Will you join Shaun King and boycott the NFL this year?
Will you join Shaun King and boycott the NFL this year?
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yup I'm not watching it
same as every year
I didn't know anybody watched this trash still.
kaepernick blacklisted himself by leading his team straight to the basement
Oh no, giant pussy ass liberals won't watch the NFL. How will they ever recover?
>be a terrible quarterback
>not a team player
>muh politics before everything
>can't find anyone to hire me
Must be white people
I'm so far behind it'll take me years to catch up. What season are they up to, 50?
Good luck with that, crackerpants.
Giants are going to win it all this year why the fuck would I do that?
bitch ass house nigga
I would, but I get together with friends every Sunday to have food, drink, and bet on games. I'm kinda locked in now.
Watching Sports is the second biggest cuck activity . People who watch are latent homosexuals.
>implying chip kelly didn't destroy the 49ers
Yes NFL teams don't hire black people,
Jesus Christ pull me out of this simulation
I no longer watch the NFL due to their support of CK.
He got blacklisted because he is garbage at his job.
If anything, the whole PR debacle allowed him to keep a job he shouldn't have had for longer than he should have.
Wasn't this nigger butthurt when Brady won the Superb Owl as a show of white supremacy this year?
Lose almost every game
be mid pack college tier QB
Claim racism
No one hires you because Kap is trash and pulled the race card to save his career, but it back fired and made him not able to be signed as a 3rd stringer.
The nfl has made more black millionaires than rap music
Talcum-X is my favorite rage-bait
The guy the Seahawks hired is much worse
You misspelled Trent Baalke.
he's not even black
kaepernick i mean
shaun king a real nigga
are any other polacks /MLB-HOC/?
His biggest issue was that after all his BLM bullshit he didn't even vote.
When the NFL found out that was his ass.
You don't raise a stink about political bullshit, and then get caught not even voting, guy was a moron.
No. And Shaun queen isn't a nigger. He wishes he was a nigger and that's actually worse. A nigger tribunal should murder him to save a nigger life during the great purge.
>Literal who boycotting what over who
no, because i support the racist redskins.
Colon sucked before chip showed up
I already boycott all professional sports except for hockey. Watching a bunch of niggers run around a field in tights is literal cuckoldry.
But Shaun King isn't black....
Nah, Wilson can actually throw the ball within 8 feet of a receiver.
Nobody in the civilised world cares about American eggball.
>boycotting the NFL becuase people are boycotting the NFL
What the fuck did the NFL do to deserve this?
I've been boycotting the NFL since 2012 when they had that stupid fucking referee strike.
Talcum X is a bitch ass faggot poser. Nobody gives a fuck what he thinks.
Yeah and watching MLP and anime of normal. Kys you fucking degenerate scum
I boycott anything that benefits blacks
boycott all sports until there is diversity quotas.
By that logic I should boycott the NFL cause no one signed Ryan Fitzpatrick
Just hoc. Baseball is fun to play, shit to watch
Yes rockies and sadly... avalanche
He was so shit that even lefties couldn't defend him. He was also shit at the game, too. He's just a god damn failure. All them fucking boos as he walked on the field every game, I know what NFL fans really think.
Remember when he was calling people racist assholes during the time that people were boycotting the NFL a year ago?
They didn't bring him in for a look to fill Wilson's spot, dumbass. He was hoping for the BACKUP job - and like user pointed out, they actually hired a guy (Austin Davis) who more than likely is worse. But that user (and everyone else) probably doesn't know shit about football and doesn't realize that you don't really want a good backup quarterback unless you expect him to start within a year or so - and since the Seahawks don't expect or hope that happens, a worse backup QB makes more sense for them.
Plus they have enough niggers on their team anyways.
just wondering here, is there anything in the US that isn't invested with polarized semi politics?
do you guys still know what's it like to just have a bit of fun?
will you be jealous when I follow the nfl season without any knowledge of what happened and who said what and why?
For all you retards claiming he wasn't hired because he's bad. Read the article.
I love how you can see the dark spot where he shaves the widow's peak in every image once you first notice it. No matter how far away, there's that little triangle missing from this lying cracker's forehead.
What's the guy in the center left bottom square?
Bears could've used him.
Blacklist? Fucking niggers have their own list now?! Affirmative action has gone too far.
>just wondering here, is there anything in the US that isn't invested with polarized semi politics?
sure, lots of stuff.. nearly everything when you actually get out of the house. but we're on Sup Forums right now.
I've boycotted Nigger Collision for about the past 8 years now...
I've been involved in football all my life and I've never heard of wanting a worse back up QB. Unless your implying that the worse player would be getting paid less.
Nah they already have their designated potato in Big Micky Glennon. Why does Ireland produce the best QBs? Is it our superior Hibernian cunning and guile?
hm ok then, so there's still hope, even for Americans. well done.
