Sup Forums is a Christian board
But what denomination?
>Christ General
>Sup Forums is a Christian board
never in a billion years is Sup Forums christian
Sorry, I'm white.
traditional catholic, if your not trad catholic, you're not christian
Fundamentalist Anglican Christian.
Im a Ex-Muslim and converted to Orthodox christianity.
Its the best religion ever, it isn't as retarded and barbaric like Islam and also not so cucked like catholism.
While some of the teachings of Jesus were revolutionary for their time/place, the Buddhists had come up with similar concepts years before. Additionally, the Jew Saul corrupted it and erased almost all of the teachings of Jesus. All religion is cancer, but Christianity is furthestmoreso.
With the amount of jew talk on this board, I thought it would be a jewish board
Serious question OP: why do you want to take a poll?
Are Christians some kind of worry group for your Jewish statistics?
I think I've seen your posts before. Why don't you write us a short story about how and why you converted, and what it changed in your life?
always have been, hence Christ's crucifixion
>being this much of a cuckolic
>going to hell if you masturbate
>going to hell if you do anything basically
>muh catechism
>Pope Francis
the mind boggles
does satanist count?
church of bucko
Orthodoxy is the only true Christianity
I did, but Sup Forums wouldn't be Sup Forums if they wouldn't still hate me for being kebab
If you converted, then you're not kebab. Just like once a year (it probably should be more often lol) I raise a Roman solute and say out loud in public that I reject Satan an all his works.
Tell your story. Whether you're right or wrong, it might help somebody.
Common sense.
I had problems with Mohammed from the very beginning. Yeah he did some good stuff, which most muslims cherry pick. But the vas majority of his deeds were just cruel and barbaric. He tortured people, executed people, esnlaved people and waged wars after wars after wars.
Does this sound like the messenger of god lol
For me it sounds like Allah said: Yo Mohammed, go and fuck their shit up for not believing in me, and show no mercy, act like you were sent by satan himself
>no Messianic option
>nor Adventist
Yet you put Protestant as well as 7 of its sub-denominations. Also, you put Mormon, a completely non-Christian faith.
>being a redundant pedant
why the hell do you have "protestant" and then all the flavors of protestant? just keep it protestant, otherwise it makes Catholics look bigger than they are.
That's interesting. I don't know much about Islam, but the people I know who dig in to it come back and tell me that it's a system of political conquest.
I guess you could say the same about the Jews or about Christ, but I think there's just something more sensible about spreading the Gospel (aka "good news") than using force. Darkies don't belong in Germany, but best of luck my friend.
Holy fucking shit civic nationalism Christianity and t_d are all one thing fucking Christ. SURE ILL LET YOU IN MY HOMELAND AND FUCK MY WIFE BUT YOU MUST CONVERT AND BR CHRIST FIRST. Fucking die.
Don't read your lies in to what I said.
I need to screenshot this thread very good material against Christianity.
You just said it plain as day you dumb fuck.
Given that anonymity is the final guardian of liberty, individualism, and free speech on the internet.
>pol is an [x] board
And why are you against Christianity? Only a screen shot will save you so that you can share it with your friends?
What did I say? Quote it for me.
I'll share it as more proof that christians on Sup Forums are lying cucks
Then make sure to include in the screencap where I lied.
Burn bitch
The story of Jesus as recorded in the gospels is about what happens when the Spirit of God appears on Earth, and is resisted by the worldly powers of organized religion and the state. Anytime the message of Christ becomes co-opted by religious doctrine or state power, it has already abandoned its roots, since at its core the Jesus story is about how those very powers will stop at nothing to subvert and destroy the Christ. Though of course they can never succeed - to those with eyes to see and ears to hear, the King remains enthroned.
Christ shows us that self-giving sacrificial love is the true power in the universe, not the top-down tyrannical brute strength of Caesar. Christ's earliest followers proclaimed "Jesus is Lord!", rather than "Caesar is Lord!" which regions conquered by the empire were required to say. The implied subversive question - who is making a better Kingdom? Caesar who puts people on crosses, or Christ who bears the cross in love for all? Caesar who dominates and kills all who oppose with brute strength, or God who raised Christ from the dead?
Why is self-giving sacrifice the ultimate power? Picture water. In some senses, the most submissive substance imaginable. It will flow through your fingers, fit any container you put it in. Yet nothing can compete with it for domination of the planet - it covers 70% of Earth's surface. It uses its power not to dominate like a tyrant, but to quietly nourish each and every thing that lives. This is built into Creation as a prefiguration of Christ. The blood of Christ is spiritual water, and those who drink of it will never thirst again.
What if I'm Baptist and KJV-onlyist?
I'm getting a KJV Bible tomorrow
>christian board
If you want a place to discuss topics not related to news, world events, or politics, please try /bant/ - International/Random,
>ignores the 7 other reasons
Including Jehova's Witnesses is like including mormons. They aren't trinitarian hence they aren't Christian
Retard newborn
the whole (((Christcuck))) conspiracy makes 0 sense user
why would the Jews create a religion that was so red-pilled on the evils and hypocrisies of the Jewish elites?
why would the Jews have persecuted and killed Christians along with the Romans for over 300 years?
why would so many Christians an Christian leaders have spoken out against the Jews throughout the centuries?
why would the Jews create a religion that encouraged medieval Christians to beat and murder them for being "Christ-killers" for 1000 years?
none of it adds up
Pick one or the other
Put religious tradition aside for a moment. Use your counterintelligence training. Why do they all reeeeeeeeee so much when you make a friendly and helpful suggestion?
And then they counter-accuse you of seizing power because that's what they're afraid of losing. But why? And what power anyway? Aren't we supposed to be working together?
You know you're over the drop zone when you're catching the flak.
that didn't explain anything fag
Might just visit a palm reading gypsy.
Both will give you whatever answers you want to hear and to hell with reality or logic.
Then don't ever try to read the bible because it will be even more confusing.
you didnt answer his question
become pagan instead of a christcuck
Which question? Why would the anti-Christians back when whoever Jesus was trolled them hard still refused it in a brutal fashion because they were agitating as usual per their own Old Testament for power and nobody liked them?
Maybe you could help me by restating the question if you don't think I understand.
literally makes 0 sense
The people in my post are white you tard
Lol, Christ cucks.
the whole (((Christcuck))) conspiracy makes 0 sense user
why would the Jews create a religion that was so red-pilled on the evils and hypocrisies of the Jewish elites?
why would the Jews have persecuted and killed Christians along with the Romans for over 300 years?
why would so many Christians an Christian leaders have spoken out against the Jews throughout the centuries?
why would the Jews create a religion that encouraged medieval Christians to beat and murder them for being "Christ-killers" for 1000 years?
none of it adds up
im catholic you retard
Never happened.
Have you considered the possibility that Jews are assholes who just cause trouble for the sake of preserving their tribe and can never be appeased?
Speaking of appeasement, did this policy work against the Nazis? Let's please try to retain some sense of rationality when we argue.
i dont like hitler either
do you honestly believe this is helping your cause? it just makes it worse.
read Rev 2:9 and 3:9
not religiously
>the jews 2000 years ago are the same as the ones today
>more cherrypicking