>It has been said that arguing against globalization is like arguing against the laws of gravity. - Kofi Annan, seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations from January 1997 to December 2006
The man has a point
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Arguing against the laws of gravity is actually relatively easy. There are plenty of tests that completely disprove its existence. Not to mention the greatest mind of them all thought it was nonsense as well - Nikola Tesla.
He was bought and paid for
>arguing against the laws of gravity
Nationlism confirmed to be a wing
>opinion of the un secretary general
Pick one.
The holocaust never happened.
oy vey shut it down
let me guess.... the Earth is flat as well?
ofcourse a dumb nigger is for global gibsmedats and fleeing his shithole.
color me surprised.
Oil for food anyone?
off topic... but holy shit that is an insanely impressive display of pilot and machine. god damn.
you got any proof it's round, cuck?
>sources say
I love how he's just throwing his plane around the sky like it's all haphazard yet still perfectly under control, it really is an impressive clip.
This one not so much, he almost had it though.
So long as we want a free market and connectivity. Being in this board is because of Globalism.
A U.N.-appointed panel investigating corruption in prewar Iraq's oil-for-food program delivered a scathing rebuke of Secretary General Kofi Annan's management of the largest U.N. humanitarian aid operation and concluded that Kojo Annan took advantage of his father's position to profit from the system.
Here's the archive
>washingtonpost com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/09/07/AR2005090701646.html
>equating social movements to physical properties of the universe
When will the Left-wing retards stop?