Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men
1 Corinthians 6:9
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b-but the fluently sexed, semitically indoctrined millenial fags won't agree !!
m-muh LGBT community, muh SJW kikery !!
Oh hey that's my favorite verse from the Bible! I'm always glad to see it around.
i love those crazy corinthians, boy i tell you what
U mad kike worshipper?
>New International Version
Disgusting. Ironic considering the verse. Don't let wrongdoers rape the holy text for their own ends OP. King James Version, or maybe New King James Version.
King James Version is trash, user. KJV doesn't even get the meaning of the ten commandments out properly what with the "Thou shalt not kill" instead of "Thou shalt not murder". ESV is my jam.
>the id
Roleplaying as Mr. Bary Cuck
Based swedes
What is your favorite Jesus, Sup Forums.
>Punished Jesus tier
>brood of ((vipers) tier
>you're saved, and you're saved, and you're saved tier
>sky wizard tier
Explain what you mean here
>Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men
filthy christkikes fuck off your bible is wrong
your saviour jesus is incorrect
Poo in loo, Rajesh
Chris-chan best chan
>Christ Chan is sad when you act like a faggot
>Poo in loo, Rajesh
fuck off you dirty christkikes
you're disgusting dirty miscreants
NRSV scholarly master race
Effiminate men*, not sodomites.
Sup Forums better start going on long walks and talking to people and hiking.
God does not hate you for being born effiminate, as long as you use the effiminate body for God-approved things then there are no problems.
jesus behaves differently depending on which gospel you read
>king james
sry im not a liberal desecrator:
If you want to have an actual debate instead of shitposting im down.
All sins are washed white as snow with repentance , Jesus forgives even though you don't deserve it, that is his true grace.
Which version of the Bible should I read?
Guide me, anons.
New american or New american revised.
It contains all of the books and has annotations at confusing passages. Also doesnt mistranslates anything.
So this is a blazing faggot.
>If you want to have an actual debate instead of shitposting im down.
debate about what? what can you possibly teach me? i know all your filthy scriptures and i'm not permitting christkikery to continue on Sup Forums
go ahead and initiate a debate
i do not "shitpost", you filthy christkike
i am the owner of Sup Forums and i set the rules which you refuse to adhere to
have you even read the FAQ? Sup Forums.org/faq
and you patronizingly instruct me -
>If you want to have an actual debate instead of shitposting im down.
you're filthy
go ahead and initiate a debate because you seem to think you know more than i do
well go ahead, shitposter
Ok, well why do you call Christ a jew? Sure he might have been apart of the race, but all of the jewish scholars and high priests seem to have hated him enough to put him to death.
m8 are you alright?
Oh its the insane Hindu atheist... everyone remember that flooding and avatars are all bannable, report anyone doing this.
This trip fag is insane and has no regard for rules
>i know all your filthy scriptures and i'm not permitting christkikery to continue on Sup Forums
What languages do you speak? What languages can you read?
>Ok, well why do you call Christ a jew? Sure he might have been apart of the race, but all of the jewish scholars and high priests seem to have hated him enough to put him to death.
because i'm a nazi
>What languages do you speak? What languages can you read?
i grew up in england if that answers your question but the liturgical canon is saṃskṛta and others are pali (buddhism) and bengali
>Oh its the insane Hindu atheist
Thanks, I'll look into it.
Ok but the fact that you're a nazi doesnt discredit all of Christianity.
>Ok but the fact that you're a nazi doesnt discredit all of Christianity.
how can you persuade me that jesus isn't a kike when i believe he is? he was circumcised en.wikipedia.org
>i grew up in england if that answers your question
Monolingual people can't understand scripture without divine intervention.
Ok he was a ethnic jew. But he didnt subscribe to all the cucked and degenerate beleifs that exist and used to exist.
>Two thousand years of inbreeding is irrelevant!
The jews of Christ's day hated Christ.
>I will not let my vagina get moist when aroused because a man's vagina does not get moist when aroused, a man's vagina gets hard. So respect muh authori-TIE
t. this tranny faggot
That's something you as the reader are simply meant to understand logically. It was pretty clear to the other Christians and Jews in the previous millenniums, at least in understanding. Also when you are aware of the context of many of the bible's stories that do include God sanctioned violence in self defense or otherwise, that also adds appropriate context and understanding to such.
Point being, that is exactly how Moses said it, how God meant to express it, and needing it spelled out for you, at least for me, isn't the best argument.
Not sure if you intended to link a specific version there, but that site remembers the last version I had selected. So you'll have to specify the version.
