German grandmother forgets WW2 has ended

This video is so interesting to me. Apart from the fact that it's likely Alzheimers that dug up the sentiment from deep in her memories, this is the first time I've actually seen somebody who isn't in a movie or a documentary say, "Heil Hitler" and mean it. Fascinating.

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that cunt getting snappy with her at the end deserves a slap

Is this video supposed to be funny? Why are they laughing?

This shit is making me heated. This was her life, being relived. And it's funny? It's funny how she was caught in the middle of a war, likely knew many people who died for a lost cause?

Noticed this too. Faggot needs to be punched for being disrespectful to his elder. She is much more wise than him.


Poor girl. God bless her. I hope she's well.

Imagine hitting your great grandmother, Jesus fucking Christ humanity really does deserve to be turned to irradiated dust

There is literally nothing wrong with what she said.

Damn mind is completely gone but still downing shots like a boss. If you were my Grandma I'd let you say what ever the fuck you wanted Cheers.

she just remember back to the good old days

(User was sent to bull's prepping grounds in Somalia for this post)

Based granny

How does alzheimers work? How aware of her situation is she? Obviously she doesn't understand her historical situation, but is she sitting there thinking "Why is my family laughing and saying not to heil the fuhrer?"

I saw that, he slapped her arm a little.

Germans went from the greatest to absolute pussies.


That old bitch is lucky my grandfather didn't shoot her in the face. It's hilarious seeing you traitors LARP like you know what the fuck is going on. Grow up you little fucking punks.

do it without heil hitler
>heil hitler

what a fucking madman

You probably hit and abused her afterwards.

t. antifa faggo

this is actually quite common in retirement homes in germany. when I have dinner with my grandfather theres always someone in the room saying heil hitler when we toast before eating.

Lighten up faggot.
It's a crazy old lady saying stupid, inappropriate things.


Do they ever have someone dress up like Hitler and come visit with them? It would probably make them very happy.


Her mind was clear, she knows whats needed

This video is old as fuck
But call antifa to take care of her, they have no problem attacking the elderly

Please refrain from gender specific nouns and pronouns until the gender is identified. Thank you.

What a terrible song. Get out of here with that fruity garbage.

Anyone have that vid of those kids driving by and old man at a cemetery, and from their car they yell "KAMERADEN!" to him and then he does the "SIEG HEIL!"-salute? It was really sad and I can't find it.

Would be an interesting experiment to dress a grandchild in an SS uniform and talk glowingly of their stature and see what they think of their grandchild now.

Top kek

fucking nazi scum. Should be sent straight to jail for spreading that toxicity. On second thought, a bullet to her head would be better. If she lived all her life with that brainwashed mentally there is no hope for her...


Thanks, Degrelle

She hopes Hitler comes back and kills all those degenerates laughing at her.

That type of mocking laughter can only come from a brainwashed millennial that deserves to burn in hell.

On the other hand she's poised and collected.

The grandma is much more of a human than they will ever be.

I meant "he", not you. The nu-male to her right that slaps her. He got all mad when she kept doing it. Probably hit her afterwards. Look how she flinches.


>On the other hand she's poised and collected.
She just looks confused to me. She can tell they think something is wrong, but she doesn't know what it is. It's just sad and they are cunts.

The only one who deserves a bullet between his eyes is you, pathetic cuck.

aww man I want to see that

>this is actually quite common in retirement homes in germany. when I have dinner with my grandfather theres always someone in the room saying heil hitler when we toast before eating.

Which is not surprising. Any neurologist can tell you that thoughts and realities which have been engraved the strongest in old people's brains, are the most likely to surface at the end of a person's life.

>Woman is lucky my grandfather didn't warcrime blast her face.
>My grandfather killed many innocent civilians and some more women and children all deserve to die.

Yeah, you have no fucking clue about the war, but you don't mind killing old feeble people.
Such a nice Mohammed Mentality.

Found the boomer cuck


The absolute cunts around her need to be shot, just go with it for fucks sake, it's a meaningless toast.

She's confused but when the guy says only cheers she doesn't say cheers only Heil Hitler?

Obviously she doesn't care about this tattoo'd animal sitting next to her.


This, it's sickening. That woman was part of a great society and she's being mocked by a bunch of selfish degenerate normies.

>tfw everyone on Sup Forums will be saying "GAS THE KIKES, RACE WAR NOW" at 80+ years old.

Poor woman. Being old sucks balls, everyone treats you like crap and you can't defend yourself because you are not as bright or as strong as you used to be.

one of my favourites

Holy fucking shit, Germany died in 1945. RIP.


Met two people with alzheimers thinking they were in the 30s/40s

Fuck off you stupid cuck. So suck a Muslim dick.

the only thing inappropriate is that you're still breathing subhuman

I sincerely hope you fall and hit your knee very hard.