The NFL isn't your shithole HS, dude. If your backup QB is good then you're one hiccup away from fans shouting for him every incompletion. Russell Wilson already had a bad year, putting Kaep in behind him would be asking for it. Noones gonna be calling for Austin Davis when Wilson throw for 189 yards 1TD 1INT and the Seahawks lose 16-13.
Yeah, fuck sports and fuck white people
Fuck SK, CK, and the NFL
>muh BLM
>muh Fidel
>muh TV $$$
So CK is jobless and will collect "muh gibsmedats." He wuz Kang til he wuzn't.
muhamad bin carbomb pls.
I'd rather have Jay Cutler over Kaepernick and Cutler is out of the league too. I thought I was the only Sup Forums poster here.
t b h if you think about it his antics hurt the nfl and the nfl is a big source of young dumb ninjas who came from nothing actually getting to become millionaires. now maybe I think thats stupid but if you're all about black power and social justice then thats not something you would ever want to fuck with right? so hes actually doing his brothas a huge disservice but meh, these people will never see it like that because they're stupid.
and his protest really makes me mad too because ultimately hes just hoping that somebody else fixes this problem. now if you're like 13 years old then ok, you can get away with that. but by age 14? its actually time to start doing something. take some responsibility. and kaepernick is not just a grown man, but hes wealthy and famous. so his inaction is just pathetic. i really hate him. the end.
Shaun "Talcum X" King wishes he could be on some kind of blacklist
That's the thing. 9ers get BTGO by 30 and instead of the media asking about the 30 point loss they're asking about BLM and stupid shit. Media is partly to blame, no team wants to deal with that shit.
I've been boycotting for years. When people ask me why I tell them because the NFL employs spousal abusers through the NFLPA at 12-17x the average rate of similarly positioned fortune 500s
I'm in /f1/ all the time, they are so mad that max joined and are now infested with Dutchfags its too funny.
this desu, i dont know whose jewing who anymore
When has it ever fucking mattered what the fans think? Take the Patriots for example. If they had a choice between
Garappalo and someone worse they pick the worse guy? Giving up their insurance for Brady and future value?
"Proud Liberal."
i hunt and fish and i watch hunting and fishing shows. does that make me a cuck?
Nah I think he's got it handled.
I mean, I won't be watching it, but I won't be boycotting it either.
That race baiting kike is still active?
Fuck football from an objective standpoint. It's nothing but a bunch of dudes in tight clothing piling on top of each other.
Why does a white man care this much about football in the first place?
But their locker room is just as vocal and easily flustered as their fan base. You can't see Michael Bennett or Sherman mouthing off about it? There already were articles talking about lockerroom division specifically surrounding Russell Wilson and the defense carrying the team. Not the mention that Pete Carroll himself said that Colin Kaepernick was a "starting quarterback" in his presser explaining why.
You'd know all of this if you actually followed the story.
>black QBs
When will GM's learn?
I like how retards think colin isn't getting signed cause of the anthem thing, newsflash it's because he wants way more money than what he's worth. Michae vick played again for fucks sake
People who watch American football are utter degenerates
That's because ESPN is fucking shit and fired all their good reporters and we're left with niggers like Jamelle Hill
NFL teams don't want distraction. Why the hell would a team want some attention whoring polarizing "activist" on their team? If Kaepernick was actually as good QB he'd have no problem signing with a team but he's simply not worth the distraction. Why do you think there are virtually no vocal Trump supporters/right wing players in the NFL? Because they know the distraction it would cause.
Shawn King is a cuck and likely never liked watching football in the first place.
im /hoc/ but if the penguins win again this year im going sports free until 2020
Wigga Pleaze!
some day the mets will be relevant again
didn't realize i was following sean king's lead. guess i will have to start watching football
>No trump supporters in the NFL
At his lynching
Sam Hyde is 100% right when it comes to sports. Watching sports is for cucks.
The 9ers had to dumb down the running game for him because the running plays were too varied and complicated for him
Friend who dealt with the whole team said everybody was nice but him, and that he was a real douche to regular people
Kaperdick only ever shined under Harbaugh, but those two game deciding playcalls of throwing it to the same guy in the same corner fucked him and the niners.
Throw in turmoil within the organization and shitty rotating coaches and retirement of team veterans, and you got the story of kappaman.
Kaepernick was never nearly good enough to pull his stupid shit.
/MLB/ I'm the lone Brewers fan lol
Brady is a trump supporter and he got fucking dragged by the media for it.
Watching him win the super bowl was hilarious
aren't white people already dropping off sports audience already?
I "boycott" all sports every year. I just never consume their shit.
It sure fucking was. I'm no Patriots fan but I sure was rooting for them. Especially after the "how's it feel to lose to America's blackest city" halftime boasting BS
The NFL is well within their rights to refuse to employ a dude who they can't agree with, and King is well within his rights to boycott them. He's also within his rights to pretend to be black.
Not saying any of it is correct, but they have the right to do it.