How does Sup Forums cope with the fact that their beloved "leader" killed himself like a coward in a bunker?
How does Sup Forums cope with the fact that their beloved "leader" killed himself like a coward in a bunker?
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heard he died in Paraguay
Pretty sure he died in peru
Hitler is a symbol not only for nationalism but also that even socialism (as it was at that time) was able to be a prosperous system given the right conditions. He didn't love me as an Anglo-Celtic mongrel Canadian, he loved his people. Why on earth could I not admire that? Nationalists want their own Hitler perhaps not Hitler himself (unless they're German/Austrian)
You're doing the exact same thing, but on a nationwide scale by letting in all those "refugees"
Nah they shot him , Hitler killing himself is an urban legend started by the Soviets
He died in Southeast Asia. His grave is there, too.
there is no proof that hitler killed himself. the body that was found didnt even belong to him. he went to antarctica to go inside the earth. the earth is hollow
Many people admire Hitler because he was the first person to build a party around dismantling world Jewry and their banks/media.
Remember he warned us of exactly what we are facing today almost 100 years ago. He had to take on the French, Soviet, American and British Empires at the same time during the great depression and with only six years to rearm.
He died in South America lad. The body in the bunker was a woman's. Hitlers body was never found.
Grand daddy Adolf never commited suicide. The yanks got him to South America, his family lives till this day in Austria
No, he couldn't take it like a man and took the easy way out after ruining his country forever.
I'm doing none of that, the few Syrians we brought here fled to greener pasturas (aka USA). Must I remind you that your MP Elect is an Indian homosexual? What are you gonna do about that, wannabe neonazi? Nothing? Thought so. Just like your leader: a coward.
>there's no evidence of Hitler's suicide
>h-hollow earth is settled f-fact, though
LMAO get a hold of this right wing rural retard
Look at what was done to Mussolini. Adolf made the smart choice.
He is not my leader but he had a good shoot. It took THE.FUCKING.WORLD. to stop, explain this antifa cucks.
>How does Sup Forums cope with the fact that their beloved "leader" killed himself like a coward in a bunker?
You're fucking retarded.
1. Hitler was a war hero, who won the Iron Cross First Class for Bravery Under Fire
2. Hitler fell on his sword in the tradition of Roman leaders who faced capture. If he had been captured by the Soviets, they would have made a mockery of Germany. Hitler's status did not allow that.
Sup Forums has no leader.
You just sound like a scared little kike now that argies are catching onto your crimes. I seen that one guy David Duke had on the other day has millions of listeners and one of the biggest independent radio shows in Latin America.
I never knew they were also coming around to the JQ until recently. It's going to be a global awakening (minus Africa) no doubt.
>he warned us of exactly what we are facing today almost 100 years ago.
What? The highest standards of living in history? Oh, right, you have a few darkies living near your mom's house. Poor you!
>Hitler was a war hero
>loses the war against the "untermensch" and his reich collapses in less than 12 years.
>You just sound like a scared little kike now that argies are catching onto your crimes.
HAHAHAHA Latin Americans are good cucktolic goys, Argies specially. Look, this is their Pope, hahaha. I'm sooo scared, they will take back Jerusalem!!!
Before the kikes took over America in the 1960's you could raise a family on one income, suicide and drug abuse rates were 10% of what they are now, family sizes were 4x as large, and WASPs were putting people on the moon.
Yeah. Thanks Jews!
>killing yourself wouldn't takr the biggest set of nuts you could imagine
It'd take a fuck of a lot of courage to take the leap without knowing what was on the other side. Not to mention, if he were imprisoned he would cease to be a martyr for the movement.
Get moar IQ nigger
>there is no proof that hitler killed himself. the body that was found didnt even belong to him. he went to antarctica to go inside the earth. the earth is hollow
>mf in a timeline where this is actually the most probable explanation
>died in a 3rd world shithole where he belonged
Top wew
>>Hitler was a war hero
>>loses the war against the "untermensch" and his reich collapses in less than 12 years.
