When will you realize that black people want to see you dead, white folk?
When will you realize that black people want to see you dead, white folk?
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>white people not being allowed to vote in their own countries
Uppity cunt.
Everyone knows black people want white people gone. But who will be the one delivering the welfare checks then?
>literally nigger hate threads on this board every day
>one black person says "he hates white people"
>Sup Forums cries for mommy to change its diapers
Are you dumb?
i always give money to niggers who ask because they need it more than me.
..but nothing is worse than so-called conseratives who think this is the "left" and not _all_ black people who want to see white people dead.
>One black person
Lets generalize...
I have been with plenty of black girls... No one fucking cares too much about politics, at least over here...
You guys should get out of your house more often
I spend way too much time fantasizing about how much better the U.S and UK would be if black people were eradicated.
>when will you realize that black people want to see you dead, white folk?
I'm well aware
only SJW blacks. regular hood dwellers either just want your money or for you to let them smoke a Newport in peace
woke blacks are literally the worst type
Really you should at least actually know a black person in your life.
You look like someone who never even had a normal conversation with a black person
Better in what way?
>only SJW blacks
Nope this is not even true. All and literally all black people have a victim complex. They are not happy as long as white people are down.
Blacks aren't people they are animals. Feral, savage beasts in fact.
>ever giving away shekels
well since in America it is all the rural based whites with the most fire power i'm not worried.
Have they seen African countries?
With your attitude you are just an part of the problem... are you home schooled or what?
fucking burguers.
That's okay, it's mutual.
dude literally all non-whiite people in the usa hate white people. you're 54% and will end like south africa. screenshot this.
>> tfw you realize that your life is not a fantasy and when you wake up back tobreality youll still be a poor faggot nigger and you will literally die that way
You're the one who fucks animals, i.e. niggers.
this is true
ethno-states are the only permanent solution, not that there can't be integrated countries, but cultural identity will be eroded to nothing under globalism, and people with no sense of cultural identity are more susceptible to (((manipulation)))
>No one cares about politics
Tell one of those nigger girls they shouldn't have a hand out and see if they get political.
Don't you have a hillside to build a shack on somewhere?
>letting women and non-whites express their opinions
Our forefathers were wise. We're a bunch of fucking idiotsm
we will kill these useless fuckers
When will you realize I don't give a shit what inept people want?
they won't. i listened to some jewtubers who i always assumed were smarter than the average KEKISTAN XDDDD cringecuck talk about Evergreen college. they have 0 clue what actually drives these apes or are in severe denial about it
women and minorities have never wanted equality.. just revenge
and they can only do it if we let them.
remember, when you're replying to a burger flag, the chance that you're talking to a white guy is minuscule
Sure I fuck white girls, black girls...
Do you even fuck?
By your impression of Brazil you don´t understand a lot about politics as well, most of our population lives in urban areas(and not favelas as well).
Our country is violent but it is kind rich...
What do you mean be "having a hand out"?
Why don't they just go somewhere nice where there's no white people? :^)
By your explanation of Brazil you clearly don't understand what is happening in your own back yard.
Dude blacks make up 12% of the population, Asians love whites and we like them, Hispanics have some hate towards whites but not that bad and everyone hates niggers hell spics really and openly hate niggers.
If shit goes down the niggers will be exterminated, the spics will wipe out the nigs they might hold the south west but then their fucked after that.
Anyone else depressed about the future?
In 50 years we will be living in South Africa tier dystopian 30% white shitholes with crumbling infrastructure, massive crime, socialism up the ass, hiding behind our fenced houses scared to go outside cause niggers and arabs will be running everything.
>that bottom line
Gotta keep Pérez on the ropes.
There are no white women in Brazil you dirty pigfucker.
>literally nigger hate threads on this board every day
>one black person says "he hates white people"
>Sup Forums cries for mommy to change its diapers
actually most of us are laughing
No shit. They want us dead.
>Cenk Uygur vs. Ann Coulter debate
>Cenk mentions that the country won't have a white majority in a few years.
>Liberal audience cheers.
>Article shared on facebook "White deaths exceed births in 17 states"
>comments are mostly non-whites cheering.
Don't even get me started on colleges.
I went to a majority black high school. There are a very small number of self-sufficient blacks, but the majority are hopeless degenerates with no direction. They have no concept of earning their own way in life. Anti-white hatred is very common amongst them. I've never been treated worse than when I've been to all black areas.
My fucking eyes.
Why do you disgusting monkeys even post here? No one likes you Fuck off back to eating your bananas chimp.
Goddammit racists of every race are the worst...
Can you even acknowledge how toxic you are?
