Why are they so successful?
Why are they so successful?
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They're not? lol?
I think you got that map wrong buddy
They've been shit for 200 years.
Why are they so successful?
good spirits
Jealous niggers. Russia could bomb your shitholes back to stone age.
Italy has a larger economy
>polish education
How many months until Russia runs out of money, again?
Despite their faults and a measure of idiocy Russians are very resourceful people.
someone explain this to me
so like russia sells a lot of oil, so why aren't they rich as fuck like saudi arabia, uae, qatar, etc.?
Everyone since 18th century says that Russia will fall soon, yet it still keeps going. Deal with it fags, your countries are irrelevant shitholes when compared to Russia.
Why is that strange, they have a large population
No one's buying it?
>swedish education
Be a good Catholic and don't suck Orthoshit KGB cock
By "successful" you mean more relevant than us?
>large area - difficult to conquer and keep
>shitton of resources, making them completely independent of anyone
>great cultural shift towards innovation during communism - that's one thing they got right
>which resulted in Russia currently being more unconquerable than ever
Also their political class is far more motivated since there's so much wealth there, whoever gets to be in charge will profit immensely, hence why their politicians are generally more effective than ours, in a sense better at making their country relevant and not a cuckold vassal.
that money goes right into rich oligarchs pockets.
>USA with $19 trillion debt talks about money
You are out of money already, US. You will never be able to pay your debts and will start WW3 to cover them.
Putin and his Jewish friends have privatized all of it
They are already trying to start shit with China, I hope you will wipe their shithole out of this planet.
The oil is harder to get.
>You will never be able to pay your debts and will start WW3 to cover them.
Why can't Russia fix Dagestan and Chechnya, they have the most muzzies in Europe.
> the russia is ebin and vast no when can conquer them meme
trust me, no one wants that dumpy wasteland. they can keep it.
>someone explain this to me
>so like russia sells a lot of oil, so why aren't they rich as fuck like saudi arabia, uae, qatar, etc.?
why chineese not so rich when they have first rank economy?
obviously because Russian population is 5x bigger than these countries together.
I will squat on your grave
Innovation occured even before commie times, despite the backwardness of Russia in general.
Italy has 60.8 million people
Russia has 144.1 million people
Italy's economy is better than Russia's
> russia raping their civil service retiree pensions to fund ukraine invasion
stay dumb, maggot
lots of land made them a grain exporter
lots of oil and gas made them an energy exporter
above that, they have nothing
actually they can you fucking retard
Yeah but Italy's is still pretty damn large, plus the advantage of being close to Germany and inside the Euro trading zone. Plus Russians are very small people so it makes total sense.
HAHAHA when will you fuckers realize communism is a good thing
It may be a wasteland, but it's still full of resources. $75 trillion $ to be exact or 30% of the world resources.
No one ever wanted it for that "beautiful" architecture Russians built or Russians themselves, it's dem resources stupid.
>stay dumb
I can't beat you at your game, murican
Are you being sarcastic?
Owning 1/7th of Earth's land is hardly "nothing".
>toothpaste education
Idk why this conversation is even a thing. Russia and America won't go to war. A more prudent conversation would be about those uppity chinks
> russia 3000+ dead 20 year olds coming back dead from a country they supposedly werent in
> b b b b but those were mercanaries
aaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahaha dumb rat
Do they want a USSR with communism?
You're posting from a country whose main contribution over the past 300 years is to provide battlefields for other countries. You're the Belgium of East Europe
Actually I'd be interested to know what the russian(s) ITT think about that. Do you guys like things as they are or would you prefer that the USSR and communism stuck around?
no, obviously they want a USSR with Capitalism...
its larping. theres nothing there so they only can fantasize about mmuuh ussr
>past 300 years
Longer than entire American history.
>no arguments
>revert to your flag your cuntry is a shithole
ahahahahahaha!!111111 I'm an amerishart with 70 IQ
Russians perfected the use of landmass as strategic weapon.
Instincts developed from surviving over 1000 years constant invasions ensure Russia survives the cycles that wipe out greater powers.
Keep dying for israel
why do you think that it can't be mercenaries?
i personally was in the military center and asked some questions like "How i can to go to war in Ukraine"? And every time they looked at me like i'm idiot
Exactly. And look what we've done since. You might not like us but you sure as fuck know our name. Is that a cat on your flag?
Lurk moar in the Sup Forums archive.
This #dieforgreatestally
>90something % White
Wow I sure do wonder......
Well that solves that
But seriously Russian politicians are god tier in comparison to amerisharts. Americans look like retarded children compared to Putin. I can't recall the last time America had as good president, maybe Reagan? Eisenhower?
You're sucking Russian dick when Russia has a history of rolling through Poland and making large parts of it Russian.
Reagan imo. I didn't particularly like either Bush, Clinton is a jackass, Obongo fucked things up bigly, and the jury is out on Trump. But Reagan was good
Most Ruskies i've seen here don't really see Putin all that great. Probably because of Chechnya and islam.
Poland is still part of the Slavic World though.
Polacks actually almost got us in the Times of Trouble. They got Polish king on our thronem occupied Moscow and all that.