I'm aware that you're from a third world country with no education system, so I'll explain things patiently to you as if you are a small child:
There were two major wars involving Germany last century. There was WW1, where Hitler was an enlisted soldier, and won the Iron Cross for bravery.
There was also WW2, where Hitler intervened in Poland to protect German minorities.
Hitler fought against the corruption in international finance, which made him many enemies, from the other great powers whose politicians were all in the pockets of the entrenched financiel elites. These major powers used the conflict in Poland as a propaganda point to punish Hitler for opposing them.
Hitler fought against Britain, France, USA, and USSR all at once, and almost won.
In contrast: France, Britain and USSR all collapsed and lost their empires in peace time, due to corruption and mismanagement. USA in on the way towards that fate too if it doesn't change course.
Really don't care about what some angry manlet did to himself 80 years ago
Take it to /bant/ faggot
I don't even like Hitler. His war caused the death of 40 million whites.
That's your excuse for being a childless white fuck boy?
>killing y-yourself is actually corageous!
>Hitler was brave!
>this is actually the most probable explanation
If you're a right wing retard, that is.
>There was WW1, where Hitler was an enlisted soldier, and won the Iron Cross for bravery.
So he earned a Good Goy Medal, so what? He was a soldier pawn doing our bidding. Then he threw a tantrum against his masters and ended up killing himself crying in a bunker.
Liebknecht's mother's maiden name was Reh. Some Ashkenazi-ish tones for sure
why do you have to make this meaningless fucking threads?
who gives a fuck?
I'm not even a Nazi, but sage
>implying you have to be a neonazi to hate refugees
>implying I can't hate both
nice dichotomy
Delet this!
Hitler ruined nationalism for Europeans, I'm not a fan.
ayyo its another one of those nerd virgins. whats goin on, loser?
He didn't.
(((You))) fell on scholar mainstream history (((Books)))
He happily flew from Berlin up to Northern Sea.
He then sailed to Argentina with an U-Boot.
He went to Uruguay, then to a well known paw in Argentina, whille keeping laughing at the gullible goym who considered him dead.
muh body doubles.
what's a facist
Do you have proof that Hitler killed himself in the bunker? Last I heard the skull the soviets claimed was Hitler's was DNA tested and it was a woman's skull.
Not my leader
I agree with you. Actually I should have posted a different picture. Hating rapefugees is what a decent man with common sense would do, it's clear that arab and persian subhumans are violent inferior savages and the whole Middle East belongs to the Chosen tribe, we've been trying to tell you exactly that for so long... such a shame that this is how you'll learn your lesson.
Hitler was an islamophillic though, he couldn't get enough of that sweet Ottoman cock down his throat.
He didn't declared war on France or Britain. It wasn't his war. His war was against communism.
You can keep the Falklands, my people own more than half of YOUR shitty isles. Now fall in line, goy.
What the fuck are you even talking about you presumptive cuntburp?
>What the fuck are you even talking about you presumptive cuntburp?
What the fuck are you even talking about you presumptive cuntburp?
>What the fuck are you even talking about you presumptive cuntburp?
What the fuck are you even talking about you presumptive cuntburp?
Only stormcucks like Hitler. Nationalists with common sense don't.
>pol is one person
Even the current British navy, in it's awful state, could defeat you. Also not white.
You better bin that knife, goy, you don't want to hurt your new countrymen's feeling now do you?
What? The Germans chimped out and raped their way through Denmark, the Netherlands, Poland and Belgium.
Kek you should know better since the FBI spoted him in your country for 1 and for 2 shit b8 and sage.
None of my leaders killed themselves, faggot.
And what did they accomplish again? Your whole country belongs to the tribe and you better fall in line.
How do you cope with the fact that you are a nigger?
Sage time....
