Why can't conservatives just admit that they hate poor people and would love to completely eradicate any kind of welfare so that they all just roll over and kill themselves?
Why can't conservatives just admit that they hate poor people and would love to completely eradicate any kind of...
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thats stupid, then who would do menial work?
>muh tories are evil
Would a world of only rich and smart people, business owners, scientists, engineers, etc. and all of the menial work being done by robots be better?
Not necessarily poor people, but people who don't contribute and take way more than they give, you know, low iq retards.
Restrictions on welfare could prevent them from having too many kids.
Or we just think incentivizing non-work is a bad idea.
Safety net is fine. Sustaining long term is bad.
because they dont hate poor people.
they hate black and brown people.
it just so happens most black and brown people are poor
Why can't leftards just admit that they don't give a fuck about anyone but themselves, and just give free shit to desperate people so that they keep voting for left wing parties?
Poor people who bust their ass to make a better life for themselves and their family are fantastic people. Long-term welfare benefits that destroy ambition is what needs to go.
>le atlas shrugged
Also no, because the rich would do what the rich do best and start backstabbing each other to be king shit of pointless wealth mountain
This is rich.
Why is Sup Forums suddenly supporting welfare?
I thought you lot idolize muh free markets and liberatarian principles
There's a difference between hating poor people and not wanting to support them when there is ample opportunity for them to support themselves but don't because they know they can just live dat comfy NEET life
Why can't the left admit they have no idea what they're talking about and probably never will
I hate welfare, it is theft. Welfare pays people to do nothing, become nothing, create nothing it is anti-Darwinist. It goes against all natural principles!
why can't you stop fetishizing plastic gooks? don't answer that question, I already know.
Thanks for proving my point
Yeah, because communities full of rich people are just so shitty and awful and full of that stuff and aren't actually really nice places.
In recent News: 85% drop in food stamp recipients in Alabama counties where work requirement restarted.
Conservatives hate that people are poor and offer help to make them not be poor as long as those people want to be not be poor and are willing to work for it. Lefties want to spoon feed those people not because they love them but because they feel superior to them. The left is the home of real ingrained racism not the right wing.
getting rid of welfare would raise poor people out of poverty more than a welfare state ever has.
when you have to rely on community then you will create opportunities within that community, something dumb niggers don't do.
check drudge report