OH MY GOD... I am so ashamed to be American right now... o m g.....
Islamaphobic Billboard
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Can I change my Facebook profile picture to something to show my solidarity with Muslims?
Facts is facts my friend.
I tried to tell you faggots about based Indiana but you didnt listen. Midwest really is the master race.
liberals aren't into facts. Especially anything to do with islam
woah..... i can't believe such hatred still exists in 2017... wow...
when did truths become hate
Show your support with Muhammad's wedding photo. Here ya go.
gassed 600 jews
that's a plus to me.
-------- - ------ --- -----
It's called freedom of speech. Ironically, most of you would be shitting the bed if someone paid for a pro-Muslim billboard ad.
>beheaded 600 Jews in one day, I guess he really was the perfect man
How about this one. A white Westerner participating right alongside a muslim in a favored Islamic pastime.
let them have a pro muslim billboard. easier to throw gays off them
They are free to make a defamatory one about jesus, but he didn't do bad shit like pig fucker
Not disputing any of the claims, but does anyone have any citations for this?
Haven't researched Muhammad.
If I ever visit the US I'll only go to 'flyover' country.
Seems like good people.
I think the funniest fucking thing is that it doesn't say anything about Islam ANYWHERE
if Muslims honestly believed their precious prophet was innocent, why would they assume the billboard was describing him?
guilty as charged.
Indiana based as fuck.
you this will not catch on.
> Who cares about all those truthful things
> We need to find out who is behind this billboard
fuck yes Indiana show yurocucks what standing up for your fucking self looks like
That's funny, it doesn't even say Mohamed on it. I wonder why people are assuming this is about him?
all you need to know is he is a 100% dindu
I love this billboard
I use to live in Ohio. Can confirm, Indiana is unbelievably based. My little bro went to Culver, had a blast.
>no explicit mention of Muhammad
How'd they know who it was?
muslims did 9/11 so who cares what they think
Avoid Shitcago though
The surrounding suburbs and rest of the state are pretty good people though
Well, this billboard isn't stating that it's about Mohammed, so does that mean that they're admitting that all of this is true about their prophet?
Bingo, Schlomo.
Do we know who paid for this glorious masterpiece?
God. Bless. America.
Indiana is the greatest state
>carrier plant (trumps first big move)
sounds like the perfect man to me
They have asset forfeiture cops patrolling the 70 freeway and other interstates in Illinois looking for suckers they can take their cars. Stay out of Illinois if you can.
Facts are the tools of the oppressors over the oppressed. We need authenticity over facts.
nice shoop
Mohammed was never mentioned, but they admit it is mohammed when they are outraged about it
>I think the funniest fucking thing is that it doesn't say anything about Islam ANYWHERE
this is what makes it hilarious.
muh six hundred
How did they know it had anything to do with Islam?
I thought none of these things had anything to do with islam.
According to muslims its 100% true. What little I've researched I question that Muhammad even exsisted.
> insults
top kek
>I wonder why people are assuming this is about him?
the billboard OP is a genius. we need to learn from his example
Muslims admit this shit is true among themselves but lie through their teeth or try to twist it some way to soften the fact they worship a pedophile.
How is this anti-muslim? All that is in the quran. You're anti-muslim for citing their own scripture? just lol.
It doesn't mention Islam or Muslims so they shouldn't be upset. Hell it could very well be referring to some random Indiana lad who got up to some crazy shit
Actually it's a proven fact that conservashits don't care about facts.
>What little I've researched I question that Muhammad even exsisted.
That's probably a stretch, user. Immediately after his death the sunni and shia started killing each other, and do so to this day. And nobody claims that he did anything supernatural (unlike jesus), and that he was simply the prophet.
seriously, that part of islam vs. christianity is not where you want to go, user. Christianity is full of silly shit, while Islam is full of cold hard facts, like KILL THE INFIDEL.
what would you write/show on such ad?
>beheaded 600 jews in one day
literally /our guy/
You crazy Niga - it's the liberals or progressives that can't hold a logical discussion.
Mmh, silly me, I thought goatfucking was muslims favored islamic pastime.
Facts: like how islam is cancer and you liberals are so desperate to bring them into your country? or the rape stats. or the terrorism stats. or the welfare stats
which one was not a fact again?
We need to meme it.
It's just a few facts about "The Perfect Man". Mudslimes have no reason to be offended.
There are quite a few of those boys around here. We should respond to the shitskins by saying it was talking about Rick down the street.
Also daily reminder there have been 0 terror attacks on American clay since Trump took office. Were literally baiting them at this point, I genuinely believe shit will hit the fan when it happens. I cant wait.