Do you think this helps in your social interactions in daily basis?
I feel pity for you just that.
Is that so?
If it comes down to it, us Hispanics will fight with whites only because we both want the same thing. To be left alone and to prosper in our community. Blacks only want to slang dope or Thier mixtape
>Take pride in your nation
Like pottery.
Wehraboos should share gas chambers with niggers.
This board is not for you
Let me guess your wife is everyones wife also amirite?
Are there any succesful black countries? made by blacks voted by blacks?
Do they not care? Or are they too dumb to understand?
Ether nigger or proxy leaf. Always
I grew up in a black area. I've always known this.
>kang Crissle
Is this a meme account?
The normie white doesnt hate niggers tho, they are self hating cucks. The normie nigger hates whites though and will do anything in their power to destroy everything we've built and turn our countries in third world shit holes.
You see this post? It's not even racism or even hatred. It's simply in group/out group dynamics and tactics in a multiracial democracy. White people used to think the same exact way before the 1960s.
Tell this to your fellow countrymen. I just hope that there's a coup in the works in the German military. All that nazi stuff being spread around in their ranks better not just be for show.
Jealousy is a curse
But that's ok. Because we're all going to die, blacks included
How do you complete the mental gymnastics of thinking that a white country would be better without the white people whose ancestors build it? She would be in a fucking mud hut if the white devil hadn't been so callous as to keep her ancestors in bondage, thereby ensuring her a future in Western civilization.
Does the Pulitzer go to the typewriter or to the author?
who will they sponge off?
Stop being an asshole. Either you are a leftist plage and there is lot here or they want you dead too.
Let me guess, a black guy bullied you and stole your girl, now you're still bitter with them ?
grow up
Yes, shame that the ethnic British nations get to vote in their own homelands, not a shame they keep letting in low IQ monkeys.
Boondock Saints Joke
Theres a mexican, a black guy and a white guy..
a geenie agrees to grant them each one wish..
the mexican asks for all of his people to be happy and in mexico.
so POOF.. the wish is granted.
the black guy asks for all of his people to be happy and back in africa.
POOF.. the wish is granted.
the geenie finally goes up to the white guy and says, "what will your wish be?"
the white guy says,"you mean to tell me that all of the blacks and mexicans are out of the country?"
the geenie says,"of course! that is what they wished for!"
so the white guy says,"then i guess i will have a coke."
>Not Sopa de Macaco
Why is it always a Fucking Leaf making dumb posts?
Get the motherfuck out of my country you fucking nigger loving faggot.
by 2050, nearly every white american will hold white nationalist views, here's why:
>smaller demographic means less democratic power, whites wont get what they want from elections and will increasingly find themselves at odds with people of other races
>despite being a minority, whites will still control most of the economy, leading to aggressive and openly anti-white economic policies
>white liberals will be stabbed in the back by nonwhites and barred from their institutions, their mere existence being considered oppressive
>a nonwhite majority congress will eventually end up rewriting the constitution to solidify their control over politics
>american history and culture will gradually be rewritten and replaced, historical figures such as george washington will be condemned as racist white oppressors, statues will be taken down and streets renamed, whites will find themselves living in a country that is hostile and unrecognisable
many whites will simply realise that multiracial societies do not work and the only way to get what they want is to live in a society where they are the unchallenged majority
Can someone link me the infographic with American crime with/without black people?
>Do you think being racist helps your social situations?
Oh no, I wouldn't want some nigger to think less of me, or someone of my own race who feels that having no racial identity somehow makes them stronger.
(((They))) want you to be popular, goy! Have toxic nigger friends, surely the girls will like you then!
>Implying these clowns understand second order effects
Its complicated, amigo. There are alot of whites that need to go as well.
They already have that it's called Africa
women dont care about politics because they dont have to take responsibility
>being called a racist on Sup Forums
>German flag
>Doesn't know black ppl
Very unlikely
>Brazil flag
>Likes blacks
who woulda guessed?
Why? You already pay taxes which go to gibs why part with more money
No, no one really fucked with me because I was a wrestler, but it taught me the reality of race. They simply are not able to grasp the same concepts that whites are able to. They constantly caused the school problems from fighting, to stealing, to drug dealing. I took all honors classes to avoid them because they were too disruptive to learn by. They could not operate in a white system.
Alot of cholos and trailer trash need to go desu. All the good Hispanics come here to better themselves. My father is like pol minus the racism. He took care of my mother and brother/sisters and we're doing great.
No they don't. They are even more integrated in the media lies than we are, and they have less control over their urges than we do.
I consider them children. Not my children, but orphans. Likewise, they grow up fatherless.