He did the right thing. It was a military move. Keeping on living would mean unneeded sufering by the ruthless Soviets. He accepted his defeat and even advised others to do the same for their own safety.
Collective suicide after a war defeat has happened multiple times too, not only in Nazi Germany.
He was a honolaly nip.
Better to die through your own hands than die at the hands of the red enemy
How is "falling in line" like a weak little cuck better than killing yourself? It sounds like it would take a lot less than the Red Army at your doorstep for you to go out like a bitch with that mentality.
Hi Adolf jr, we all know its you.
>if you kill yourself, you win
damn i like your flag
>Implying he don't live in your country in this moments
>Implying that you aren't trying to cover your death.
>he believes the lie
Because everyone on Sup Forums is a nazi
I'm telling YOU to fall in line, you goy putznasher. You and you whole country belong to my people and there's nothing you will do. Do not even entertain the idea of "rebelling" or something that stupid because you're a worthless cuck like all goyim.
How does Argentina cope with the fact that they are a 3rd world shithole?
The supposed skull they found which belonged to Hitler was of some old woman
>((Hitler killed himself ))
He's 100 years old alive using superior nazi science
He didn't he went to Argentina with Eva Braun!
/pol has the documents!
Btw: Why are you so angry Mbongo?
Did the rat under your sink bite you again in your sleep?
Kek, do you know how fucked kikes will be when they lose American military support?
we do
Hey shill who the fuck ever said Hitler is any of our leader?
Just outed yourself Zionist.
stop trying to make me like Hitler.. even more
Communists and Allies raped, tortured, and slaughtered millions of German women and children. Bolsheviks were mostly Jewish, and Jews lied about the holocaust, there were no gas chambers. We know our people, we know the truth, and the day is fast approaching when we will take our future back from the scum of the earth who snuffed out our glorious flame as it illuminated all their pathetic inadequacies. You have no proof Hitler died a suicide, but he left a note explaining to us himself and if it's true then I don't blame him for it.
Watch this video, if you've got the attention space you disgusting slaver. The Goyim know and the war isn't over. It won't end until you've exterminated every last one of us, which of course you are working so hard to do. What's taking you so long Schlomo?
>Kek, do you know how fucked kikes will be when they lose American military support?
That'll never happen. The USA is our most loyal pet, always doing our bidding. Now keep sucking on these kosher nuts, you absolute slave.
He was an ultra liberal tho
How shitty is your life that you have to LARP as a child dick sucker to numb the pain of crippling autism, divorced parents, and unemployment?
>insults me calling me 'slaver'
How much more pathetic you can get? Literally nigger tier 'but muh slavery' insult. Yes, I'm a slaver. I'm your master. Don't you ever forget that, filthy gentile.
Hey, Marvin killed himself after tearing through 13 buildings with his armored bulldozer, there was no other way out.
Didn't Hitler put a cyanide pill between his teeth and fired up his mouth?
Keep posting that shit, Mahmoud, I'm not Argentine.
What are you? An European?
probably peruvian or paraguayan
I wasn't born nor do I live in Argentina, I'm here for business.
I'm American-born Israeli.
Hitler died fighting the commies.
He dressed up as a typical soldier, then as a lone wolf, he killed many russians as possible and didnt surrender, eventually being killed himself. No one ever knew except for a nurse. He was a fucking hero
>it was real in my head
>I'm American-born Israeli.
sage, joke thread
He didn't, and neither did Heinrich Himmler. Hitler was detained, interrogated and cast into exile, Himmler was killed after being detained by the British.
The entire WWII narrative is lies piled upon lies. Read some of David Irving's books.
>I'm American-born Israeli.
Non white.
Your picture misspelled fascist you white wannabe
Lol you're probably hitlers grand kid.
the fact that you didnt capture him alive nor you found his body hurts to this day right schlomo?
>This thread again
He died on the moon desu.
Are you sure about that?