What podcasts does pol listen to?

what podcasts does pol listen to?

I like

Wait wait don't tell me

Two Dope Queens

Science Solved it

Star Talk

Other urls found in this thread:



I tell you what, it's a good thing she's hot because he dance moves are whack.

This is the cringiest fucking meme on this board

When will this die?

Jew is a jew, no matter the shape or form. You will never fool me.

>tfw when no cute Jewess in my life to make beautiful kikie babies with

to answer your question:
Duncan Trussell Family Hour
Jordan B Peterson Podcast
Higherside Chats
Ram Dass Here and Now
Heart Wisdom
The RobCast
Expanding Mind
WTF w/ Marc Maron
Comedy Bang Bang
Put Your Hands Together


I make bretty good podcasts

Anybody ever used to listen to Viking Youth Power Hour in the early days of poscasts?

Radio War Nerd
Doug Henwood's Behind the News
Sean's Russia Blog

I'd like a good podcast on trading pennystocks but I can find none

I can watch her all day, my friend.



Weimerica Weekly
Red Ice

Daily Shoah

Chip Chipperson Podacast

>When will this die?
When fag OPs stop using pics women of women as clickbait

skeptic tank by ari shaffir
sam harris podcast

Dan Carlin's stuff


(U) checked

The Dick Show
Painkiller Already
H3 Podcast

nice try jidf


The dick show


it's fucking funny. the cringiest meme are LARP threads.

oh this thread again

>muh alex jones reeepills basedblack


Jewess dancing like a degenerate whore, color me surprised.

>its fucking funny
>poopie noises

The Dick Show.

Unironically, The Ben Shapiro Show

Tell em steve Dave
Rogan (sometimes)
Jordan Peterson
WTF (depending on the guest)
Comedy bang bang
Sword and scale
Nick dipaolo
Serial killer podcast
And more. Drive for a living

Jocko Podcast, i guess

>Ben Shapiro Show

Flint off, savage and the ping pong guy

No Agenda is, hands down, the best.


Bret Easton Ellis, when he can be bothered to release them.

TESD represent.

Death Grips

I suspect there are a lot of Dickheads on this board...

what is the dick show. Is it like distorted view?

Checked out of TESD around ep 200.

Change of jobs meant I couldn't listen at work anymore plus kind of felt none of them could be bothered being there around that time.

How is the show now?

The Alc Right rises

Walt is the best, love those guys

>I'm gonna teach you guys how to make a sheep's skin condom
That show is a gem

Rant-based comedy podcast hosted by Dick Masterson, a Trump supporter trapped in California and self-proclaimed autist whisperer.

neat I will give it a try. does he ask for shekels?

Getting more votes than other podcast threads I've seen.
Real talk though, his content is legitimately worth paying for.

rekt feminist videos
tom leykis show

Author of the satirical Men Are Better Than Women, slayer of 90s e-celeb-turned-cuck Maddox, pro-gun pro-men pro-fitness, lots to like.

Shekels get bonus content, but his main show is free.

Macro voices

It's fo free, but he does bonus episodes once a month that you have to subscribe to Patrion for $5/mo.

It's also surprisingly sophisticated for drunks advocating exterminism.

I have attracted weird looks when I audibly lol during rap posting.

Yep gods chosen


Probably not the right demographic but did anyone listen to the PlayerSupreme show around 10 years ago? Rovers Morning Glory and Maddox's podcasts are OK.


Yeah the guys really know what they're talking about. One of the hosts was just a guest on the poz button and he did a great job there too.


That's pretty gay list you got there.
Dude he's a merc and worked in SA. People like that just need mickes put in front of them and hit record.

Ftn, war room, daily shoah, daily traditionalist