This actually happened in Zimbabwe.
The niggers actually chased out all the whites, and then everything collapsed because niggers cannot think abstractly about the future. They simply expect food to be at the market even though no one is growing it.
So they all started to starve, and hunted rats for food, and then said "come back white people, we need job, you give job."
...But if whites go back, they'll just be chased out again.
This is why blacks have to live in nature forever. They don't belong in civilization. they don't have the brains for it.
Something like this?
It's been tried in Africa and resulted in mass famine and collapse of the government.
I actually hate hispanics. Blacks are just forced into our systems and are too stupid to help themselves. Hispanics are engaging in a conquest through birthrates, just like the Muslims are in Europe.
Timothy Jacob Wise (born 4 October 1968) better known as Tim Wise, is a Jewish supremacist Europhobic agitator and cultural Marxist propagandist involved in the pseudoacademic school of critical race theory. Among with his co-tribalist, Noel Ignatiev, he is one of the main Jewish propagandists openly avocating the genocide of ethnic Europeans (which he dresses up as attacking so-called "white privilege").
Born in Nashville, Tennessee, United States, Wise was born to a rich Jewish family. He still lives there with his wife Kristy in a house worth $639,300 and in a neighbourhood that is 97% white (there are no negroes at all). Wise is known for delivering lectures and authorting such as White Like Me: Reflections on Race From a Privileged Son agitating for the socio-economic disenfranchisement of European Americans via affirmative action, while pretending to be ethnic European himself. Unfortunately for Wise, his Jewish ancestry has been unmasked, a fact he tried to cover up on Wikipedia.
Being high up in the New World Order, he has close ties with a lot of powerful people at Facebook.[1]
>whites who hate blacks gather in a place
>they talk about hating blacks in this place
>a nigger shows up and says he hate whites
>the whites don't like it
"You guys aren't being very fair! That isn't very inclusive of you! Tolerance and diversity, ok guys?"
You mean 62.6% white, non-hispanic. 77% if you count Hispanic whites.
Because of their 85 IQ, they literally cannot see any error in their ways. How do you combat a threat like that? Black women unironically believe they are highest educated women in the US.
They don't want white people gone
They want reverse of antebellum slavery, where white people pay taxes and have nonsay
I was thinking more along the lines of white lefties.
This might be true, but it is already too late then. Because whites are not even 50% of the population in 2050. Same with other countries in the West.
So you guys have a problem with your culture, and being a white guy and spread more hate it is not going to help...
You white people from america come from a very different background then black people from america...
Their creation was violent, yours was not so violent.
I say this from my own country, if you come from a dysfunctional family it does not matter your race, you will probably not going to do any better.
Shut up leaf, your country is insignificant, you are nothing more then a whore of US, go be sorry somewhere else.
You do realize most people don´t care about politics because they have more important things to them in their lives right?
You take that 2x to women in general, neither white or black are above that.
Kek half of our population is at least mulatto, He knows Arabs not sub Saharan blacks, he have a way higher population then Germany, we are by far a lot more diverse, Brazil has literally every race in abundance.
Right wing, I am just not racist and I am surely not an conservative.
Do you deny climate change as well? are you one of these retards?
We're hard working people. Unlike blacks we care for our own and if one of us dies we don't go burning down the community because we knew the person who died deserved it
Not all of them, only the dumbasses
Like whites, there are many types of blacks.
You have the white-trash blacks (thugs/gangbangers), yuppies (in-your-face blacks who wear designer clothing and dye their hair blonde), conservative blacks (yes they exist and they speak well, eat Sunday dinner, work hard, and go to school), and wild card blacks (mulattos, black weeabos, black metal heads etc)
The ones that want to "kill whitey" are the lowest of the low trash scum, and their sympathizers are the yuppie blacks who live in upper-class areas with nice phones, clothes, computers, college tuition, etc and spend all their day on social media instead of working or being productive
>having a double standard for your own people is wrong
says who nigger?
If you are correct, U.K. will move the same direction.
South Africa may end up a pile of corpses.
In the past niggers were really considered animals probably due to a god reason
Why not sterilize them like Israel did?
>When will you realize that black people want to see you dead, white folk?
As soon as the German people see that comrade merkel is a filthy communist whore that needs to be overthrown before she destroys ethnic Germany.
>independent co uk/news/world/middle-east/israel-gave-birth-control-to-ethiopian-jews-without-their-consent-8468800.html
They need to be put into forced labor camps to pick our crops after the spics are deported. We'll put niggers in charge of them, just to make it clear to them why they are being punished.
The world is full of places where whites don't vote, I wonder if she heard of Haiti.