Why doesn't ISIS bomb America more? They are the real degenerates.
Why doesn't ISIS bomb America more? They are the real degenerates
Give it time. Right now, ISIS only has direct access to Europe, but apparently they have a lot of agents in Canada and Mexico who have likely started leaking over the borders. The whole western world, from top to bottom, will be thrown into a kind of violence you ancestors never imagined. Terror will rule the streets, terror will rule the minds, terror will rule the nation. Explosions and gunfire constantly ringing through public places, places we once thought safe. No identifiable enemies, no combatants, no actual war. Just terror consuming all.
There is an ocean in the way
Too strong, my Eurocuck friend
mostly likely Canada
Mexico won't take that shit
Because of the second amendment
>small muslim community
>police state
>most advanced intel community in the world
America doesn't have an open doors policy like Europe.
It's easy in Europe since you can basically just walk in and bomb the place, and even then requires resources and connections within the country.
Not saying they couldn't pull it off in USA, but the amount of resources spent and the risk/reward ratio is just so shitty compared to Europe.
better than degeneracy desu
white ppl will naturally win, as they always have
>police state
You are unironically more of a police state than the us
Never bite the hand that feeds you
>He thinks the degeneracy will stop just because there's terror
I don't think so. People responded to London being fucking repeatedly attacked by terrorists by taking their daughters to listen to music about fucking niggers. The modern left has built itself into a fucking delusional reality where the only way they can "beat" terrorism is with "love and acceptance", which translates to participating in as much degeneracy as possible.
Unelected dictatorship- check
Sex with animals- check
"Hate" speech (another words snowflake laws)- check
Yeah nah get fucked eurocuck.
Why would they bomb the people who help fund them?
America is ISIS.
Except the terrorist would be missing a key element to their attack strategy if they were to come to America
Unlike in Europoor, they would stand out. They'd be easily identified. They'd be easy targets.
The moment they said "Aloha" they'd be gunned down
>The whole western world, from top to bottom, will be thrown into a kind of violence you ancestors never imagined
Sounds more like you can't imagine the kind of violence our ancestors lived in. Our ancestors were butchering each other in ways and numbers that some dunecoon sandniggers can only dream about.
We are better at spying on our own citizens.
Our ancestors didn't have to deal with explosions, chemical attacks, nail bombs and seeing their entire street wiped out in a horrific explosion. Violence doesn't necessarily mean "lots of gore", it can be sheer magnitude.
Doubt it.
I think what's scarier than the amount of terrorist attacks in Europe is the amount of terrorist attacks that were thwarted. You don't really hear about those though.
So you think an explosion that kills some 20 people is worse than raid bands wiping out entire villages?
>police kills people on a daily basis
>completely militarized police
>civil forfeiture
>mandatory minimums
>largest prison population in world
>more and more arrests made by swat
nigger you are the very definition of a police state.
I'm saying explosions and chemical attacks constantly ripping through towns and neighbourhoods during a time where we have a 100% connection at all times to the news and world will be pretty bad, yes.
because the US of Burger didn't get flooded with sandnigger for the last two years
everything going down in Europe right now is the direct consequence of Merkel's Open boarders politics from mid 2015
Muhammed you ok?
People shoot back around here :^
b-b-b-b-but america!!
Some fair points, but
>complaining about police doing their job
>complaining about criminals being in prison
1) They know the US will retaliate quicker.
2) It's easier to access the UK or EU to perform attack than the US. Getting to the US is a much harder long game.
3) The EU and UK are push overs. They'll let shit like this slide more and more.
4) EU and UK politics has been taken over by Muslims and Muslim apologists.
This is how retarded Americans are.
Different mentality of Americans. If a raghead is acting suspiciously the neighborhood will report it to police without fear of being "racist".
Look at that attempted massacre on a train in France a couple years ago that was prevented by the 3 American national guards. They sized up Achmed Jihad beard, guy was acting suspiciously and carried a bag to the bathroom.
The followed him and stood outside the door listening. They were able to recognize the sound of a round being chambered.
When Achmed came out he was expecting a train full of Euro-sheep to slaughter. Instead he got a USA style asswhupping.
sounds comfy desu
I'm not sure where you get the idea that ISIS has the resources to keep up a constant barrage of bombings and/or chemical attacks in Europe?
Lets be generous and say ISIS manages to pull off a bombing once a day in Europe.
That's still much less violence than was committed at ancient times.
Sorry mate, you're a bit 'tarded.
>bombing the masters of your sponsors
It's not easy crossing an ocean on a raft.
Because you don't bite the hand that feeds you!
I don't really like sweets, but that's a chocolate I would eat
Oi, Norway cunt, the thread was archived. And I wasted my time typing response. If you happen to come by, answering: not really. You just kept changing the subject. If I wanted to talk about Poles in Norway, I would ask. I commented on your comment about niggers. And while I agree negress with decent morals and looks woudl be better than a white slut, statistically such a creature is an unicorn.
Post more of her.
i shit you not burger
considering the common pattern of all the recent habbenings i highly doubt your 2nd amendment would make much of a difference in terms of preventing/stopping a attack
the main difference would probably be that the sandniggers use guns instead of trucks and knifes but they would still get offed by the cops instead of a bystander
then lots of tears and salt on the media for 48 hours and 5 days later public Alzheimer sets in causing people to lose interest
rinse and repeat
stay in denial.
Because they aren't as highly concentrated there.
Because it isn't full of Saudi sponsored Wahhabism mosques.
Also the prospect of getting send to a horror prison in Cuba is pretty scary I guess.
If you get caught before the deed here you get off with a relatively short time in a comfy prison.
not about 2nd amendment. we have collective intel, something yuroblobs still cant seem to understand. theres minimal sharing of intel on your part and no one source for sharing info. you all are like chickens running around with your heads cut off
Also if you are new to this country, have little money, and want to live in a major city, you would be living next to niggers and Chicano gangbangers.
Worse than Aleppo
Why would we bomb ourselves? Also almawtlilamrika
They're trying to at this very moment.
Rly makes you think
will we are far from reaching us alphabet agency employment numbers europol is much bigger than their "official" statistics claim
its one of the reasons we don't have a Londonistan Saturday habbening 7 days a week in every mature city across europe...yet
Europe is full of mudslime loving cucks who have no guns or balls.
America we have guns and balls. Look at Antifa, They got off there leash and attacked people and wrecked shit and after Berkeley they got BTFO and are now just back on there leash barking.
We can handle are selves.
We have better intelligence and less muslims.
A part of me hopes that Canada gets an attack, because it would give me a reason to go public with my hatred of muslims and my approval of Trump's muslim ban.
As it is right now, you can't dare to express views like that without fear of losing your job or getting kicked out of school.
I would probably be a white nationalist if black women weren't so beautiful.