>London attackers only had kitchen knives after the bridge incident
>no one got a bat, knife or crowbar and banded with others to beat the living shit out of these people
>they had to wait until special armed police to show up to take them down
>all of the causalities could have been avoided if people looked out for each other
London attackers only had kitchen knives after the bridge incident
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Presumably leftists who voted for this. Why die for them?
Don't forget. They were all wearing fake bomb vests. Nobody in their right mind would run to a terrorist holding a bat while the terrorist has a suicide bomb vest on.
Some guy's threw chairs at them. There was that.
But no, people aren't banding together to look out for each other, because they don't feel any connection to each other. This is what 50 years of the suppression of white identity and national identity has done.
Anglo-Saxons have no coherent feeling of group identity. And their muslim imports do.
>doesn't know they had fake suicide vest on
>safe 5000 miles away
>wasting doobs
You're right. Here we would just shoot them in the head once they showed it.
Trust the burger to say you should go hand to hand with someone who has an apparent bomb strapped to them.
If you can see the bomb vest, you are in the 'already fucked zone'
That being said I would have pushed the closest looking liberal at them an ran like hell.
If one were to desire suicide, why bring fake suicide vests?
Poor choice to die from.
Keyword "Safe."
We have our own problems but at least our national defense is actually effective against foreign threats.
lol say what u want about london being awful (it is) but when those SAS guys came in they looked fucking badass. Should have those guys around 24/7 if you want to stop these attacks.
Or if everyone had firearms and firearms experience. Can't always rely on a bunch of under trained cops in highlighter vests and pistols as the "special force"
> our national defense is actually effective against foreign threats
I believe you, reddit-spacing user! Millions wouldn't, but I do. REALLY I do
If not national defence, then certainly our foreign policy for shitskin migrants? Lets not forget that shit that happened in your pic happens nearly WEEKLY in your country and virtually NEVER in mine.
It's funny you posted that picture because it was two centuries ago and was the last time the continental U.S. has ever been invaded.
I love remembering things from centuries ago. Remember when Britain was the dominant military superpower on earth? Rest easy tonight as US warships watch over your borders for you since your navy has been inept for decades.
They are like Seal Team six, can't be everywhere unfortunately :(
We have designated cities. They're paid for by charities. And that's only the public part of it. Do you civic duty and find out where the Eid celebration is going to be near you and go have a look.
The plan is you won't notice until it's to late, mate.
would be dope tho
Oh, sorry user. Carry on.
>hitting a terrorist with a suicide vest on
this is why you inbred yanks should stick to using guns then missingyour shots because you cant aim for shit
You are thinking of the deep south, which are some of the best natural shots because the area is primarily conservative and filled with guns
I'm serious, though. Go find out where the Eid ceremonies are going to be and take your cameraphone.
There's literally nothing wrong with peaceful people celebrating a high holy day. We would never want to shame that. But I'm just saying you might be surprised.
all the stories about the "heroes" throwing chairs and fighting them are fake stories. It is good citizen 1984 propaganda
>Bombers best friend reported him.
>Nothing was done.
Shut up, your country dosent care.
The Brits are thoroughly cowed
Well, I'm more interested in migrants in Europe as ISIS is getting ways to export terror agents into europe and the ideology of Islam than muslims. I was shitposting, sorry about that. The Eid thing is at this huge religious center so I'll go check it out.
and why would you believe his best friend reported him?
yeah m8 whenever I go out on the piss I bring my trusty crowbar just in case
nice and hidden in my trenchcoat
This pathetic thing was the response from the public, it was so fucking weak. Normies everyone.
What a bunch of glass dicks.
Last Eid I got to see my 3rd and 4th niqabs, a word I had to look up even though I've visited the ME before. One of them had exquisite embroidery around the eye slit, which I think is why the woman underneath was freaking out at me just because I didn't give two or three or four shits about looking at something I hadn't seen before.
Pay more attention to the composition of the male population. When I say 3rd or 4rth niqab, I'm talking about like a 30:1 gender ratio or worse.
You talk big, but I doubt you have ever been in a situation like this.
People are so quick to say shit they know nothing about and have never experienced.
It is like when liberal anti-gun nuts sputter
>He could have shot him in the leg!
never having shot a gun at a fast moving target in their lives.
cant you get in trouble for defending yourself in bongland
i know you can in california
mate you got a southern boarder like a siv and millions of niggers
sure muslims can be dangerous but they keep to themselves and are hungry for money
a muslim will kill you in the name of god,a nigger will kill you for no reason or to rob you of your wallet
so what you're saying is that there is a large male muslim population in the US with no corresponding female muslim population?
That is weird. I live in Colorado and the few Muslims I encounter are women.
