This is getting way the fuck out of hand. First the destruction of free speech now this. Help? I don't wanna be a leaf no mo.
This is getting way the fuck out of hand. First the destruction of free speech now this. Help? I don't wanna be a leaf no mo.
No witty first post here. I'm just going to say how much this physically disgusts me.
Western civilization is tanking harder and faster than Rome.
People always say that children are not progressing to adulthood- and this legislation gives children the power to progress sooner.
What's wrong with that?
It lessens the burden on the parents from a defective child.
>being woman the worst thing ever
>men are the worst thing ever
gee... idk. decisions, decisions.
Check my 7's
CA... state mandated child abuse, good job kanuck!
Dissolve Canada and give every province independence
I want to kill myself
Canada, Yes! Make WW3 in the North much simpler for us.
>western values
Slaugher your leafy gay muslim Prime Minister
>13 year old kid starts acting up
>"Hey pops buy me a new computer, coño bitchass"
>"What did you say Junior? You better watch your tone, boy"
>"If you don't do as I command I will say I am a girl and that you raped me in my virtual pussy several times"
>"D-damn please no... I will buy you whatever you want son"
>"Shut the fuck up bitch you ain't even my real father"
Future kids confirmed as turbo neets last generation confirmed
Fascism is when you do things that benefit the state, this is literally the opposite of fascism
If your child grows up transgender you've already failed as a parent.
Why should the state not take them from you?
Why are you idiots defending the parents of transgenders?
there are other definitions of the word, burger
RWDS is the only way in everywhere besides the US.
>Implying I'll let them out of my basement in the first place.
It's genetic, leave it alone
are you really gonna act like it's impossible to for a child to grow out of being a faggot? I've witnessed it happen with my own eyes more than once. All ((kids)) go through weird phases. Encouraging them to fully commit to cutting their willy's off is not a solution.
I found this on a progressive Tumblr page once.
This is literally the motto these people live by.
But why did they become transgender in the first place?
You failed as a parent.
Why are you acting as if the govt would try to fix the kid?
They will give it to some turbo pink haired feminist to further destroy the kid's life.
Use the law in our favor.
I'm not.
I'm saying the kids are worthless and it's irrelevant what happens to them.
pop culture
Traditional parenting:
Spanish version, "when you grow up you will eat eggs"
Meaning, as long as you live here you have no voice no vote. I'm smart you are stupid, Reverse hand crossing face.
If social services come to take your kid, just have another one and be sure to do it better this time around
Isn't this what you cucks wanted?
You don't just become transgender. These are kids. Kids pretend to be girls all the time that doesn't mean they're faggot trannies. It can, but it doesn't have to.
If my kid was a tranny he would not be a kid because he would be dead
If you can't control your son from watching TV and believing he's a woman you then shouldn't have children.
If your son goes "I'm a girl" 99% of the time it's a joke or because they want attention. Children do edgy shit to get attention without understanding their actions.
My parents have stories of me dressing up as a girl because I thought it was funny. I'm right-wing, /fit/ and "cis".
If my parents were libtards they would have festered those ideas and encouraged them so they could virtue signal having a faggot disfunctional "progressive" child.
Children are fucking stupid and don't understand ANYTHING and cannot make life decisions like deciding they're a different gender, because they don't even understand the differences between penises and vaginas, let alone the psychology between wanting to identify as a certain gender because that's how they "feel". Children don't know how they feel, they're fucking stupid. But considering boys/girls have hormones that influence their biology, ideology, and feelings, chances are I'd go with biology on this.
Also, fun fact: Children on hormones prior to puberty still experience puberty, and it completely negates all the hormone replacement they received and their physical features revert back to their original sex.
Good money grab for big pharma to sell you useless hormones when their //BIOLOGY// kicks in; although the kids body will be heavily damaged and fucked up; same with their psyche.
But, y'know, progressive.
It's not normal for a male child to say I'm a girl 99% of the time.
That's a failure of parenting.
They should remove the kids from the parents.
You're wrong, it's one thing to be a worthless and confused indicidual.
But radicalizing it? That's what changes a fag being a fag into a marxist antifa scum.
Better to get to the truth sooner rather than later.
just when i thought canada couldn't cuck itslef anymore
not sure if retarded or trolling
The daily wire isn't a news site. It's a website that imagines crazy things then gets angry about them.
westerners need to check their pronoun privilege
if any province is ever about to separate I will race to it and leave everything behind
>I used to dress up as a girl 99% of the time
>I'm totally "CIS" you guys
yea sorry this is like guys who say sucking feminine trap penis doesn't mean they're gay
I really want Russia to win... Russia is our only hope...
>be 3 years old
>do something you don't understand as a joke because it's funny and got you attention
I thought I could be a transformer when I grew up because I didn't know any better too, is that still true?
he said 99% of the time when a kid says they want to be a girl they aren't being literal, obviously.
>you fucking retard
Trudeau looks like an F to M tranny. It's too late!
why do leafs pretend it's so hard to move to the US?
because it is
FASICM: Fucking incoherent nonsense coming up at 5
we all have DUI's, man
try crossing a border with a record..in Canafuck they make money off making sure people have records
Jesus Christ. Use the law to remove children from the homes of gay parents forcing their unwanted ideology on children.
Melania looks like a sex robot.
Sadly I think the user's onto something but you can't just stop with him. You have to be rid of all of them. History will call you tyrannical. Stalin, although a Tyrant, forcefully modernized Russia. And because of his Efforts, Russia became a powerful threat to the United States and still is.