How many of your relatives are in the US right now?
You have island syndrom like Britain.
You just sitting between 2 oceans and nobody can get you because it's really hard.
Russia needs to rebuild itself every 50 years because someone again try to conquer world.
Actually most Ruskies just miss the old Soviet Empire and the prestige that went with it. In reality none of them want the Soviet Economic system back, they just want the international respect and the stability they enjoyed back in the 60s. And they want the degeneracy thats been overtaking the west to dissapear from their country. Russians don't want fags, feminists, niggers, SJWs, and shit that Ironically enough didn't exist under Soviet Communism.
>When (((Communism))) is so successful everyone tries to escape to anywhere non-(((Communist))) and after the fall of (((Communism))) no one wants it back
At some point you'll realise Jews are literally worth less than niggers.
Nigger, if your country has bread lines, its not successful.
Literally 0. No one in my family would want to move to your shithole filled with niggers, commies and spics
This might not be the place to ask this, but are you guys European or just consider yourselves Ruskies.
It's because we have a dire lesson with tzars, Stalin and his cult of personality. Great man is made by his retinue. Even smart man like Putin isn't flawless and shouldn't be obeyed sheepishly.
And polacks, don't forget all the cabbage breath polacks in the US
Didn't Russia enslave half of Europe for 50 years? Pretty sure Poland was part of that enslavement. So why are you so Russia Cucked? I sense Jewry.
Done what? When your country is gone, you will be remembered for nothing.
Just think about it. We remember Romans for their law, we use their alphabet, their numbers.
USA has nothing like that. All your culture is consumerist trash with short life. You're like a cancer or something.
Okay so it's more of a nostalgic view of the great power and weight that came with being Russian in those days? I can get that. Hell with the recent issues in Europe they could very well outclass the EU in every facet by themselves soon enough
I suck all dicks, including yours.
Such is the way of poolan.
At least we profit economically, tidy up this shithole, even if we don't have a dignity as a country.
They "think" what the propaganda machine tells them. Such is the way of Russia.
Sure Russia is still a wasteland, people live like ants, and will probably remain so, but again, such is the way of Russia.
They're still very relevant., even more than China I'd say, and US can't do shit to them militarily. These are facts.
>great-great-grandparents were serfs(slaves)
They are equivalent of modern day American niggers.
>You have island syndrom like Britain.
This. USA is protected by logistics, not its military prowess.
polan, today isnt opposite day
geopolitically - no, ethnically - yes.
Putin's Holocaust Denial Laws. Oy Vey Goys, don't question the 6 TRILLIONS.
Because they actually have balls to do something and back up their claims not like the cocksucking liberal states.
So, geopolitically- you just go with Eurasian?
Russia.. a land where nothing has changed for centuries.
There's always been three groups of people there:
Rulers, peasants and intelligentsia.
In the times of the rus, the vikings were the Leaders. Not sure if there was intelligentsia already, but there were many peasants. All of them slavs... or rather slaves. 'Cause that's where the greek/latin source for the word slave comes from: people captured in the slavic countires and forced to work for the conquerors.
Later the vikings mutated into nobles with a czar at the top. The church and some nobles became intelligentsia, later also some educated merchant/trader/crafter... and still there was a large majority uf shit poor peasants...
After the glorious revolution, the communist party took the place of the nobles. The intelligentsia was killed/sent to prisons or gulags and the peasants were as poor as always before.
Nowadays we have Oligarchs instead of the nobles. Intelligentsia still gets killed or sent to jail. And the Peasants are as shitpoor as they've always been.
Russia - the country where flow of time changes nothing.
Oh, and please don't be afraid of anybody nowadays trying to conquer Russia. Not much of worth to be found there, that would make conquering necessary, when it only takes a couple $ or € to buy all the shit you can offer. Mostly raw products, as russian technology is still soooooo 1960
Even the hacking of US elections is not done on russian hardware, but western...
>Oy Vey Goys, don't question the 6 TRILLIONS.
You don't seem to understand that denying Holocaust requires you to deny ethnic cleansing and purges which Nazis done in occupied Belarus and Ukraine as well. Can't deny one without another.
guess which country this is
Do you deny the Holodomor?
>Even the hacking of US elections is not done on russian hardware, but western...
>things that never happened
I read it from the end and already knew it's a dumb post.
You don't seem to understand you can do 5 years in Russian Prison, for writing a Blog. That's not Freedom Russkie.
>just like the cold war, hmmm?
Does UN denies it?
We'll be remembered for pissing off people with weird flags. What country is that?
Listen, Poland, all you have as a claim to fame in recent years was your exceptional stand against the Nazis near the beginning of the war, and that was only a handful of Polish soldiers that did that.
>for writing a Blog
5 years tops in jail for writtng things that support Nazism. Seems fine to me.
But your leaders seem to.
>So, geopolitically- you just go with Eurasian?
something like that.
At least EU and NATO not interested with having Russia as a member of them.
Read it again. UN never recognized Ukranian made papers as trustworthy.
Source for that? Not that I would agree with them even if they did.