
When scientists figure out the genome and identify preferable traits(regarding IQ for example) voluntary eugenics start. They'll harvest ~10 eggs from the woman's ovaries, inseminate them with the man's sperm, identify the most preferable embryo and let it grow to a full human. This should eliminate most of the arguments for racial purity for preserving a high IQ population. Of this happens, will you still promote purity with aesthetic and historical arguments etc?

Personally, I'd find eugenics like this morally questionable but once it starts happening people will likely start doing in en masse.

This will never happen.

It'll likely happen within the next 10 years.

How much for 180 IQ Aryan eggs ?

>en masse

Please show a realistic way 'en Masse' can become a genuinely significant number vs the world population of several billion people.

Not happening anytime this or the next century.

not if (((they))) are concerned.

Eugenics are banned because it is Nazism. Are you Hitler?

it will happen only in china faggot, they do experiments on every kind of living organism. Souless hellspawns

seems safer and less likely to result in botched genetic monstrosities than actual gene editing.

lol they can even price it out by how big the sample is

10 egg $$
100 egg $$$$$
1000 egg $$$$$$$$$$

>Souless hellspawns
If there is one thing i like about the chinks,it's their lack of immorality.
They don't care about humanity as they are getting focused on getting the job done.

>it's 1935 all over again

China and some other Asian countries might do it in a large-scale, not the West though. We will lag behind a decade or so atleast imo.


the new form of racism

eh. better make some robots first.

so, a couple problems with this scenario

1) if you took ten eggs from the woman's ovaries, the resulting embryos would all have very similar IQ's, as IQ appears to correlate most closely between mother and offspring, not father. this means only certain women would be allowed to breed in the first place - which, y'know , actually isn't a bad idea in general.

2) in your scenario, identifying the "most preferable" embryo doesn't make sense unless you inseminate the 10 different eggs with different sperm.

even more likely is that you identify a man with desirable target traits, and a woman with desirable target traits, you cross check to make sure there wont be any recessive traits leading to congenital disease, and then you breed several offspring from them.

this is less "eugenics" and more "human husbandry" and I fully support it.

its already doable for things which are easily tested for like congenital diseased. its not even that expensive. its only a matter of time before they identify the genes associated with intelligence.

>This is less "eugenics" and more "human husbandry" and I fully support it

People shit on husbandry in general as if the entirety of our continued existence hasn't been humans making certain animals fuck other animals to produce certain traits.

>its only a matter of time before they identify the genes associated with intelligence.
A few hundred have already been found. Maybe that's enough to get started?

>>unless you inseminate the 10 different eggs with different sperm
>implying anything else is even possible
>>this is less "eugenics" and more "human husbandry" and I fully support it.
>distinction without a difference

stop trying to hard to sound intelligent, kiddo

considering there could be thousands its probably not worthwhile trying to select for IQ yet. anyone who can afford it should still do it purely to eliminate congenital disease. theyve also got superficial things like height and eye color mostly figured out. we gattaca now.

Actually this. Many traits require more than just specific genes, they need right enviroinment on top of that. Basically, large parts of human population possess genes related to both positive and negativie traits which never show themselves due to circumstances.

>>unless you inseminate the 10 different eggs with different sperm
>implying anything else is even possible

from different men, you mongoloid. thought that would be implicit to most intelligent readers.

>>distinction without a difference

quit being an idiot, kiddo.

Eugenics and Husbandry carry dramatically different connotations nowadays