Niggers can't into Che-

>Niggers can't into Che-

Racists BTFO

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Hi, welcome to wendys I have an 8 inch cock, and I am a chef.

wtf, i love niggers now?

>Plays without king

The entire Wu-Tang Clan are chess enthusiasts. Many of their songs talk about it. RZA has even held several chess tournaments to get kids interested in it. The GZA has a solo album dedicated to chess called "Grandmasters." The WU are based and Black AF.

to be fair they exist

be honest Sup Forums would you mind having your (white) daughter date a smart black?



He lost his fucking Queen so early? What is this shit lmao

Why is the king gone and the game goes on? No Niggers can't into cheese or chess.

That's because he IS the kang

>no king

He doesn't have his King

you can't be a nigger if you can play chess

I didn't even notice he's playing without the king either

Honestly what is coming to this planet?

>lost the king
>still "playing"
In other words, Bolt really is just a retard who can run really fast.


>i hate niggers not black people

Pigs shows signs of intelligent behavior as well, does this make them equal to us?

This image actually triggers the shit out of me. No king, queen already taken, moving pawns, not controlling the center. The only reason this would be allowable if it were anti-chess.

>a thread died for this

Hahah, Jesus you can't make this shit up. How fucking stupid are they?

dick washers

how did his horse end up there

Chess is all memorization of opening moves. Go/weiqi is more sophisticated

Chest is somehow popular here, but still niggers are dumb and awfull on tactics

he loves his fucking pawns

How the fuck does Wendys get so many huge dick chefs????? Ever time I see Wendys on Sup Forums its some black dude with like a 13 inch cock how is this shit even real

How much u make in a year senpai?

im so glad this pic exists

>niggerball on the TV
Color me surprised

It opens the door to that possibility Satan. At most you can only say his pawns are straddling squares. In any case, really makes you want to reach out and give that nog a swift sharp slap upside the head. Then get ready, he looks a bit cut.

Now an explanation. He is playing checkers using chess pieces, still makes for a hilarious image when the person being shown doesn't know this piece of bg info

>not being shogi masterrace

At first I thought it was behind his hand that's moving the pawn, but then I noticed it sitting over in the killed pieces pile.

black faggots don't count
faggots have higher IQ