White people need to stop having children because of climate change
And we need to open our borders to Africa as the rising temperatures might kill millions
White people need to stop having children because of climate change
And we need to open our borders to Africa as the rising temperatures might kill millions
Other urls found in this thread:
>you are having too many children
>we need to take in immigrants to replace the aging population
Which one is it you fucking Marxists?
Was the whole (((global warming))) jew for refugees to take over white land? :(
(((CLIMATE CHANGE))) i remember when it was still global warming but the goys caught on
It all makes sense.
>That climate change is another Jewish trick, not that we should not be having children.
these people get paid to do this?
If you don't have kids then you don't have to be worried about the way the world is going.
I'm dead in like 70 years tops. I won't have kids so who cares if the world explodes the day after I die?
The solution to climate change is simple- nuke Africa. All of it.
their (((sourceS))) have lots of money i hear
The question isn't should "we be having kids" but should poor people who can't take of themselves have kids. No they shouldn't. But they do in much larger numbers
Looks like it, doesn't it?
The only thing that will happen is liberals will have less children.
We need to create smarter children, who can save the environment.
Eutelegenisis can accomplish this easily, and should become widely adopted.
Schopenhauer did nothing wrong.
we will have extermination camps for these useless niggers
>Yes, overpopulation is about having less white children (and that's fine)
I'm not sure why you linked me.
>(((by FP Staff)))
I'm with Sausage gobbler!
If anything we have hit our 'climate' Target's, but the rest of the world hasn't, maybe we need to enforce their targets.
meanwhile in Mali and Nigeria the birth rate is above 8.00 children ON AVERAGE per woman
>UN: White people stop having children
>Also UN: We need to mass import migrants to prevent declining birth rates
what did they mean by this?
Why do you filthy goyim scum insist on having babies and killing the earth?
They've transcended to a new reality. It's like the evangelicals waiting on doomsday and the second coming at this point. Just worse since these are supposedly (((educated))) people instead of hicks from the most isolated parts of West Virginia.
you mean the taxpayer
>whitey gets kicked out of africa
>content falls into chaos, food supply dries up
>un dumps food aid in
>niggers breed like rabbits
>local economy is shit and can't support that many people
>they invade europe looking for handouts
>"climate change did it"
so lets glass africa, problem solved
Whites are the only race dumb enough to follow this
>Stop having kids articles.
>Year later "Why we need refugee's, cause nobody is having kids."
im just linking randomly while pasting images.
ill make a collage at the end
whites are the only race capable of being infected with the contagious mental disease of post modernism.
It's interesting when you think of it like this since we're also the people who invented the CDC and modern medicine. Yet our race is literally dying off from a horrible illness.
jews are literally like rats in that they're the main vectors for infection moreso than they are actively trying to destroy us
kek true.
I have multiple friends who aren't having kids because of (((overpopulation))). I don't know a single minority who say's shit like that except for the ones who are on Sup Forums or reddit because most of them grew up with whites and got the same brain washing.
>tfw can't help but admire the left for weaponizing literally everything
What's really strange is if you remove the faggot quasi-religious prophecy of (((marx))), wed be closer to "left" than they are.
They're literally lawless merchant princess trying to impose a new form of feudalism on the peasants with a divine mandate from their priest scientists.
Schopenhauer was the biggest good goy if his time, If he were alive today he'd be praised by globalists and Marxists. Kikes would make his campigen popular and basically convince whites to stop having children. He never pushed his agenda on nonwhites and neither do his fans.
>And we need to open our borders to Africa as the rising temperatures might kill millions
Wait, you lost me. If rising temperatures might kill millions of worthless niggers, why would we OPEN our borders to them? I'm not following. Don't you mean point and laugh instead.
Anti-Natalism is basically a proxy to stop white couples from having children. Which is why the childfree movement is popular among millennials. They were suckered into believing children are bad for the world even though it's Niggers and Asians making the world overpopulated. Nearly half of America has zero people living in it. The The Northwest, Northeast and The South are the only populated areas in the entire country. Overpopulation here is non-existent, but yet some people are just that gullible. How about you restrict immigration and have a bunch of white kids if you actually care about this country.
