I finished this a while ago, and was told this is "baby's first redpill". If so, can Sup Forums tell me about other books that I should read?
Books of Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
Fahrenheit 451.
Animal farm is baby's first red pill, 1984 is great and should be read early and often tho. Brave New World is a lot closer to our reality...
Other than that? Road to Serfdom, Atlas shrugged, and if you're a creative type, grab "the Fountainhead"
>atlas shrugged
LOL nice meme
Fahrenheit 451
A Clockwork Orange
American Tabloid
All the Shah's Men (non fiction)
Ghost Wars (non fiction)
...if you want a red pill movie, try All the President's Men.
with the muslim ploblem in Europe, picc related
Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution by Kropotkin
>inb4 anarchist fag
Yes, but being alone you will lost against (((them)))
A lot of Vonnegut and Mark Twain
And Fight Club, btw
I strikes me odd how similar this is to greentext.
>Be user
>Gross and unloveable
>Shitty job
>Everyone out to get you
>Suddenly pussy and adventure
The real red pill is realising that the real problem plaguing the West isn't "Jews" or "Muslims" but our own lack of belief in ourselves, and pride in what we were and what we could become.
You should read The 9/11 Commission Report
It was a best seller on release and is really well put together.
What amazed me is Bin Laden had very little involvement in the plot. Bin Laden put Khalid Sheik Mohammed (the mastermind) in touch with the Hamburg Cell and gave a little money. That's it!!!!
Conspiracy theorists and their melting steel beams are dumb as fuck because they never read the official report. If they did, they would see the biggest conspiracy was right in front of them.
I knew the world is tends toward this direction without even reading this book
everything by Edward Bernays
>atlas shrugged
Neocon pat yourself on the back the book
Industrial Society and Its Future
Jordan Peterson has a reading list on his website teaming with great novelists, many are militantly anti commie
All pleb tier
Read Mein Kampf or Hitler's War
>Edward Bernays
Forgot the brackets pal
Starship Troopers
Anything by Adolf Hitler
this is required reading
Read the Foundation Series by Asimov
Our society today is closer to Huxleys Brave new world,so i would reccomend that....
>Mein Kampf
The 'Second Book' and 'Table Talks' are more Hitler than Mein Kampf.
Anyway, here's a *.pdf of Irving's book.
Anything by Noam Chomsky desu, that guy is woke af
Confessions of an Economic Hitman.
Any Sup Forums approved dystopian readings besides the ones mentioned in thread?
The Selfish Gene - Richard Dawkins
On Killing - Lt. Col. Dave Grossman
Genes, Peoples, and Languages - Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza
Disaster in Chile - by some commie I can't remember the name of
Turner Diaries
Catcher in the Rye
Farenheit 451
get the fuck out
The Republic
Ooooh. I think I'll stay right here nice and cozy.
The Quran. Bc if you are not a retarded fuck you will realize muhammad was a pedo incestual beatiality schizophrenic retarded inbred sandnigger
This. Starship Troopers is one of the best redpilling books written.
A fighting chance - Elizabeth Warren
Really gr8 book
>American Tabloid
>Ghost Wars (non fiction)
fun books but these are lesser tier
Lord of the Flies by Golding
Our revolution - Bernie Sanders
Ok ok I'll reread it.
this book is really entertaining
basically how to take over nations via debt slavery
very eye opening
your days are numbered kikes were onto you
LOL it's easy as fuck to spot the 14 year olds in this thread - brave new world and satre is what high school edgelords read
>Disaster in Chile - by some commie I can't remember the name of
If you want to read about what happened before the helicopter rides, read this. Learn about the enemy, from the enemy's own words.
Thanks bros
Another high schooler spotted. Too fuckin easy
I wanna fuck you in the ass like a 14 year old edgelord, leaf. Cum for daddy.
>all these books
Read the classics that inspired your forefathers.
/lit/ is right, start with the Greeks.
Also, read more poetry; start with Kipling.
U said that already. I still wanna fuck you in your leaf blower.
High school books can still be good. What are your recommendations if you're so high and mighty?
>asks baby boomer parent what their favorite edgy book is
>posts in this thread trying to look intellectual
The 1960's called and they want their shitty low-tier books back
where is the like button I can't seem to find it.
I love you leafs so much because you think youre clever but youre always wrong. Try again.
yeah their good if you're a high schooler and don't know much about the world.
>Seriously lord of the flies, satre and nietsche?
