you realise you're all falling for the same shit?
you realise you're all falling for the same shit?
falling for what shit
divide and conquer
>it's the muslims
>it's the jews
>it's blacks
let's make american (((great))) again
sure thing, satan.
>whites aren't the best
There wouldn't be any divide and conquer if we weren't constantly importing people.
>the guy on the soapbox is wrong
now we can prove he is right with numbers. ironic that the real snake oil salesman trying to convince ol Johnny boy looks like a hook nosed kike.
^made me think of this
it is the jews though
So America was libshit even back than? Wew leds
Sup Forums absolutely is falling for a bunch of bullshit routinely, I'm hoping because of their shitty attitudes they're going to be the ones in the next bombing of Dresden.
>"We human beings are not born with prejudices"
Well, actually... research shows that we are. It is natural to be racist. Anti-racism is a social construct.
It has always been the jews.
I agree dont be a sucker.
turned off the OP right after the kike spewed that shit.
we really were the bad guys
Cultural Marxist, Post-Modernism, or whatever you want to call it has been pushed in Western schools for ages.
Even growing up I always thought the shit being pushed in school was retarded propaganda.
Funny how the guy did not mentionen (((them))).
Just watched it
So they're warning us against identity politics
After first learning about propaganda in school, I thought it was quite obvious that our country must use it too.
The problem with propaganda these days is that it's nearly impossible to identify unless you know what to look for. In the 30s and 40s, prop was pretty obvious. After being redpilled its apparent that propaganda is nearly omnipresent in the media and honestly, American culture.
>I'm a Freemason
what the fuck!?
>haha don't be a sucker don't protect your nation from the niggers and jews
>it could be the Catholics next :^))))
>doesnt mention state of Weimar at all
>doesnt mention what happened to Germany after WW1
>lies about jews dinduing nuffin (sausage shop owner probably OK but could still be communist. Anyway, they lie by omission of the fact virtually the entire media was jewish)
>defends commie party
>acts like Germany is a melting pot the way America is
>muh freemasons
guess infants are bigots and need to be re-educated.
>adults praise kids who sacrifice more and give less
gee, wonder why. fuck them.
look at the regret on their face when they give away at their own expense. going to the enemy. cuckoldry