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Fuck, live in NL, you telling me I can move to Lithuania and be swimming in fucking cash?
Cucked places are pumping their shekels into non cucked places, I see nothing wrong with this
>Leddit map
People of Luxemburg (gdp per capita 80,000 dollars) paying as much as Italians(gdp per capita 23,000 dollars).
European Union doesn't even to be disassembled it deserve to purged.
hahahahhahaa i cant even make a proper joke because your country IS the joke
gibe moar moneys please
pay denbts
pay denbts
pay denbts
no wonder I'm not getting any richer...
no fucking way. just because our government gets the most money, doesn't mean the people live well
But without the EU leftists wouldn't be able to attend Liberal Arts colleges in the UK for free, and business executives of multinational corporations would just be making money instead of making all the money
muh shekels
We love you Luigi
European brotherhood 4 ever
Being paid to ruin your own economy. This is what democracy will get you, politicians that are only worried about reelection and dont even care about what happens in the future, they took the gibs and fucked the country's industry in the process. Its basically like do you want 50 euros now or 100 throughout the course of a year, but you wont be the one recieving the long term 100 euros in 1 month.
"Yay we so based, we jewed the eu", pls other pt anons kill yourselves
i Don't understand why europeans get so butthurt over the EU all the time
seems pretty cool to me
Name like 1 bad thing to come out of the EU
free travel of sandniggers and "peaceful refugees"
Yeah alright Portugal, like you guys aren't moors as it is.
Thought you'd be happy to let you're own in
censorship, a lot
our only nationalistic singer "Marko Perkovic Thompson" is getting shout down hard he cant sing anywhere outside croatia
Was actually gonna reply seriously but then realized you're a fucking retard. Muh moors...go suck Trudeau's dick
only after the Douro river
but at least I don't have a cuck for a president
Lads my president will be gone in a couple of years. You literally decended from Muslims.
Think it's pretty easy to see who's on top here
>my president will be gone in a couple of years
Your country will be gone in a couple of years.
Nedenmark union when? Two tiny countries paying for all the EU kikes is a joke, go fuck yourselves
No, we'll be adding more Brazil-tier economy countries to the EU. SO pay us more!
your country was gone when you let the moors in.
You had a decent navy too before that all happened. Shame the last time your country could be proud was 500 years ago
Do you guys even have an core identity at this point? Or being a canadian is just on paper now.
It's old data, 2010-14
Same shit, I don't even know why there's a border
>Do you guys even have an core identity at this point?
>had to google whether Macedonia is a country
It's good for cities and organisations, though. My hometown of 100k (+20k students) is projected to draw 300mil euromerkels in the first 10 years of EU membership. We'd never get that kind of money from the state
Portuguese nu-pol is such subhuman.
These EU subsidies mean nothing in the long term. And probably knowing our politicians half was squandered in useless things, part went to pockets of some. There was mismanagement of European structural and cohesion funds for almost four decades
Seriously lurk moar and stop your time discussing and baiting with a leaf.
Your historic timeline is all fucked up, but that is too be expected from subhumans like you.
Do you guys even have an core identity at this point? Or being a Portugese is just on paper now.
Not only are you a cuck but also illiterate, explains a lot.
>says the guy who's been cucked by Muslims for 500 years
I once went to your country and saw that church inside a massive Mosque. Seems to sum up Portugal pretty well
It's nice that we get your money even though we are not poor. No need to get a job when you foreign twats are working for me.
Everyone in the "red" have a positive trade balance between other EU countries. While everyone in the "green" have a negative trade balance.
We don't "loose" from the EU, we gain.
Leafs education
>t. Muslim
> that church inside a MASSIVE Mosque
There's no such thing in Portugal, baiter. This ain't Córdoba. We demolished the ancient mosque in Lisbon.
Try to explain that to nu-pol of my country. They just suck/fall for the memes.
Learn history you stupid fuck
>cucked by Muslims for 500 years
Hope Canada finds a cure for Delusion, with all those "doctors" and "engineers" coming in.
I feel you brother.
And it is even worse than you think.
If you knew how ineffectively the EU money is being spent here, and what it's being spent on. It's a shame.
what are you even talking about?
is the muslim propaganda there already this deep?
I'm so glad america isn't affected by this sludge. Have fun being fiscally raped by the EU literally every relevant european country.
Nice flag
Take France, spills to Poland
Gibe, gibe!
We're not the worst offenders though.
The EU gibs is only like 3-4% of our GDP. Its really nothing. EU gibs are myth, send more.
>3-4% of GDP
>swimming in cash
this is shit
Think you got it backwards
You benefit far more than you gibe.
But how can a nu-poltard understand anything more complex than a simple meme?
There are a few things we have going for us. A big one is that Sharia zones and courts are illegal; any court that tries to issue rulings other than the crown are illegal. They also banned all religious courts period a long time ago.
A few things, like giving the provinces more control over immigration would be that much better. Quebec wants their own immigration policy to take in French speakers from Christian nations in west Africa.
>I posted about QC
>Leaf posting
lmao check it lads
They're running their countries into massive debts at unsustainable levels. Governments who overspend (the PIIGS) get bailed out, their citizens are taxed like crazy. It may have been fun when people were getting 'free money' from the government, but it'll be a different story when austerity measures hit again and people lose their pensions.
My countryman was having /bant/ tier level discussion since the leaf probably muslim got butthurt.
>A few things, like giving the provinces more control over immigration would be that much better. Quebec wants their own immigration policy to take in French speakers from Christian nations in west Africa.
Is there progress in that?
Fuck my shit up
Yes please
>Says the Polack while he receives another €355,-
I would say the same
Human rights courts are starting to lean towards implementing zakat.
Also M-103 the anti-Islamophobia bill was recently passed.
If you don't have a VPN you are going to get buttraped by the OPP or Surete if you live in either of those two provinces for racist anti-shariah views.
Sort of. The province wants to open up the constitutional argument, and has legal grounds to. It's whether or not the supreme court would ever allow it. If Scheer gets it, it may very well happen; he also might push for a Canadian Values Test to screen for higher quality immigrants.
I'm opposed to it. The only thing I am hoping for is that it doesn't become statutory law. It's a non-binding inquiry into """""islamaphobia""""", and at the current time, can't be used to prosecute people. Thankfully, there are some things people can use as defense. You can call people whatever you want, but it only becomes harassment the time you do it after a warning has been issued to cease and desist discussion. I don't agree with it, but, whatever. Only advocating genocide is considered hate speech, essentially.
You can come here and publish how little you like ((())), or whoever. You just can't publish that you want to genocide ((())) with demonstrable proof that you could or would.
I just fear the day that M-103's inquiry actually leads to extension of hate speech laws and specifically, or even generally, protects only specific minorities. It's going to be pushed for, and it will be the political suicide of whoever advocates for it.
The EU destroys your economy and then pays you for it.
Fuck the EU.