Why are millenials such pussies? And how do we fix them?
Millenials are causing white genocide
can't afford kids. the jews really fucked this place.
We put them in gulags
Sell me a vision of the future that
a) is possible
b) I want to be a part of
> white utopia fails condition A
> globalist multiculti fails condition B
Shut up idiot. My wife and I are well off, but just having 1 kid is going to stress our budget so much it's like going back 8-10 years in terms of how much financial freedom we have.
It's a clusterfuck. Not that I need to tell YOU not to have kids as if you'll ever have the opportunity from your grandmas basement but don't pretend you know what you're talking about.
Stop working retail and work a mans job and you can afford as many kids as you. You live in one of the richest countries the world has ever known, stop being such a pussy and fuck off with your excuses.
>the future of the white race
>muh budget
die u kike
I would only do this if me and 10 friends all got a big ass lot of property together somewhere in south eastern oregon. no public school pls
Good idea.
All you degenerates do is whine.
None of my friends are the kind of pussy you're describing.
yeah lemme just hit the pavement and find the non-existent men's work that pays a wage high enough to support a proper family in my area
>inb4 just move
like i can afford that
By fucking yourself and letting people do what they want.
>broken world
Always been fucked up
>pregnancy and stressful
Only for the woman
>most educated and underpaid
Gender studies isn't an education
>Same opportunities
Fucking boomers only point I agree with
>too many of us
>career or kids
>Easier to have pets
Fuck cats
>Stop romanticizing the city - you can't afford a tiny studio on top of the cost of raising a child
>Localize jobs - grandparents help a lot with raising a child when you're at work, on a date, etc
>Destroy hookup culture - this makes us hesitant to choose a partner
>Create economic incentive to have children - in the 1700s, it made sense to have children to work a farm or in your shop. Now, money is sent to 3rd world countries in the form of aid, rather than being used to fund daycare or preschool
>Instill a sense of community and nationalism - having children is all a part of a greater continuity rather than just yourself
>Allow people to enter the workforce sooner - this allows them to build wealth needed for a home and a child
>Dismantle the pyramid scheme known as social security - this won't be easy, but it will force families to stick together, and free up money for funding child care
Incomplete list, but you get the point
Stop being a pussy. I make $60k, my wife doesn't work, and I have been nagging her about having a second kid.
-World is not broken humans who dont want children are.
-Pregnancy is probably the most meaningfull thing we can do. Fearing the stress is a sign of a problem within the person not something that is wrong with pregnancy.
>Most educated
-This meme has to die. The % educated is so high because we have turned educated into nothing. Humanities degrees basically all the soft science art degrees and all the like are worthless. If you have one of these you are not educated.
-Scared of not being able to provide opportunities. This is something that is likely. Millennials are absolutely a down turn. Not existing is worse than having less opportunities though..
-If there is way too many people why the fuck are we feeding africans so they can have a population explosion instead of trying to get them on their feet.
-Career or kids. Kids are the larger success. The future holds infinite possibilities. Not letting it exist is not worth whatever your shitty career will be.
-Easier to have pets True but you are shit for making the choice.
You think your ancestors were whining cucks? They made it work you can too.
Fuck me are you seriously this delusional unless you are a skilled worker there aren't any men's jobs you are talking about available. Fuck me this is reality unless you get a non basket weaving degree or know a trade and start a business (and if you do that good luck that the economy doesn't tank) which is only 20 percent of males that are the age we are talking about you are utterly fucked. People can't afford kids anymore it's a reality the only people have my kids are Jamal and Carlos who don't plan for the future and don't even begin to think about how the fuck they are going to pay for their off spring. But in general welcome to the 2010s
Don't need to have kids, can just take them from """abusive""" patents
The average millennial is a whiny beta cuck
If they really wanted us to have kids, they'd give us tax breaks. But they don't.
Find me a job that pays well, a woman that isn't vapid and selfish and a decent house that's in my pay range that's not a cuck shack.
>kids are parasites
>not realizing her irony
That person is entitled to her own opinion, and she's right to a degree - having children is not as appealing as it was 30+ years ago.
>The % educated is so high because we have turned educated into nothing.
I wish people could understand this. The value of education has been hyper-inflated to the point that saying "hurr durr i'm educated" means fucking nothing.
Because we ourselves are still kids
Westerners are aware
Lower tier cultures don't think much, just reproduce without restraint
(((Globalists))) knew this which is why they flooded the west with lower tier breeders
Westerners know what the (((globalists))) are up to and have decided not to put kids on the ground to suffer the (((globalist))) agenda, which makes sense. Would you leave your child alone at night in a park filled with muslims and Africans?
No you wouldn't. Nor will millennials
>something someone without an education would say
4 white kids millennial master race reporting for duty
Thats deep
yes you can, you just don't want to.
>tfw I want to have kids already but can't even afford rent
EITC+exemptions famalam
This is total bs. Almost everyone i know in my 20s has at least 1 kid. Im waiting for money to improve but i plan to with my 20 something wife as well. Fuck this ignorant propaganda
This is a symptom, not the problem. Whites need good living conditions in order to breed.
No you can't. Just like nigs steel and Chinese cut in line, whites can't have kids without living space. It's their nature.