>Why are they laughing?
because they are dumb self obsessed millennial cunts who have no grasp of any reality other than the pillow they were raised on. welcome to the new morality held up by liberal bigots.

appalling, who does she think she is?

she should be dragged off for this... a few weeks in a work camp should set her straight

It's like that fantastic dentist thread where a man was heavily drugged to have his wisdom teeth removed and then promptly attempted to redpill his very Jewish practitioner about the JQ
If that ever happens to me in my senility, at least I'll be so far gone that I gave my last fuck years before.

someone download that video pls, save it, they probably gonna delete it

>If she lived all her life with that brainwashed mentally there is no hope for her...
I've got bad news for you


Why? He said there's nothing wrong with her saying Heil Hitler

To her "only cheers" means say cheers again, and to her to cheer is "cheers, hail Hitler" She couldn't figure out what was wrong and he kept making her do like she was wrong.

>Crying over some fucking granny being told not to say literally heil hitler
Go larp somewhere else, stupid faggot

Jokes on you, it hasn't officially ended. The German military surrendered but no surrender was accepted from the German government.
The new German constitution was written by the Allies and they gave themselves control over Germany's media and education until 2099.

I can't remember the last time I laughed this hard

make them happy? they would be weeping. it would be amazing

When I came around from an operation I sat there running my mouth off about all sorts of shit. I could tell I was doing it but my mouth and brain ignored my wishes and started dumping all this shit out.

It's like in Brave New World when they are laughing at "the Savage".

Because he's being sarcastic . It's a widely known fact that all Germans now spread their asshole open for the Islamic cock

what are they even giving you, a truth serum?

it's like being blackout drunk - you do a bunch of shit that might partially make sense in the moment (like drunkenly microwave nine burritos still in the wrappers) or wave excitedly at strangers, or forget to close the door to your apartment, or ask the same question fifteen times in five minutes --- it's basically like being on autopilot with no new information penetrating your mind

I say we gas reddit faggots before anyone.


lmao, pretty much all of them in the audience grew up during that time so can't blame them

damn they did it without thinking twice

I don't fucking know I just came around from having my guts sewn back in.

Good idea.

Save us the trouble.

you got the video for this?

Are you saying that American troops aren't the heroes who only fight for good, justice and freedom? Because I don't think shooting a civilian non combatant in the face is very heroic or "American". Perhaps Germans weren't really the bad guys after all.....

I fear that when I get old there will be no memories special or strong like that.

Shit moves fast. I have had some good memories, but at 29 I have a hard time thinking of stuff that was truly standout. I remember it all in a historical perspective, but it doesn't make me feel like it did before.

If i could, i would end you.

oh yeah, sure. she "forgets" it.

That's what modern media does. Doctors and philosophers have both spoken about this. Roger Scruton did a presentation on it. Basically everything you consume is "now" and it is removed from any concept of time.

Yeah. She looks confused that a bunch of pussy brainwashed millenials are making fun of her for giving salutations to what was one of the last greatest leaders of Germany.

Pls do it Japan. All Germans now are Muslim and kike lovers. For the sake of the samurai pls!!!

>Roger Scruton did a presentation on it.
can you link to it?

Your brain is being earen away by plaque and mentally degenerates l; retreats back in time, you forget people you met as it goes back-in the case of this woman she's probably mdntally retreated back to the 1930s/49s, forgotten her childen and grandchildren already

That is soooo progressive of you Germany. To disregard real medical conditions for your sickening agenda to destroy humanity.

There was no video if I remember correctly.

haha, imagine 70 years from now when former drumpftards high on alzheimers pills say "make america great again" at a family dinner where everyone's hispanic and people laughs at how inappropriate such a vile, outdated slogan is to say

That just shows you every German was a Nazi and that Bomber Harris did nothing wrong.

aw too bad! you have the thread tho?

Is it a cuck? Is it Ahmed?


I can't remember which one I'm afraid, but this is a bit of it:
>"There's things about the modern world. And partly the result of television is that people live in a tiny time slice of the present moment which they carry forward with them, but nothing remains. And there's nothing in their experience which reverberates down the centuries, because the centuries to them are completely dark. Just unillumined corridors from which they stagger into the single little sliver of light."

Your cognizance sort of fades in and out - sometimes you're aware of where and when you are, sometimes you're not, sometimes you can't even remember what you did a few minutes ago.

My grandmother developed serious Alzheimer's about half a year before she passed away and it was heart-breaking. My sister and I would visit her and some days she'd be all right, other's she'd think we were our parents, and sometimes she wouldn't recognize us at all. Any time she'd have to go into the hospital she'd usually have one or two episodes where she'd wake up, terrified, with IVs and monitors on her, not remembering where she was or why. When she was cognizant she was deeply depressed about not being able to remember people or important parts of her life.

I'm genuinely thankful she passed away before it got any worse. There are few things I can imagine that would be worse than having everything you were and are and remember fading away from you like that.

I get those kind of memories from my deployment to the Middle East, yea our cause was shitty and we we're fighting the Kikes war but there's something about standing at the edge of that wasteland and seeing how those savages live that changes you. I dunno, I think thats what frontiersmen and explorers must've felt when they discovered new lands with mysterious and/or savage people that inhabited them. I feel like we're at the cusp of a major event that will change the course of history once again. If I had to guess, I think the US is going to see some serious unrest in the coming decade, Western Europe is either going to wake up or get completely rolled over and Eastern Europe is going to have take on its old enemy. We'll see

>is she sitting there thinking "Why is my family laughing and saying not to heil the fuhrer?"

No, people don't have that kind of thoughr process with severe alzheimers. Her brain is basically producing random data it remembers