hand out guns for "free" (read: taxed to hell)
Healthcare is a service, and everything involved costs money to use. Would you like to dig around in someone's insides for no pay and get sued like hell if/when you fuck up?
youre free to buy guns, youre free to buy healthcare
Do they give out free guns? No. Your argument is invalid.
Insurance is not a right.
There is not enough money for everything the liberals want. When the US goes bankrupt and all the free shit stops, then and only then will you understand the error of your ways!
Nice trips OP
Nope, that's why preexisting conditions are a thing. Used to be (maybe again if Trump gets his way) insurance companies could deny you coverage if they felt like you'd be too expensive to insure.
>Liberals doesn't want to pay for it. They want everything for FREE!!!
Fucking libtards - go pay some tax you worthless welfare nigger.
>1 post by this ID
Freedom to healthcare means you have the LIBERTY to pursue it at your own leisure, on your own dime.
>my house is on fire
>sell me insurance
A decent universal system modeled after euro countries would actually be cheaper to the taxpayer than our current abomination, I support it simply because it's more economically viable. I guess you're the type to kneejerk at the premise of something without knowing anything about it like most of Sup Forums, though. That said, the OP pic is a dumb argument
freedom is from something
like freedom from guns being taken away off your hands by a totalitarian government
id say liberty, but in your case with healthcare you actually mean entitlement
You are free to have guns. We are not going to buy you one.
You are free to buy healthcare. We shouldn't have to buy you it.
Keep sucking that insurance cock.
1) you have the right to defend yourself. One way is to BUY a gun.
2) You have a right to keep yourself healthy. One way is to BUY healthcare.
Your healthcare is your responsibility, not the government's.
If the government controls our healthcare then they choose whether we live or die. If they can choose whether we live or die they continue to expand power over us because we have already given away our right to life.
As is their right. healthcare only works, even as a concept, when the amount being extracted from the coffers is less than the amount going into them.
Damn what a massive beta you are. Everybody has the right to health care, when they can pay for it. Clearly your broke ass cant pay for it, so you deserve to die
>cheaper to the taxpayer, based on Medicare and Medicaid cost projections, which have dwindling compensation rates to care providers as they progress, compared to the prevailing market rate
Talk about not knowing a fucking thing about healthcare.
>all these conservatives for people dying in the street because they lost the genetic lottery
"Me pay for a four year olds cancer treatment because her parents can't afford the hundreds of thousands in medical bills? NOT IN MY COUNTRY!"
your ,parents made a huge mistake by passing on their genes....dont do the same mistake
You mean like all those EU countries that are borderline bankrupt and are only propped up by the mafia-esque EU forcing prosperous countries to subsidize the failing ones?
That model? sounds kinda shitty.
Sounds like a solid business practice. a 17 lb baby isn't healthy and is indicative of further health complications.
No one needs to pay for my guns except me. Stop posting here, you are retarded, kill yourself.
Sorry sir, your HMO doesn't cover Glocks. Best we can do is a Hi Point with a $20 co-pay.
There are is no freedom TO something.
There is only freedom FROM something.
Freedom from tyranny is an easily fixed thing, hence the guns. I wish my country would take up that slack.
Freedom from disease? Or...from death? Is not dying a human right?
Think it through bucko.
You have the right to buy healthcare.
You have the right to buy a gun.
I was never given either healthcare or a gun.
I had to buy both.
Two seconds to blow your shill argument out of the water.
Oh look, it's this bait guy again, posting the same bait topics with the same sample pics.
Health care doesn't work at all if you can't even get it because of arbitrary reasons.
people pay for guns in america. they also pay for healthcare
not sure if liberals are capable of logic and reason at this point in human history
The reasons aren't arbitrary.
Someone has to pay for it sweetheart. Ain't no such thing as a free lunch but I don't expect a shill like yourself to understand as you post from your parents mcmansion
Read the article next time.
>At 17 pounds, Alex is in the 99th percentile for height and weight for babies his age. His parents were told insurance companies don't take babies above the 95th percentile, no matter how healthy.
>I could understand if we could control what he's eating. But he's 4 months old. He's breast-feeding. We can't put him on the Atkins diet or on a treadmill
How is mandatory socialized healthcare a freedom?
it would be affordable but we have too many fat people in the US.
The insurance company laid out their guidelines and the fat fuck didn't fall within acceptable levels. Look into the health of the mother breastfeeding him, look into her inability to think of her own child first.
Why support and enable people who don't even care about their own child, or are so ignorant they don't even realize they are the problem. No they want the state to raise their child right. Not them, because they know they will fail. Its absolutely disgusting.
Yeah you're right. They choose them to make the most money possible.