I wonder if a gofundme to put this billboard in every major metro area across the USA would be successful?
Facts have no power over doublethink.
This, fuck flumpf and fuck white people.
But how is this billbord offensive? Isn't it litterally the trut?
Do it, faggot!
Wouldn't your arms get tired after 100 Jew beheadings?
I call BS
Id donate
>Hell it could very well be referring to some random Indiana lad who got up to some crazy shit
This made me laugh pretty hard. Some random Indiana corn shucker killing 600 Jews in a day.
There is absolutely no reference to any religion in that billboard what so ever. What the fuck are you all on about?
>pro-Muslim billboard ad.
Surprisingly they look the same.
what is
>nobody claims that he did anything supernatural (unlike jesus)
What about communicating with the angel Gabriel to write the Koran?
Its all in the Sunnah, which is basically the christian equivalent of the bible. Chronicles of muhamads life as spoken through his companions. It along with the quran are the 2 main books that guide islam.
The 6yr old is Aisha. The Jews are the Banu Qurayza, whose women and children were enslaved as well, who were also raped obviously. So that one instance covers slaves, raping, killing unbelieves. Kenana ibn al-Rabi for a torture victim. The list is just one example of each, rather than an atempt to list every instance where Mohammed did as was advertised on the billboard.
>scientifically proven
What do you even mean pro Islam?
You guys gave us Pence, we don't need reminding you're based by default just like Florida
If they get offended by this then that means they disprove of what mohammad did, which is very islamophobic.
I don't care about what you just said. So your story checks out.
God damn, Hanz. What's it feel like to be a cunt/cuck?
I try to spread the word about taqiyya muruna kitman tawriya when ever I get the chance.
Lying deceptive cunts the whole lot of them.
They can feel free to do the same to Jesus and Siddhartha.
But it'll just highlight how terrible Islam really is by comparison.
>Narrated Jabir bin Abdullah: A man decided that a slave of his would be manumitted after his death and later on he was in need of money, so the Prophet took the slave and said, "Who will buy this slave from me?" Nu'aim bin 'Abdullah bought him for such and such price and the Prophet gave him the slave.
—Sahih al-Bukhari, 3:34:351 see also Sahih al-Bukhari, 3:51:598 Sahih al-Bukhari, 8:79:707 Sahih al-Bukhari, 9:85:80 Sahih al-Bukhari, 3:51:588 Sahih al-Bukhari, 3:46:711 Sahih al-Bukhari, 9:89:296
Jabir (Allah be pleased with him) reported: There came a slave and pledg- ed allegiance to Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) on migration; he (the Holy Prophet) did not know that he was a slave. Then there came his master and demanded him back, whereupon Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) said: Sell him to me. And he bought him for two black slaves, and he did not afterwards take allegiance from anyone until he had asked him whether he was a slave (or a free man)
—Sahih Muslim, 10:3901
The quran also acknowledges Jesus as legit. Everything written in the bible was true, its just outdated and replaced by the quran and sunnah. Any jew who didnt convert to christianity was wrong, and every christian who didn't convert to islam is wrong.
Lol. I didn't even catch that. It was probably a clever way around being charged with hate speech
>muh Jews
>muh multiple wives
Lol conservacucks never cease to amaze. Keep on thinking the Jews are on your side you fucking morons
You Are Fake Religion!
a classic
> One of the few books exclusively devoted to the subject, At-Taqiyya fi’l-Islam (“Taqiyya in Islam”) make this unequivocally clear. Written (in Arabic) by Dr. Sami Mukaram, a former Islamic studies professor at the American University of Beirut and author of some twenty-five books on Islam, the book demonstrates the ubiquity and broad applicability of taqiyya in its opening pages:
> Taqiyya is of fundamental importance in Islam. Practically every Islamic sect agrees to it and practices it … We can go so far as to say that the practice of taqiyya is mainstream in Islam, and that those few sects not practicing it diverge from the mainstream … Taqiyya is very prevalent in Islamic politics, especially in the modern era.[1]
Islam does not have rights under the Constitution
The founding fathers literally went to war with Islam 3 times (and won)
here you go
pic related
Proud to be from Indiana
I'd like to see them make a case for Jesus fucking a child.
Nah he was just some morally unhinged sandnigger with epilepsy. Not that hard to imagine
>And nobody claims that he did anything supernatural
Look up muhammads night journey,
If you read the Quran yes it's all true. The little girl was named Aisha. He took on multiple wives because God said he could and had special permission to take anyone's wife but, no one could take or remarry one of his wives.
also sorry for the low tea pic
> the flying donkey chronicles
Satire is protected speech here so this would have no problems either.