I work with three Muslims, all women. Two of them do not cover their heads and they curse from time to time in English and Arabic. But they still don't drink or eat pork. It is bizarre.
From my accidental observation last year, that would be correct, sir. This is why I advocate for people to go check it out this year to see what it looks like, and to take pictures should documentary evidence be needed.
In my particular situation, the males acted a bit more like happy monkeys enjoying their excuse for a celebration than like criminals. But obviously they were not integrated or at all normally seen around town -- a bit of a trend if you've ever been to 3rd world countries where there are rifts between natives and Muslims. Also a clear skeletal structure that is unusual even for my multicultural city.
Niqab women or hijab women? The first thing that got me thinking was not just that I saw a hijab once or twice but that now suddenly it was normal to see hijabs.
Not that there's anything wrong with a hijab, if that's what you're in to or whatever, but it's not like hijabs have been the norm except for a few years ago. So you have to start thinking about demographic shifts.
You know why they only had knives? Because the UK has sensible gun laws and they couldn't get any assault weapons.
>no one got a bat, knife or crowbar
offensive weapons mate.
As I said, one is hijab and the rest have free hair with zero covering. One will wear short sleeves from time to time, but the reason the other doesn't is because we work at 8,000ft elevation and she is perpetually cold.
Pot, kettle, nigger.
Keep your eyes open mate. In my smallish town where I grew up, there was an Indian family down the road, and I even once helped baby sit the kids. Nice people.
Apu takes over the local convenience shop? OK, really, probably half the convenience shops are run by apu, balanced only by pablo, and you know the one run by muslims because they're not supposed to drink so they blast intertonal music while they're blasted on weed.
Watch the trends is all I'm saying.
Ayyyy this. You can tell when a leftist has been killed because their peeps are like "Why did they do this?"
Subtext = We are on their side
What about the 'journalist' who used his martial arts to get stabbed in the throat and left for dead as the attackers continued unimpeded. He will be medalled up for it, you watch.
And hit an American in the fucking face.
So we should all become defenseless? That's your fucking solution? Moron.
The reason Europe is in this mess and they can't do shit is because of their " sensible gun laws ". I saw a whole thread of Europeans talking about how they NEEDED guns the other night on here.
Police response time in the US can be 12-20 min. It's YOUR JOB to protect your family until they arrive.
But there is nothing sensible about their laws you limp dick. It's killing them. And no guns! People are still being massacred. It makes no difference. The people are simply defenseless instead, with the lefties like yourself going so far as to make MACE illegal in some places. So people don't have shit.
The suicide vests were fake.
>the vests were fake.
The only good non-projectile weapon against a blade is a chair. But not if you throw it kek
steven seagal movies need b spread in uk
aluminum bat good, mag light crowbar
holy shit. "just shoot them in the head". either you never handled a gun or you are just a idiot. running around target. at midnight. in probably badly lit streets. "lel just shoot them in the head"
jesus fuck.
Should have reported them for not having a telly license, they'd be mowed down in a minute
Outlaw barstools.
Hmmm, debatable-- if you could choose your weapon for a duel would you use a bread knife or a bat?
I'd choose the knife.
Are you fucking kidding me? You won't attack three men stabbing a woman to death because you're afraid they'll detonate suicide vests?
What kind of fucking cowards is the British Isles raising these days?
The vests were fuckin decoys.
id take aluminum bat 100%
>a woman
Correct. Odds are she is a refugees welcome here,fuck white men kinda gal. I'm not going to prison for that.
If you speak against a terrorist here you get locked up, so attacking them is certainly verboten. Let the police handle it -- they created this mess.
Fair enough
White people don't have that "animalistic extreme rage" mode that shitskins can easily enter. During which, they basically go berserk and will kill any white in sight without even thinking about it.
For white people, things are way different, we are too "civilized". Even in a self defense scenario, white people will often hesitate to use any kind of violence against a violent opponent, even if said opponent has a killing intent. Just look at how we train our soldiers : months of shooting at human shaped targets, months of video games and movies, in order for them to even compute that they need to shoot at humans. Give a gun to a sandnigger, and he'll be killing the first white he sees right away, like a an automatic response. This is encoded directly into their DNA : the will to kill white people.
How do you expect the average yuropoor to react to that kind of behavior in any other way than fleeing and hiding while crying like a little bitch?
>200 years ago
Unfortunately the baseball bat kiosk on the bridge was closed that day. It was run by a Muslim. Coincidence?
when are you lot going to go full Green Street Hooligans and kick their jihadists heads in?? The next person to wave an ISIS flag in public needs mob justice
So that people wouldn't get close to them to attack because "oh shit he has a bomb best better run than fight" same with police handling them. It made things more complicated than it seemed
They were none the wiser