Sometimes, to save the body, along with the cancer you have to remove healthy tissue.
I like having health care, thanks.
more specifically weapons and people ready to use them
what's that sir? you've been in an accident in the most slippery place on earth? here's your dangerous driving charge,
>perspective from a third world shit hole
thanks for the input, pablo
good. forcing toxic, obsolete gender roles on your kids is abuse.
He's right though, the West is literally destroying itself and it's because of the Jews which is ironic to say the least.
>Mommy I want to vote for the next Prime Minister!
>No sweetie, you're too young to understand politics.
>Mommy I want to cut my peepee off!
>Sure, I'll call the doctor to put you on hormones tomorrow.
too bad he's right, you 56% nigger piece of shit.
I have to admit. I'm starting to feel pretty bad for the rest of the world. Worst shit I've heard about the US today some shit about Portland. I'm starting to think Ausbros will be the last bastion of us Anglos. Avenge me.
I think even sweden is wokin up slowly, but canada keeps ongoing.
>canada yes
lol just kill me
How about we just agree that it's okay for little Jimmy to play with barbie dolls and little Karen to catch frogs in the swamp. No reason to go the extra step and say "well little Jimmy, I guess you're gonna have to get your wiener chopped off."
Day of Rake when?
> I'm a girl 99% of the time
> I'm /fit/
> Not closet trans
people who corrupt children should be gassed
Do any of you think words are going to work? Or stop them?
What? No it doesn't.
Woa there that's a microphone aggression you didn't even asked me what my favorite pronoun is, I didn't know Canadians were so intolerant...
apparently its not that great
Can you guys imagine the legal backlash ten, twenty years from now when these kids grow up and sue their parents and/or the government for mutilating their genitals? I think it's going to be massive.
don't worry
they'll fix that soon by mainstreaming pedophilia as a sexual orientation. it's all part of the plan. muzzies just need a few more years to move into our homes
the dream of multiculturalism will make us all so progressive we go full circle into barbarianism and we'll be enslaved to islamic leaders like sadiq
One time when I was ten or so my sister forced me to dress up like a girl (the works) and show my dad or she'd steal my Neopoints. I can't even imagine how some dudes could want to be a woman. Every time I remember it I want to bash my head in because I recall the look on his face. Utter disappointment.
No, they should be hung. It serves as an example to those who would commit the same atrocity.
start fucking killing people
You'd expect that to be happening already, what with all the cutting of newborn babies dicks.
the sad part is that this is the best case scenario.... i will never fight for this peice of shit country full of cuckolds.
pic unrelated
>This guy goes to a psychiatrist and says, 'Doc, my brother's crazy, he thinks he's a chicken.' And the doctor says, 'Well why don't you turn him in?' and the guy says, 'I would, but I need the eggs.'
i dont necessarily support kids transitioning since that seems a bit premature and non consensual, but what does pol have against people transitioning in general? lets say im a 19 year old male, 5'4, high pitched voice, smooth skin, zero hair, thin, 120 lbs, small penis. said hypothetical male is also hypogonadal(low test) and attracted to males, and has gyno. are you telling me he wouldn't be happier as a female?
You can't transition to the opposite sex, you can only chop up your genitals and remain dependent on exogenous hormones for the rest of your life. Also even "good" traps look like men IRL
Get a job and insurance.
Nothing wrong with the U.S. healthcare system, as long as you are a productive member of society (unless you are a nigger or spic, then you get Canadian style freebies)
It benefits politicians that run the state, it gives them upvotes and thumbs up from their base.
what you described is a faggot. Sup Forums and basically everyone has already accepted faggots. and honestly i don't care if someone wants to be trans, go ahead it's your body. i DO have a huge problem with the jew media, college professors etc. encouraging kids, young adults, and parents into believing if you are against your CHILD being a tranny freak you must be a bigotted nazi republican simple fag.
How is this fascism, you dumb cunts? Would Hitler have wanted this? Mussolini?
This. Is. Not. Fascism.
the chopping up the genitals part is not a good idea, mostly because that surgery just creates an open wound. i think many traps opt to keep their dick.
>even good traps look like men IRL
well then they're not good traps. seems difficult to believe there aren't good traps, i've seen many effeminate guys who wouldn't have a hard time of turning into traps.
This is what an ACTUAL fascist has to say about the role of men and women in society.
yes it is, you fucking idiot, it's putting government above parents, and is more fascist than forcing kids to join hitler youth
its also incredibly faggoty
No. This is Marxism, stop conflating the two. Fascism is a reactionary movement that opposes Marxism and Communism.
Did you even read the fucking testimony I had posted? Fascism has nothing to do with "putting government above parents".
Do you think that fascism is just a catch-all phrase for "anything I don't like"?
Fascism is its own ideology, which has nothing to do with modern-day leftism.
Call these people whatever you want, but don't call them fascists, because fascists are fundamentally opposed to such things.
Did you even read the post properly? Retard.
>children legally have consent power in Toronto
You know what it legally means? pedophilia is now legal in that area. You just need the kid to say yes. He has consent.
>Fascism is a reactionary movement
The National Anthem of National Socialist Germany literally contains the phrase:
"Kam'raden, die Rotfront und Reaktion erschossen,
Marschier'n im Geist in unser'n Reihen mit."
"Comrades shot by the Red Front and reactionaries
March in spirit within our ranks."
Hitler stated in mein kampf that Hitler was an enemy of reactionaries and that Fascism was a new movement that had nothing to do with it.
(Though reactionaries were still better than commies.)