>Monolingual people can't understand scripture without divine intervention.
are you attempting to insinuate that i am unable to interprit your shitty greek/latin/aramaic garbage of the kike bible because i learned english in school when i was younger?
do you think i am an illiterate scumbag like you?
i'm sure you think you are highly educated but the philosophy of the bible is garbage in accordance with my teachings
>The jews of Christ's day hated Christ.
they hated one of their own
so what
he's still a filthy kike
>t. this tranny faggot
this is why christkikes are despised here
and they are rightly despised
because they are filthy disgusting perverts with a history of abusive behavior
Do we need to compare the civilizations built between Hindus and Christians? Is it even a close competition? I mean Christians created the safest cleanest most powerful countries in the world. Meanwhile in 2017 (current year) you guys still cannot use a toilet. You have a river full of dead bodies, feces and garbage. you people eat with rats and wear diapers still. Why are you even in a Christian nation? Go back to your sewer and stay there if it is such a great place because it doesn't have Christianity.
In my opinion, one of the King James version, if not the original King James version. That could be difficult to read, as Old English is almost a different language. But if you make the effort, you'll experience the most eloquent and beautifully written version of the bible. Of course interpretation and understanding are more important, so if something more clear is necessary, go with that instead.
Not mad, user. Sad. Very sad.
>Do we need to compare the civilizations built between Hindus and Christians? Is it even a close competition? I mean Christians created the safest cleanest most powerful countries in the world. Meanwhile in 2017 (current year) you guys still cannot use a toilet. You have a river full of dead bodies, feces and garbage. you people eat with rats and wear diapers still. Why are you even in a Christian nation? Go back to your sewer and stay there if it is such a great place because it doesn't have Christianity.
i'll live wherever i want, you disgusting filthy lying christian
are you unable to comprehend that your version of "civilization" is nothing but a nomad's wet dream
you are obsessed with material quality instead of spiritual cleanliness
christians disgust me
My imaginary omnipotent friend says you will go to hell haha serves you right
Need help Christbros.
How could I possibly reconcile my nationalist, ''white countries for white people'' opinions with the Gospel?
It does indeed seem like I am not worthy of being Christ's follower while these, apparent, sins are within my heart.
Help a lost sheep out would you?
>they hated one of their own
If you do know the scriptures, you should know that Christ cursed the jews with blindness and called them the children of the devil. I don't think that He would have said so of the jews had he not meant it.
The standards of the Bible give us plenty of reason to see the jews as sinful, they might even appear as the root of sin (but they are not). Find a sin in Christ, and he becomes a jew.
>are you attempting to insinuate that i am unable to interprit your shitty greek/latin/aramaic garbage of the kike bible because i learned english in school when i was younger?
It would seem that you did not learn English either. Try again.
>Laughing at your imaginary enemy
God has a sense of humor.
yo, nigger
this is a political board and not a place for you to evangelize your faggot cult
go hand out pamphlets in africa or some shit
>World views
>not political
>posts porn
Here's how you spot a kike. Might be a blue pill maximus, but those are irrelevant.
everyone remember that flooding and avatars are all bannable
so is making threads about bible verses and evangelism in Sup Forums
inb4 404, nigger
recruit elsewhere
>If you do know the scriptures, you should know that Christ cursed the jews with blindness and called them the children of the devil.
there is no devil
>It would seem that you did not learn English either. Try again.
is that so
what did i learn and what language am i speaking now, you finn?
>How could I possibly reconcile my nationalist, ''white countries for white people'' opinions with the Gospel?
The tower of Babel. God made all nations and each serves its purpose. I can't say what the purpose of Swedes is, maybe it is something obscure.
Gardening the world and your society. Do what is good and fruitful.
For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.
Matthew 19:12
Being a tranny is a final redpill.
>getting this triggered
recruit elsewhere
>there is no devil
Children of nothingness or abyss works fine too. Their works bring forth an ugly hell, so what would you name the source as?
>is that so
Is that so?*
No. Christians breed the next generation whilst you abort yours.
Did you take the redpill?
>be a good christian
>choose an outspoken pagan and church-hater to be your right hand
>declare old testament non-canon
Really puts my synapses into overdrive.
yup and while your ideas compound human misery and filthy we are busy making heaven on earth.
You talk a big game of spiritual purity why still living in and enjoying the material pleasures of a first world Christian country. Hypocrite! There is nothing more to say to you.
>we are busy making heaven on earth
You should never try to build heaven on earth but strife for the real thing instead you filthy heretic! Burn the witch!
>Thinking the bible is relevant
>Children of nothingness or abyss works fine too. Their works bring forth an ugly hell, so what would you name the source as?
what source? the source of what? do you mean nothingness? emptiness could translate as en.wikipedia.org
the 'devil' does not exist in either buddhist doctrine nor vedantic advaita philosophy
>yup and while your ideas compound human misery and filthy we are busy making heaven on earth.
no you're not
you're busy making shit tv and film and trying to convert everyone to your bullshit doctrine of jesus the filthy kike
>You talk a big game of spiritual purity why still living in and enjoying the material pleasures of a first world Christian country. Hypocrite! There is nothing more to say to you.
why do you want me to leave the country i live in?
because you're a dirty christian proselytizer, that's why
afilthy dirty christkike
that's all you are
you have no respect for anyone who isn't a christkike - a follower of christianity
christianity is complete bullshit and may i remind you that you began insulting me because you are an individual who acts on his own, you commit crimes on your own, you are the guilty party here
>choose an outspoken pagan and church-hater to be your right hand
Yes, and? The pagan chose to follow an outspoken Christian. Your thinking is black and white, reduced to simple knee-jerk. PTSD from jews? Limited capacity for understanding due to faulty DNA?
