If you don't believe God didn't make it happen, then prove how it happened without divinity!
Question to Atheist: Explain the origin of the Universe!
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Explain the origin of God
Nuh uh I don't have to because magic and shit.
>religious people: I dont know, therefore god
wew lads
Dumb forces of physics is easy to comprehend. Your magic spirit with goals and even desires with no origin isn't.
Daily reminder that Muslims believe in God
because stuff appearing out of nothing makes more sense than a being appearing out of nothing.
he always was, is, and will be.. that's what makes a god a god, you cant put a limit on god,or else he wouldn't be a god..
didn't answer ops question.
>dodging the question
1. God doesn't follow physics he created them. Atheists believe breaking physics is impossible.
2. He isn't made of anything(atleast at first)
3. he doesn't exist in time(if that maes sense) and can see the future so he probably has always been around. Atheists can't say that because they believe sonething had to create the little speck for the big bang
Thats why i believe in the almighty Goku. Sounds stupid, right? just the same for your god.
Several Greek gods had birth myths. Gods can be born. Your claim is irrelevant.
Is there anything wrong w/ believing there is a God/Creator Gods/Creators but that no religion manufactured by man speaks the truth about it?
Every religion is nothing more than man's best guess about creation, cultural norms, moral norms, and a politically motivated control structure used by elites over commoners....
The truth about God isn't known and is unfolding with time. Know one knows of the true Origin or purpose of the universe. We grow in our understanding with time as you do from Birth to Death.
What's wrong w/ this clear and irrefutable truth. Name one religion that claims to be the absolute words of God and I'll show you how it is nothing more than a re-framing of older such stories and religions that it claims to be false.
I feel the need today to create a thread dedicated to unmasking this... It has gone on for far too long and is causing the world to regress and become divided.
There is only one God in Christianity though
The White god is a false god
but what if He isn't?
you worship a faggot beta
logic doesnt apply to my "logical" conclusions
Their own mythology says he can't defeat iron chariots. He is weak and false.
>Assuming the universe came from nothing
>He isn't made of anything
What do Catholics devour every Sunday?
>doesn't understand the trinity
BBT and God/Divinity are basically the same thing with different words attached to them.
Judges 1:19, faggot
Well he can burn and drown the whole earth that's lretty strong
Not if I'm in an iron chariot. Fake and gay.
then he will make it so he can kill you
I can't prove that in the same way you can't prove God did it. I just try to see things in a logical way, a way that make sense to me. Believing in made-up explanations because it's easier and comfier is not for me.
Especially when for me those explanations are so obviously out of touch with reality and our universe, for example by their anthropocentric nature.
It's an unanswerable question, if we had an explanation that is proven about the origin of the universe, OP's question wouldn't exist.
The universe doesnt follow physics, it created them.
>a little speck expanding created physics
wew lad
An imaginary being created physics
Wew lad
Question Theists: Explain the origin of God
>prove how it happened without divinity!
There's this I DONT KNOW option too. You don't have to imagine magic being every time you can't explain some shit. How do you people even do it? I don't know why sky is blue... so it must be blue air spirits!
>a car designing its interior makes more sense rhan a person doing it
wew vlad
Seems a little petty for a god. Also Babylonians stole his house. I ain't worried.
This is false equivalence. Just because I may or may not be able to explain something doesn't/shouldn't make your case.
>didged the question and disn't read the thread
A car is the universe
Wew lad
Get wrekt
Isn't matter coming from nothing impossible though Vlad
The burden of proof is yours faggot
Who says it came from nothing
Atheists don’t know how the universe was created, but at least they don’t come up with fairy tales to explain it.
We don't have an explanation for the origin of the universe. Instead of jumping to highly unlikely conclusions, we accept our ignorance as adults.
Now answer my question because it utilizes the same exact logic. You can not explain the origin of god. This is a problem in both cases and explained in logic called infinite regress. The big difference is that the belief in God is a huge leap of "logic" and likely simply based on mankinds' own ego, personifying the explainable.
ex nihilo regression
I hope you understand that Monotheism didn't believe with any of the Abrahamic Faiths. It was set upon and already a thing in progress w.r.t to religious evolution.
If someone already claimed to have the story of the one true God 100s or a 1000 years before someone else, who is correct? The guy who could have copied the former guy or the one who originated the idea? Furthermore, Christianity believes in multiple God forms/aspects. They believe in a Trinity God (3 aspects) and they believe in the story of there being multiple tiers of angels (helper gods). This is now different that other religions that came 1000s of years before it.