Just read the SparkNotes for them
What's that you just posted?
Go to Jordanbpeterson.com and read through his reading list....
1984 is one of the books on his list.
Just because we read them in highschool doesn't immediately invalidate them as good reads. This is especially true for people who want to start reading more, these books are considered classics for a reason.
Nietzsche was one of the main inspirations of Bowden.
>Nietzsche’s philosophy isn’t for everybody. It’s too harsh and too forbidding for many people. But it is a way of thinking which is reflexive and absolute. It’s a way of thinking which is primordial and extraordinarily Western. It’s a way of thinking that enables people to be religious, in the sense of the sacredness of life, but also to be open to fact, and to evidence, and to science. It combines those things that lead to glory. And express themselves through tenderness and ferocity.
You want the truth? Start with Wilhelm Reich.
First: listenlittleman.com
The U.S. government BURNED HIS BOOKS in an incinerator in NY because he was so "dangerous" to the public. What does that tell you?
I would like a recommendation from you
seriously can someone tell me how to lkie a post?
They're also taught to high schoolers for a reason
Because they're written for children
Read Harry Potter, it's a great series of books about wizards and dragons
this desu. Thanks for the link i love irvings work (and talks).
The Gulag Archipelago
>Nietzsche’s philosophy isn’t for everybody. It’s too harsh and too forbidding for many people.
>Unless you're a 13 year old edgelord
This leaf is angry. Best leave him alone. Hes probably working for a nigger from china for his daily sheckle.
no wonder this website gets a bad rap I come here once and I can't even figure out how to do the most basic thing like liking a post.
1984 is a pretty big red pill, but only in the sense that it shows how the Proles remain indifferent and distracted with sports and TV in the face of terrorism every single day. They never do anything about it
IMO Brave New World is much better.
>society is segmented into a caste system from birth through genetics
>almost like Nazi eugenics, although people are happy because they get free goodies all the time
>portrays socialism as a wildly successful ideology that makes everyone soft
>in the end there's no family, no commitment and no freedom - but free sex, drugs, expensive homes, and you're engineered to feel joy when doing menial work
I've never read Island, never even heard of it until recently. Anyone read it? Any good?
>the candidate that endorsed the establishment after it stabbed him in the back
Cuckold porn is gross user
>goes back to reading Satre and thinking he's the only person who knows about existentialism
When you lose your virginity let me know
>fabricated news
>all opposition being controlled
>stooges of the regime everywhere
>constant warmongering
>weird sexual practices
Britain is really like this.
The prince.
Here's your (You) now stop posting
I can see the likes at the top of the posts so there has to be a way to do it, how do I like?
Ok...let's see here.
Animal Farm
Brave New World
Brave New World Revisted
Fahrenheit 451
The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress
Atlas Shrugged
A Scanner Darkly
The Iron Heel-Jack London
The Art Of War- Sun Tzu
The Book Of Five Rings- Miyamoto Musashi
Fun read though is "all is quiet on the western front"
Or the art of war
>all of it?
yes, all of it
>Atlas Shrugged
AKA How to be an Actual Sociopath
>arguing with based bowden
I actually met Irving once when I was unemployed and was speaking in my city. Literally used the last bit of money in my pocket to pay my way in. After the talk, when we were all talking a bit more intimately it led to me saying I wasn't going to be buying anything, and explained why, so he gave me Hitler's War and Churchill's War (first volume) and said to pay him back when I'm back on my feet. I absolutely did, with interest as well. What a lad he is.
Just reply to it. The (you) is like a Like even if the content of your post is disparaging because most of us are lonely bastards, and made to feel good when something we do or say is actually acknowledged.
You've never read a single thing written by Nietzsche or you wouldn't spout such bullshit
Day of the fucking rake can't come soon enough
Lurk more before opening your mouth....
desu Neitzsche was an overrated philosopher and an underrated novelist. Thus Spoke Zarathustra was basically a Buddhism for the western man. It was him toying with writing his own religious book and I'm surprised it didn't turn into a cult, like some other German books at the time (Vril-tards still have a following on /x/, especially since Call of Duty and Zombies made people fanboy it.)
I am just starting it now. It is interesting. had previously read both 1984 and brave new world.
Lord of The Flies, brilliant book. An interesting look at a microcosm ran by children.
Great characters too, genuinely fun to read!
>Every 13 year old edgelord's 'must reads'
OP please tell me you realise that everyone is telling you their high school reading lists. You're getting book recommendations from teenagers