>At $75,560, housing a prisoner in California now costs more than a year at Harvard
>At $75,560, housing a prisoner in California now costs more than a year at Harvard
Thanks Sessions!
California is the Germany of America.
Why don't we just kill them?
Couldn't you just like, stop smoking pot if you don't want to go to jail
I understand why you think it should be legal, but I don't understand why you think you need it to the point that you would risk jail time for it
Why don't we just put child murders on an automated death conveyor belt which sends them to hell the second they are found guilty.
need to get low level crimes out of there.
Also, the 3 strikes rule needs to have much higher standards for something to be considered a strike.
Or just lessen guards and let them kill each other if you want to be a dick about it.
what would that change? It's the cost of having one person in jail, no matter how many you have it's expensive for no real reason
Or people can just stop being degenerate weed smokers
Couldn't you just like, make pot legal?
Sounds good
How much will the conveyor belt to hell cost? Is Trump going to negotiate a good deal with Satan?
Fucking failed state, lol
By being the most relevant country of the union and making others feel inferior by simply existing?
If you don't address me by my preferred pronoun, you go to jail.
>flash forward 5 years
Well why are you posting hate speech online if you know you could go to jail?
Laws are supposed to be for the common good, not for some Jews to make an extra shekel
All about profit ... for some
Burden on the taxpayer
Cheaper to create gulags, get the bastards working
Maybe if the death penalty was universally enacted we wouldn't have this problem would we?
how bad are jails and prisons in california?
To be fair, those orange tuxedos are going to learn a whole lot more about real life interaction than any university graduate ever would.
here we, priming the pump for automatic college educations for convicts.
Because it is ineffective and costs the US taxpayers a fuckton.
These aren't exactly arguments my men
No one gets arrested for pot in California. This is idiotic.
Because that's more expensive. Death penalty cases automatically require the case to work their way back through the judicial system (local, state, federal) which obviously ain't cheap what with all the lawyers and such. Then there's actually killing the person which usually means expensive chemicals. You start killing everyone you're just going to exacerbate the problem.
I'm not your man, buddy!
you should just push convicts into a meat grinder immediately after leaving court and export the meat as halal beef
problem solved
And you think it's different in your country Hans ?
You know how many people you need to monitor a potential terrorist 24/24h ?
12-16 spooks
This radical islamism cost millions per day to the taxpayers. And there are potentialy 60 000 at very high risk in Europe. And it could be only the beginning, if ISIS is destroyed, the cancer will regrow in another form.
The fact that I can walk into the store and choose from hundreds of different varieties of cannabis is Xir!
>Couldn't you just like, stop smoking pot if you don't want to go to jail
How's that working out for you? Reminds me of that little period of time where booze was illegal. And everyone stopped drinking and there was no crime whatsoever.
>Asks question
>Gets answers
>Hurr durr not an argument
Make it easier to kill people then. Honestly the type of people suspected for these crimes deserve to die regardless of whether they're guilty or not.
Slavery was legal at one point does that make it right?
Uh, aren't the liberals trying to put less people in prison? Is this some biazzaro world where conservatives aren't the ones who are "tough on crime"?
Consider this, if a free citizen had a health care plan equivalent to prisoner care they would be penalized with a health care "Cadillac Tax".
As long as you're only using subhuman negroes.
So what's your solution faggot? Stop sending people to jail like in yurop where shitskins can litterally get away with robbery, rape and murder?
IMO the whole system should be completely remodeled. Two types of sentence : the death penalty for the biggest offenses, and forced labor for the rest. That way, prisonners are paying for their own expense by actually doing something productive with their time.
Spent a considerable amount of time in california, and it infact is completely fucked. Not as bad a germany, but nearly. Oregon and washington are the same only more smug. Honestly wouldnt both me one bit if the big earthquake hit and the whole west coast fell into the pacific ocean.
>Honestly the type of people suspected for these crimes deserve to die regardless of whether they're guilty or not.
Gross. We gonna start putting to death all the guys who get charged with rape when the girl drinks too much? Put the entire Duke lacrosse team in front of a firing squad?
Premarital sex is adultery, a sin. I wouldn't shed any tears for those hedonists.
it would be much cheaper to have a proper eugenics program
>whitey get raped and murdered
>niggers and mexicans learn how to be better criminals and get drug dealing connections on their extended vacation
>Dumb neandrethal republican "HAHA XD BLACKIES GOT PUNISHED XDDD"
give me that and i'll house a couple of niggers in my basement
if nigresses i'll take half, if you disregard some prison rules
> Why don't we just kill them?
That's a very good question. Cultural Marxism is even screwing that up too. They have to make us lose faith in our system, that's why. Doing ridiculous shit instead of what actually works will do exactly that.
>Because that's more expensive.
It is not. This is the biggest load of shit I've ever read. There's no way a bullet costs more than $75,000 dollars. Fuck the chemicals. These criminals don't deserve a painless death.
Bring back gladiator battles. It would act as a deterrent for criminals & people would pay big money to see that.
Daily reminder that Jews own the private prisons in California and are making enslaving and imprisoning the goyim instead of just executing them.
>costs more than a year at Harvard
Does the year at Harvard include taking care of all your needs? No, just tuition. This comparison is fallacious and gay, only serves the purpose of creating sensationalism.
>he didn't invest in CoreCivic immediately after Trump won
it would be cheaper if you stopped with the whole "criminals deserve huamn rights too".
In that it's an economic powerhouse?
Faggot pot stoners deserve to burn.
But California has the highest GDP, so it's ok.
There's a minority of males in every nation on Earth who were basically genetically programmed from conception to be anti-social members of society- to rape, steal, kill, violently assault, never hold down a job, drop out of high school etc.
These men are never going to change their nature, so as soon as you convict one of them of committing a serious crime then it's best to just put a bullet in their heads and move on.
So edgy and efunny
probably depends on the classes you're taking at harvard, im going to guess they used a best case scenario here.
the real pollution is probably to outsource it mexico is horrible at letting inmakes escape, but they could probably make a pretty hefty profit on $4k/unit per year.
we pay them 10 grand a year, they can probably locate the prisoners on the far border, and serve reasonably good mexican food to them too.
win, win, win
mexico gets more money, the inmates get a better quality of life, we save a bundle of cash and get to say we don't have the highest prison population anymore.
>i mean we're bad, but have you seen mexico? jeez!
Americans don't agree with this either, it's just out of sight for most white Americans so they tend not to think about it. If we are going to start listing all of Americas problems we are going to be here all day and we will end up blackpilled.