Christ lived amongst jews and he praised Roman centurions and said that the kikes must pay their taxes like loyal people should.
This chick is like when Muslims draw anime. Why do cults needs to do this stuff?
>nor men who have sex with men
You can be a homosexual, but that does not doom you to hell (if you stay chaste)
t. Catholic (aka the only real) Church
I like the verse where it says to turn the other cheek like a faggot goy
>what source? the source of what?
The ugliness. Jewish art and architecture are ugly. So are their goals, their ways and even their looks.
Spend time there and you should find out something. Right now you are signaling that you are not a user of this site, and you should lurk moar.
Calm down Hank Hill
Begone you liberal!
>The ugliness. Jewish art and architecture are ugly. So are their goals, their ways and even their looks.
...is what i attribute to christianity and islam, also
because they are all semitic unaryan nonsense collectively the "abrahamic faiths"
The bible says it.
Your argument is invalid.
DouayRheims, NASB, vulgate, Jerusalem are all good to go my man.
>Pol has never been a Christian board, but maybe if we act like this forced may may is real they won't ask for evidence anymore!
ESV,NIV, or NASB are good. KJV is lacking in some areas of translation. For understanding most things of the bible the translations will be sufficient, and if you stumble across a really difficult verse refering to other translations or the greek helps.
Get out faggot.
I want you to leave because you come to country and enjoy it's prosperity and opportunity why ridiculing the founding structure that made it a nice place to live in the first place. If your religious and ideological beliefs are so good go back to where they are enacted and enjoy it. Otherwise embrace our values and stop trying to turn our countries into the crap shacks yours are.
I know I did not mean actual heaven on earth just very good places to live and raise families.
>is what i attribute to christianity and islam
Go away foreign scum.
*while need to stop typing responses while on the phone.
this week on "Better Call Saul Paul" ... some Jew writes a bunch of letters and everyone takes them as Gospel for millennia.
all sins can be forgiven
start with praying to Jesus, instead of Sup Forums
It's not selfish to want every people to have their own home. Charity is a voluntary action, and forcing charity is nothing but theft, a infraction of the commandments.
We shouldn't strive to ruin our homes and our families by opening them up freely to all our neighbors. Instead we should be good neighbors, and help our neighbors find and build a house of their own. A place for them, their families, and their people. Where they can live just as prosperous as we do, without stealing from us, or hurting us.
Africa should just as much be for Africans, as Europe should be for Europeans. We should have our own families, our own people. Living in someone else's home makes you a squatter, a person not of their blood, not a neighbor.
Even Hitler thought there should be a land for the Jews. He supposedly planned for Madagascar to serve that purpose. That's a different debate, just making a point. But even he believed the Jews should have their own home that belonged to them.
>I want you to leave because you come to country and enjoy it's prosperity and opportunity why ridiculing the founding structure that made it a nice place to live in the first place. If your religious and ideological beliefs are so good go back to where they are enacted and enjoy it. Otherwise embrace our values and stop trying to turn our countries into the crap shacks yours are.
you don't seem to understand who the fuck i am
>Go away foreign scum.
you're the foreigners
christianity judasim and islam is not native to Aryan peoples you do not belong on this website
lol, Christcucks.
>all sins can be forgiven
>implying sins are real
>you're the foreigners
Says the Hindu in Britain.
>christianity judasim and islam is not native to Aryan peoples
I am to believe that this has nothing to do with your identity crisis? Ha!
>this does not belong in Europe
Soon you'll be advocating the ban of toilets too?
>Don't have gross sex, it's wrong.
>Kill all of these people in the name of your lord god!
You guys are such faggots. None of you goyim cocksuckers are going to heaven anyway.
It's for jews and suicide bombers apparently.
>you don't seem to understand who the fuck i am
One of the many mongs on twitter?
Is that supposed to be an argument.
Go act on your spiritual beliefs if they are so important and if materialism is something you want to avoid then the west is not for you. Leave, or remain a hypocrite.
Legitimate refugees are fine with the first peaceful nation they encounter. Most, if not all refugees are women and children. Men fight.
Nothing about these foreign hordes constitutes as 'refugee'. Sure, a royal family or two could count. They are hardly an issue to the population or the gene pool.
That's not the same as not defending your life or your family when it matters. It means to be patient and calm, thick skinned. To not let violent apes and chimps make you lose your temper, leading you to chimp out and sin.
Remember Jesus himself wasn't THAT passive. Remember the story of the cleansing of the temple.
>tips foreskin