Also the Half of the Midwest
At the same time, don't forget to give to "charity" to breed shitskins around the world.
Re-word this as "Jewish women prominent in deconstructing Western mortality" and suddenly it qualifies as an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory.
Blade Runner 2049?!
I just can't please take me out of this ride once you realize the bullshit that climate change is you realize how braindead everyone is
I'm a Millennial who isn't officially anti-natalist, but man do I like the idea.
It's nothing to do with thinking children are bad for the world. It's everything to do with the fact *life is painful* and my inability to justify knowingly creating *new humans* who will have to endure that hurt just to satisfy your urge to procreate.
What's really more selfish?
1) Having children, knowing they will hurt frequently throughout life, because you want to procreate/"give all your love" to someone
2) Not having children because you want to invest in your own life.
I consider (1) to be far more selfish. Creating another human being for your own pleasure. What the actual fuck.
true in some ways, but at the same time you have to admit that suburban sprawl and the removal of nature/farmland is in someways responsible for the destruction of culture and spread of nihilism that has happened recently.
No it just serves your ego to feel smarter than everyone.
(((Foreign Policy)))
are you new here?
Well, ya see folks, too bad, climate change you understand, multiculturalism and immigration is a MUST. I didn't choose this, it's just objective circumstances. The Earth is responsible! Well, time to open the borders. I know right, but what can we do? Climate change!
>Yes Goy don't create more whites, we don't need more humans
>Says nothing to non-whites at all
Why don't you go on some African-American or Mexican-American forum and tell them this? No wonder white babies are 49.6% of all births. It's because people are literally eating up this propaganda. This is exactly why whites will be a minority in America.
> David J. (((Rothkopf))) (born 24 December 1955) is a professor of international relations, political scientist, journalist. He is CEO, The Rothkopf Group, Visiting Prof., Columbia U./SIPA, Vis. Scholar, CEIP, Author of National Insecurity & The Great Questions of Tomorrow[1]. He has been a longtime contributor to Foreign Policy and was CEO and editor of the FP Group from 2012 to May 2017[2]. The FP Group publishes Foreign Policy magazine,[3] ForeignPolicy.com,
It's because only white people have consciences that they can appeal to. Niggers and chinks don't give a fuck about moral arguments unless it directly benefits them.
>South African
I thought Afrikaneers were based?
>God says to have kids
Genesis 1:27-28 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
>(((Catholic Church))) says the holiest shouldn't have kids
>(((Climate Researchers))) says people shouldn't have kids at all
hmm, really makes me wonder
FP is a typical Jewish facade paper to pump the US goyim elites with the right ideas on Foreign Policy: ideas that serve Jewish + Israel interests.
Most of the people who never really have children and mostly focus on money and other greedy shit tend to become every psychotic because of the lack of children. Couples who adopt Anti-Natalism 10 years after start to fight more, and even try to steal their own money. My point is, we are being flooded with non-whites now and since we aren't reproducing as much. We are basically digging our own graves. American nonwhites are starting to despise whites more and since Anti-Natalists don't know about race realism. They'll call white families selfish for having children. The Childfree method is being pushed by so many liberals yet some people on Sup Forums will claim it as a good thing. The only argument they seem to have is "You're Selfish" nothing but that. They'll refuse to question or confront non-whites about it. But instead force it on other white millennials until the white birth rate is low.
So what do you think they did with the condoms after they took the photo?
You're being played
>people in first world countries shouldn't breed because they have large carbon footprints
>so these countries should let in non-white people who breed like rabbits because they will somehow know not to produce as much carbon
What does it even mean to be a secular jew. Oxymoron.
Well I suggest he author, and all who espouse this tripe not have children. This would ensure the retardation level would decrease world wide.
But the reality iis what people like him are saying is that the wrong people are having kids. Only the elite should breed, and the commoners should only breed when the labor force requires it.
No it is actually was made to keep the common people poor through higher taxation on carbon. But this is also a part of the end game.
Not that normies caught on, but it is a case of God doing an oh yeah. I remember when it was global cooling was going to happen, because of aerosol can propellents putting hole in the ozone.
You know this whole thing makes me want to kidnap a bunch of fertile women, and dungeon them in my baby factory.