Monthly reminder that switzerland
1.- has been giving free heroin to addicts since 1996
2.- has the highest gun ownership rate in the world. Citizens are REQUIRED to own guns.
3.- has an incredibly low crime rate, is one of the most beautyful countries in the world, and safest place to store wealth.
So, what the fuck is wrong with america?
Guns arent the problem, shitskins are
Other urls found in this thread:
What? That's literally untrue.
The point remains, gun ownership is encouraged in switzerland and they are everywhere.
Are you really comparing Honduras with Switzerland? Cmon i thought burgers were smarter.
So murders are a class problem? wow. Much surprise.
>murder is a class problem
>Appalachia is one of the whitest and poorest areas in the US and has a 50% lower violent crime rate than the national average
Really activated my almonds
comparing Switzerland with Honduras based on number of gun owners
wow, amerifags are literally most stupid species on Sup Forums
Not just a class problem, but a cultural and, like it or not, a biological one.
Begin formulating and espressing arguments at your leisure
There's crime in Honduras because their citizens aren't allowed to carry guns for self defense, thus, criminals are free to wreak havoc and cause those murder rates
A biased subhuman racist obviously cannot infer such a thing, even though it's laid out in front of his eyes in the picture he posted
yeah, he's trying to see if there's a correlation between gun ownership and homicide rate and then finds it more likely to be something else
literally the dumbest thread ever
it's almost like these two nations are nothing alike in wealth, culture, and geography.
pointing to a successful European nation and saying how much better it is compared to a central american drug shithole because one allows guns and one doesn't is a bad comparison, and you should feel bad.
here's your (you) fag
>implying OP is trolling
Dumb white niggers are plentiful on Sup Forums moreso than any other board on Sup Forums
>Switzerland: The country where the jews keep the king of all central jew banks (so they spend money to keep it nice and safe and clean) set in a beautiful location on earth with access to basically all of Europe
>Honduras: one of many countries that the U.S. has gone in to destabilize with the drug cartel that (((they))) fund, surrounded by other countries that are also getting ass ravaged by drug gangs, near the equator where it is hot and humid as all fuck and the only thing to do is either join the fucking gangs or pay a "war tax" to the gangs terrorizing your place of work
Except you can't use guns for self defense in most European countries. Switzerland, Norway, Finland all have high capital gun rates but you can't actually use them. You can hardly punch back if you're punched. Yet native Europeans have very low crime rates.
All of the differences (cultural, socioeconomic, drug problems) can be attributed to Honduras not being a white country, which OP clearly acknowledged. Are you faggots retarded?
>he thinks race is the sole determiner of a nations issues
>apalachia is poor meme
brih they are poor in the sense of the word they dont have iphones and bmws , but they arent poor because they all have enough food from hunting and farming, no one goes hungry there
shitty example nigger
It's true though.
There aren't everywhere. I for an example dodged the draft so I wouldn't miss a year in university so I don't have a rifle. The ones who are drafted into the army usually keep their rifle disassembled in a corner or in a closet and basically no ones own ammunition for their weapon except for people that actually are gun fanatics like americans are with guns.
Really got my noggin' joggin'
They have some of the highest rates of welfare and Medicaid use in the country, faggot. Stop trying to be a contrarian faggot for the sake of being a contrarian faggot.
>highest welfare
> they are mostly white hillbillies
damn really jogs that noggin, I thought only niggers were into welfare, I guess apalachians disprove that shit , thanks
Really makes you think
incoming redpill on why eurocucks are such giant cucks
1. They don't think taking responsibility for their own lives and working is important, and are also deterministic cucks
2. They love daddy government even though he's an abusive father who tells the migrant kids next door to rape his kid and them beats the fuck out of him whenever he tries to complain about it.
3. They hate free speech and think not being offended is a right. One of the reasons why they cuck so hard for islam
angola safer than your country
>1.- has been giving free heroin to addicts since 1996
That's wrong. We hand out methadone (a substitute) to addicts in a controlled area.
4. They don't care that much about being cuckolds.
5. They're all globalists who ask the UN what to do instead of acting like men.
>Citizens are REQUIRED to own guns
bullshit you dumbass
6. They're a bunch of cultural relativists (and probably oikophobes too) who think Ahmed's culture of raping his 5 year old male neighbor in Afghanistan is not inferior to theirs
gu fuck yourself you fucking papierlie schwiizer. statistcally 65 out of 100 people own guns, realistically it's closer to 75.
no it's correct, in basel, bern and zurich they give you heroin.
Sure are lots of medpacks posting now. Hmmmm.
But guns are actually useful in a many parts of America, grave robber. Unlike your sterile wasteland there's still wildlife in the US that can and will kill you. Also gigantic feral hogs. And niggers.
huehuehue nigger, go back to jungle.
>Germans virtue signalling this hard
Either culture is the reason why you're richer than the shitskin country or it's genetics. pick one, you bastrds.
>Everyone has s gun
>Still a shithole where people are murdered so frequently it became a war.
>Citizens are REQUIRED to own guns.
Stop with that misconception there, burger. It it simply not true.
You compare privately stored military weapons with private gun ownership. Apple and pears - both make good cider, but not the same.
Private gun ownership is highly regulated and you won't see any gun anywhere, except military service men and police.
They regularly call the SWAT team on the pest control guy, that hunts foxes and pigeons in the city.
All together for future use.
1. They don't think taking responsibility for their own lives and working is important, and are also deterministic cucks
2. They hate free speech and think not being offended is a right. One of the reasons why they cuck so hard for islam
3. They love daddy government even though he's an abusive father who tells the migrant kids next door to rape his kid and them beats the fuck out of him whenever he tries to complain about it.
4. They don't care that much about being cuckolds.
5. They're all globalists who ask the UN what to do instead of acting like men.
6. They're a bunch of cultural relativists (and probably oikophobes too) who think Ahmed's culture of raping his 5 year old male neighbor in Afghanistan is not inferior to theirs
Ex-colonial, irrelevant shithole in the poorest region in Latin America filled with maras and spics =/= White, rich European country full of bankers and rich jews.
I fully support guns but this comparison is just retarded.
fuck off we're full
someone's going to sensibility training and offensive-speech jail :^)
switzerland you are awesome pls adopt
This. It's really entertaining to see how retarded Amerifags are from an educated European perspective.
Singapore also has a gun ban but very low gun crime and murder.
Its a matter of culture, Americans culture is retarded that people would still manage to kill each other if guns magically disappeared.
all these stupid racial comparisons are ALWAYS bullshit. Complete non-sequitur in this case.
fuck off illiterate ape nigger if you come to europe we will dissect off your little monkey bones one by one
check also this redpill on guns , and then see why eurocucks hate them, it's all here
I always find it funny when americans pretend countries like finland and switzerland have comparable gun ownership rates to america
Except for the fact the US homicide rate is 7.6 per 100,000 according to the UNODC, not between 0-5 per 100,000.
If you want to make up an info graphic pick something that isn't the very first result on google.
I see you shit posting cunt
are you even trying to shill or are you an openly giant faggot?
If in doubt blame the humdittity.
keep up good work
off yourself
niggers and leftists