She did. Too bad trump is prez eh
of course, liberal elites would love if she won. However, the founding fathers were not stupid when they made the electoral college. It was created to protect the rights of the minority, so it couldn't be voted away into slavery, and it was put in place because otherwise, politicians would only focus on the big cities, and the hardworking people in the fields which dig for and feed everyone else are ignored. Stop surrendering to globalist lies look a little deeper
>Hillary Won the Popular Vote
>Russia hacked the Election for Trump
Really activates those almonds.
Nobody gives a fuck about the popular vote.
It's not a popularity contest, retard.
Get over it.
You must be real country to post here.
Probably some Azov member trying to blame Russia for Trump's victory.
That's like saying the team that wins the football game is the one who gets the most yards or first downs.
Then why isn't she in the White House? If she won she should be in the Oval office but it doesn't seem like that to me. That must mean she actually lost. California and New York shouldn't decide the fate of the country.
I lost a rigged election. Russia dun it.
What is even your flag faggot
Top bantz
moving the goalpost fallacy, if you care then try bitching before it costs you the election
stale desu
Trump won 3084 counties. Hillary won 57.
>Wow, look at all that red.
>a union, comprised of smaller democracies
I know you Hahols have no education nor brains but at least try to look smart
Wow, really made me think.
How many acres does it take to equal an actual human being?
video evidence
Aren't there like 350 mio people in the US? If these numbers add up then less than half of the population is eligible to vote for those guys who pick a president
>people should be allowed to congregate in states where they share their opinion with likeminded people
>Oh but when they are liberal / disagree with me that shouldn't count since there are too many of them concentrated in 1 spot
How many non working city niggers does that acre feed
She hasn't had a period in years.
>our vote should count more because we grow corn!!
I want to go down on those toes so bad after she's had had a long day of campaigning.
how is that even comparable?
Man that chart is depressing. The South was a mistake. Should just remove everything South of Illinois from the union (barring the West coast obviously)
Clearly dont understand the united STATES
There IS NO popular vote
>when ur psychopathy spoils ur presidential run
how many times is this faggot gonna post the exact same fucking thread
again with this shitty trollbait thread, huh?
I wonder how many illegals voted for her.
>special little snowflakes
lol awwwwwwww
top zozzle
No the point is that people who congregate in those states shouldn't dictate the course of the country. The US is a large country and many industries are regional. Some states aren't costal, some aren't on the US-Mexico boarder. Their opinions shouldn't be negated by people who happen to have other professions and live in another state. If you honestly think US elections should be popular vote only, you need to go learn more about politics.
Losing to Donald fucking Trump.
Then why isn't she President?
It seems like you guys don't like to accept the fact that the system does not work that way. See, I never heard you complain until that cunt lost about the electoral college.
You fucking idiots need to STFU and move on, you will NOT change anything, she will NEVER be president, now fuck off and accept reality, you stupid little cunts.
that's what people that don't understand how voting works think
jesus that camel toe
dude you guys almost had a woman leader, phew
we had one, so thats probably why were so fucked up
Always Ukraine with these same shitpost.
Hey, Russia, anytime you want the rest of Ukraine you are free to take it like you did Crimea.
Odd how the system gets the respect the desired goal would require.
I would have gone balls deep and got her pregnant in this pic...but then she would have just aborted it.
>Our team made slightly more successful passes, we should be declared winners, even though we're three goals down at the end!
>"fuck the farmland" says the city niggers
>proceeds to die of starvation
If you ignore the massive voter fraud (thousands of new instances of which they are discovering to this day), she *might* have won the popular vote. Maybe. But look at that spread! A concentrated bunch of far-left faggots from NY and CA cannot be allowed to dictate life for the rest of this country. In any case, this is the EXACT REASON the fantastic US of A doesn't determine elections by the popular vote. "Mob rule" is primitive and is always proven to be a net detriment.
>That's like saying the team that wins the football game is the one who gets the most yards or first downs.
>give us 2x the voting power or we'll kill you via starvation
Hello Stalin
> play game
> game rules tells you that you need to get the most X to win
> opponent gets the most X
> claim that you're the real winner because you got more Y
interesting, I thought the winner becomes the president?
>gets cucked by Obama on delegate count despite winning the popular vote
>gets cucked by Trump on electoral vote count despite winning the popular vote
>that shouldn't count since there are too many of them concentrated in 1 spot
correct. then people would just campaign in 2 spot
Moose knuckle bro
She actually won around 487 (out of 3,141) but it's still a fraction of compared to Trump's 2,661.
So loserly.
>Select all images with a storefront
That's not how the American system works. Kindly kys.
It doesn't matter.
There both corrupt Zionist puppets.
She's to old to have a period.
I am questioning the veracity of that image. I know the core of the country is massively conservative, but somehow that image seems to exaggerate the effect even more than it is.
Funny I could swear that Trump is in the Whitehouse, hold on, lemme check.... Yup. Looks like Trump won.
And? Where does your argument begin?
Contrary to what you think, the "United States" is actually the people that live in that nation, not the ground we call the United States.
every argument you people make boils down to
>Well those people disagree with me, therefore they shouldn't be taken as seriously / have their vote artificially cut in half
What are you, nuts? You want your toilet to smell worse than a shit?
>tfw even God didn't want Hillary to be prez
The fact that she got more votes and still lost is the funniest shit in the world.
Can't believe you have to break it down like this for some people.
Why can't the mods ban these stupid threads
It makes me sad that there are so many retards like this in Canada. I bet you voted liberal because you think Trudeau is pretty, didn't you faggot?
stop interfering in our election, andrei
Here's the thing. These rules have been in place for over 200 years. It's not like Trump was exploiting some obscure loophole in the rules. Hillary campaigned less than half as much as he did. She didn't even visit "The Blue Wall" in the Midwest after July and ended up losing there. She was a terrible candidate who squandered what should have been a massive advantage and lost. And now she's won't fucking go away. She's an albatross around the neck of the Democratic Party.
>I do not like these facts. Find me better ones that I agree with.
Not all Americans go out and vote like they should. Many of them believe that their vote is worthless, and end up staying in on Election Day.
Yes please
We don't any part in your assbackwards retarded cuck country anymore, and literally have never wanted to be part of the union anyway. Actually, we wanted so badly to be independent we fought a fucking WAR over it.
An analogy between getting the most yards vs points in the NFL would've been better desu.
I don't care about Hillary Clinton, I care about the horrible system moving forward into the future. Winner-takes-all within the state is retarded. Each state should award electoral votes based on how many voted for each party within the state. This would solve many problems.
Like the fact that any California based Republican might as well not go vote, they are completely robbed of agency. Vice versa for liberals in deeply red states. Winner-takes-all is the problem, not necessarily the electoral college. Why not have California or New York award 1-2 republican votes based on the proportion of people who actually voted that way. Why does it have to be all 50+ votes for California be counted as blue? Too time consuming? That's not an argument either.
why cant we ban these threads?
this is the third post by ukraine proxy, most likely a university student
The rhetorical "period" is stupid in text.
It's always this same Ukrainian, have any of you noticed that?
What's your problem comrade? Sad that Russia will make you their bitch (again) within the next 2 years?
Well, she's not in the white house.