>According to the California-based advocacy group Consumer Watchdog, other possible situations falling under pre-existing condition clauses are chronic conditions as acne, hemorrhoids, toenail fungus, allergies, tonsillitis, and bunions, hazardous occupations such as police officer, stunt person, test pilot, circus worker, and firefighter, and pregnancy and/or the intention to adopt.
Did you know domestic violence used t be considered a preexisting condition sometimes? Insurance companies can be fucking sick.
Negative liberty vs positive liberty. Negative liberties are a freedom from retribution or recourse. An example might be freedom of speech -- you can't be arrested for calling Trump an asshole. Positive liberties are a freedom to be able to do something. In other words, something must be given to you if you do not have that capacity. Entitlements are positive liberties.
Republicans are concerned almost exclusively with negative liberties. No one can ever force you not to buy health insurance for yourself or to see a doctor. But simultaneously, there is less of a belief that this should be provided free of charge to you. After all, someone has to pay for it, and if it's not you, then we are effectively taking someone else's money to cover your healthcare. While we do indeed take other people's money to provide for various services, it's not an infinite pot. Eventually, you run out of other people's money.
What i'm saying is they have the RIGHT to recieve healthcare. Univrrsal healthcare is not a right, it is a service.
Its almost like they allowed health insurance to be privatized and are paying the price for letting it be run like a business. Damn, how could that have happened?
If a right starts with "you have to" instead of "you can", it has 99% chances of not being a right.
Yeah I'm sure they were shoving the titties down the kids throat.
>try to get insurance for infant
>denied for bullshit reasons
Get bent. Best part is the insurance company gave the kid insurance and apologized after word got out. Gotta protect that bottom line am I right?
I'm confused, you're suggesting health care wasn't privatized before Obama?
Preexisting conditions be default means some people didn't have the right to healthcare. The only right you had was to apply for it, at that point you could be denied for any number of reasons.
another excuse for byrd memes? cool
good times
You do know how breast feeding works right? If the mother is eating unhealthily, the milk she produces will be even more caustic. It is an even more enriched version of what she is ingesting. At 4 months old, as long as the hospital didn't sabotage their baby (which they probably DO think), and they've admitted it only consumes breast milk then the only conclusion you can reasonably come to is she isn't healthy and is harming the health of the child directly.
Learn into reason and logic.
It was privatized, but affordable. People can't afford it now, the paradigm shift happened solely due to Obamacare.
>healthcare is affordable
>Obamacare opens the floodgates
>healthcare stops being affordable
>Obamacare has nothing to do with it
Sounds alittle crazy doesn't it
Try to understand county hospitals where healthcare is provided for free without sounding like a liberal leftist idiot fucktard.
NOTE: You can't!
Other people aren't obligated to pay for your guns.
have a present
You have to have access to gun
You can have free health care
best graphix
>Using tsuyu for your propaganda
i hope you burn in hell
>Lets keep the poor and crippled alive, and let the not poor and crippled pay for it, it will be good for humanity.
it all adds up
Planned Parenthood is basically curbing Nigger growth to the tune of about 100M since inception. Think about that. You defund PP you take nigger's ability to self goodify.
>republicans believe in the freedom to guns but they don't believe in the freedom for the government to make you pay for someone else's health insurance?
really makes you think
wouldn't doctors become a slave class if "healthcare" was executed to its fullest possible literal degree?
steamboat pepe
Who is paying for my guns? Me.
Who is paying for my healthcare? Oh right, the taxpayers.
Wow, they're like basically the same thing.
Nu-pol stop. This is low even for you.
in what US state is it illegal to practice medicine?
>right to bear arms
>you have the right to buy your own weapons with your own money after passing background checks
>"""right""" to healthcare
>you have a right to other people's money in the form of taxes regardless of how well you take care of yourself. The healthy are punished for being healthy while the unhealthy get a free ride on their backs.
Yeah, totally the same.
They believe people should have the freedom to choose their healthcare not be forced to have healthcare.That is real freedom , freedom of choice.
Republicans believe in the freedom to buy and own guns, not the government giving you guns. Apples and oranges, etc.
pic related
Quit posting this same shitty thread all the time.
it's illegal to put your trannie faggot kid in the psychologist
I won't take it away from them, silly froggy. But don't expect me to want them to take my money. If you want to pay their bills I will not stop you. I have my own to pay, thanks.
Given that the kid was well within the range of other children his age I'd say you're the one lacking logic and reason. And I'd ask you if you know how breastfeeding works, the mothers diet isn't going to affect the kid to enough of an extent to make them fat. You're suggesting an obese mother will have a fat baby by default?
>It was privatized, but affordable
Is that why the uninsured rate was upwards of 50 million? You know that's gone down to less than 20 right? How old are you? You don't remember what health care was like in this country before Obama do you?
>kid gets shot and can't pay for treatment
It's the freedom to own guns, not free guns, you fucking idiot