>prove how it happened without divinity!
I can prove it, but you're too stupid to understand.
That's why you believe in a higher power - becauser you're a fucking retard.
>100 people stand up in a room and shake a book in their hand declaring they have the complete word of God and the path towards heaven.
Who to believe?
Im interested in your explanation, go
obvious bait
I don't even think most Christians/Catholics and whatever grouping of followers of the bible fully understand the implication of a Trinity, Angels, Saints, etc.
It's nothing more than a re-framing of polytheism in which you have a many aspect god and many tiers of entities in service to it. Christianity isn't a new conceptualization of God. It's one that has existed for 1000s of years. Abrahamic religions were just bold enough to try to destroy all other world religions in their attempt to raise theirs to prominence.
>If you don't believe God didn't make it happen, then prove how it happened without divinity!
I don't believe in things without good evidence. There is no good evidence regarding the origin of the Universe, so I don't dare make any truth claims about it. Theists do though and we rational people call them out on their lack of evidence, that is all.
Anyone who truly believes in the existence of god is a evolutionary failure and should be replaced by a rational human immediately.
There is no such thing as nothing and there never was. Everything has always existed in one form or another. Why is that so hard to understand?
>Dumb forces of physics is easy to comprehend
So wait, you're telling me the rules of the universe already existed when the universe was created? How does that work? Take the most elementary force between the most elementary particles and tell me how that force came to be.
Big bang was governed by pre-existing laws of physics. If you're saying those laws are eternal and come from nowhere? How is that different from a word of God?
I wish white people would return to pagan traditions while being athiest/agnostic about it. I'm sorry if I sound like some fedora tipper or some shit but science should be our guidance but we should never forget the religion that was given birth by our evolution. I think the way the Japanese have a religion that has grown with them and traditions along side that religion is the major reason the Japanese still exist as a homogeneous society. Its not like Christians will listen to reason anyway much like leftist.
There is no reason to believe that the laws within our universe are anything alike to the laws outside of it.
This is something you cannot possibly imagine but at least try to. Being born inside a box and never leaving it in your life, never seeing whats outside of it in your life never hearing anything about it, in your life. Thats the universe, that box.
I mean even on earth as far as lack of knowledge goes you still have tribes on this planet that dont know how to do anything regarding to numbers. They are within a smaller box.
To them all these concepts that you use in your every day life are as foreign and as impossible as god himself.
nobody can prove anything you fucking idiot. prove that there is a cocksucker named jesus that cares about us
>Explain why it rains! You can't so it must be God!
>Explain why people get sick!
>Explain why we have eclipses!
>Explain where the universe came from!
^You are here.
God is a coward, always hiding in knowledge gaps. When the gap gets filled by science, he jumps into another one. Shameful.
I'm not a scientist and neither are you. Both of using don't understand how the universe came into being.
But that doesn't mean a god did it, meaning us not knowing is not really proving the existance of a god.
Now fuck off and realise that religion is man made.
both of us*
Sure, I can imagine that. I can imagine a lot of things, including God.
You can say that you are able to, but you really are not.
It would be like saying you can imagine another color, or imagine a world without the color blue.
You are merely, well not even at the surface, you are a kilometer away from it looking at it.
And if you really truly understand what i am saying, i dont see an argument.
Leo Tolstoy literally quit church because he could not get Trinity. Every imaginable variant he considered was already declared a heresy 1500 years ago. It makes no sense.
This is dumb.
>>You can't prove something so therefore God did it!
It could have the same theoretical origin as God
Therefore one doesn't make more sense than the other
> declared a heresy
Yeah, they persecuted, jailed, exiled, and killed just about anyone who had a different opinion with their agreed upon and Roman led standards.
The Emperor carried out his earlier statement: everybody who refused to endorse the Creed would be exiled. Arius, Theonas, and Secundus refused to adhere to the creed, and were thus exiled to Illyria, in addition to being excommunicated. The works of Arius were ordered to be confiscated and consigned to the flames, while his supporters considered as "enemies of Christianity." [49] Nevertheless, the controversy continued in various parts of the empire.[50]
They killed off the gnostics.
They killed off Masons.
They killed off any critical examination of the narrative that wasn't officially approved by Rome. Rome only supported a narrative that was inline with and strengthened the empire. It's literally a mind cucking manual for empires.
"Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and pray for a better after life."
The motto of subservience to man approved by the savages of Rome and exported under force in order to gain control over mankind.
There is no wonder as to why the world is in turmoil and chaos due to the three Abrahamic religions.