>C N N has a countdown to Comey's testimony
Kek this channel is ridiculous.
>C N N has a countdown to Comey's testimony
Kek this channel is ridiculous.
They probably know it will be a """""big nothing burger""""", but this is probably just television clickbait.
How do you burgers even allow such channels to exist?
The bigger the buildup, the more likely it is to be a big nothingburger.
>can't discuss in an open session
closed session happens
>dems - Trump obstructed justice
>reps - nothing burger
biased media chooses the politicians that fit their agenda
>implying we have any direct control over our IA/Deep State's media arm
CNN is for kikes
>its nothing...
>Trump actually set this all up to trick us!!! Fuck Trump!
CNN are such fucking loser... would be interesting to see a record of what scheduled events they countdown and those they don't.