What does Sup Forums think of the Amish?
What does Sup Forums think of the Amish?
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they make great food
Ignorance breeds ignorance but at least they're out of the way unlike niggers
Cant live in this world. Lets delete
red pilled as fuck
I'm starting to think they might have the right idea.
they helped PA go red
Hard working God fearing people that despises degeneracy. All hail the Amish!
They will become Kings when the emp hits
Fuckin baller unlike those hutterite peices of shit
damn, theyve been doing the long con all along
Work hard, raise tasty livestock humanely, make generally aesthetically bland but indestructible furniture, praise Jesus, maybe a bit inbred. Overall, 7/10, would let into my country and leave them alone.
they got dat BWC (big white cock)
Meh. The Amish around me drive jet black Silverados and have IPhones. I also heard they don't pay car insurance.
We all could learn a thing or thousand from them.
>Inb4 Varg argument about desert cult
seems like good people trying to live their lives without raising spoiled brats as children. hard work makes the man.
Sort of Jew-like without the drive for world domination.
Totally want to be one.
products of incest...... sad story
They figured out the perfect society.
Found out how deep the rabbit hole actually is.
>don't pay car insurance.
Can confirm. They pay like 10 bucks a month tho, not completely free. They probably have their own personal insurance agency.
Redpilled, Traditional Families, Hard workers.
Basically what we should all strive to be albeit the inbreeding.
What they've started doing is bussing the youth from community to community for speed dating to prevent incest. Girl from Missouri marries a guy from Pennsylvania, that kind of thing. There is no saving some though.
Hypocrites. From Lancaster PA AMA
They are like a save game made in 1800.
Might be useful in future.
Those are Mennonites
They have all sorts of post-WWIII skillz.
what is their cut off year for technology? can they go mountain biking?
>The meek shall inherit the Earth
>tfw you watch the Amish rule over the eternal victim
Find me a better timeline.
Protip: You literally can't.
I would of loved to have been born Amish, I imagine I'd of been a lot happier but I don't think I could give up TV now I've been exposed to it
The industrial revolution was a mistake.
They will be the majority of the American population in 40 years either way.
And to some extend, they contribute to make white babies.
They are a stock against white extinction.
In the inevitable post-petroleum world, they will survive and thrive.
Depends on the individual church. The latest I've seen would be turn of the 21st. Like I said though their hypocrites and will have washing machines and phones hidden in a shed but it's not cheating to them for reasons.
The kids play around on shorty scooters and some bikes the adults have 4 wheelers hidden in their barns for when the women aren't looking.
It probably has something to do with something else doing the work. I think they pretty much just ban/restrict combustion engines and electricity. A modern car is perfectly fine, as long you take the fuel and battery out and pull it with a horse.
They are fine, as far as I can tell, with futuristic space age technology, like GMOs and shit.
In practice their are as diverse sets of rules as their are communities.
Based Amish. Do they only get one wife?
Only one at a time. But remarriage is common in the case of spouse death.
>John Troyer, who lived near Kokomo, Indiana, had an unusually large family, perhaps the largest of all time among the Amish or Mennonites. John was first married to Catherine Schrock who bore him twelve children. Following her death he married her cousin Caroline (Schrock) Kendall, a young widow with two children. John and Caroline in turn had seventeen additional children. This made a total of 31 children.
LMAO I live around a big Amish population. They have big alcohol/drug issues. We (the PD) get called out weekly to a farm for drugs/alcohol/domestic abuse/etc on the weekly. Often a combination of the bunch.
They're absolute cunts about traffic citations because they think laws don't apply to their horses. I've no shit had to pull them over on a 70mph state highway where they are doing like 8mph? Not legal but they made a huge shitfit about it.
Amish food? I seriously hope you guys don't do this. Most don't wash their hands after work/shitting and many don't have any sort of running water so they clean their hands in the same bucket of filth from the morning baby bath.
They're a cult. Only a very large one.
Not redpilled in the slightest. Like Jews only not rich.
I've done the math and they will never make up a significant voting block even if they maintain current birth rates. They could swing a few states in the not so distant future, but there will never be an Amish America fantasy that some people on Sup Forums seem to have. Sorry goys, white birth rates are fucked. The only hope is to get a red pilled billionaire to invent a bullet that sterilizes people and then hires people to shoot every minority they see with it.
>have pure white women
>dress them like muzzies do
amish logic. perfect place for an ethnically pure strip club. what a waste.
>The Amish will solve the white birth rate
These guys just keep getting better. It's a shame they don't believe in violence.
Vaccine fags hate them because they are unvaccinated and have none of the allergies the general population has and are healthier on average, plus no polio or disease outbreaks so the pharmaceutical jew has a hard time arguing against them
the amish are cool af
>The only hope is to get a red pilled billionaire to invent a bullet that sterilizes people and then hires people to shoot every minority they see with it.
Or alternatively just remove Jews from high government positions.
I used to laugh at them and thought they were backwards retards.
Now I envy them.
cmon son
If they had guns and science books, they would rule the universe.
>1/4 million now
>500K in 20y
>million in 40y
Not a huge portion of the total population. But America's rural population is small and shrinking. 1 million and 40 year could make the the majority in every rural county in America. Barron Trump might win his presidential bid but still lose the popular vote by 100 million.
And they will have converts. If they can stick together and stay successful, they will get converts in droves.
They have guns, they are just pacifists (like Buddhists...)
Puppy millers :^(
if they start converting people they will loose their language and genetic background......
>the two options you have are live on a farm or live in a metropolis
Spent some time in Amish country Ohio a decade back, from what I remember
>Women are hot in a rustic way
>Gender roles are completely traditional
>Food is some of the best I've had in the USA
>People are polite
>Strong community
>No Minorities
I wouldn't want to live like an Amish, but I can see the appeal.
From what I know they seem pretty based, at least the super traditional ones. They're not affected by the degeneracy that plagues modern society