Let's Talk About KEK, Kek BrotherHood, Kek Cult

Don't be confused for one second /pol.

Discovering the god KEK, an ancient Egyptian god worshiped by those who once enslaved and conquered the jews, is not a (((coincidence))).

When this all started we laughed at the memes, and had a good time with the subtle "anomalies" that occurred from time to time. But a few of us began to see the patterns.We started devoting whole threads to channeling the chaotic power of kek into our reality, and I legitimately believe that we tapped into something that changed the world forever. I remember when we first stumbled upon kek. How chaotic this board became, I felt an overwhelming energy in the air, I am sure others can testify to this as well. Really strange things started to occur, and the more you guys worshiped Kek and believed in him, the stranger our world started to become.

Trump, the "chaos" candidate running for president, brexit, everyone being categorized as "nazis" overnight by the mainstream, and of course all of the dark magic and satanic forces exposed by wikileaks. In a matter of months the western world descended into righteous chaos. Th sort of chaos that elevates that gives power to the powerless (whites, and lets be fair some outliers from other groups), and emboldens the enemy of the eternal jew.

What has been strangest of all, has been how hysterical and scared the elites have become as or devotion to KEK has grown. When they saw how a white Christian world started to worship "ironically" KEK, a god once worshiped by the people who enslaved the ancient Israelite tribe, the elites increasingly became hysterical. Declaring Pepe a hate symbol, cracking down on the internet, nuking YouTube revenue, deploying counter-memetic operations to associate "Kek" with "white supremacy". And it has all failed. Kek has brought into our reality other memes to protect it's followers from this evil (more on this later), memes so powerful that even Jewish verbal tactics are ineffective.

(cont below)

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I started to ask myself why the fear and hysteria. What did we stumbled across that caused so much fear in the heart of jews and anti-christian forces? And then it hit me.

KEK is to the Jews, what Christianity was to the Romans. It is the adoption of a superior, far more ancient religion and deity than any deity of the Abrahamic persuasion, and it is being adopted by the group they believed was already defeated.

After being enslaved by the Pagans,

>Get enslaved by the Pagan Egyptians.
>Escape, win a few battles with your semantic demonic cult.
>Get BTFO'd by the Pagan Romans
>Get called demonic and cursed by Jesus
>Battle this doctrine
>Spend the next 2000 years slowly changing the doctrine
>Succeed to a large extent
>Through Divine grace, KEK has awoken to guide us out of this semetic darkness.

I thought of this and I think this explains a lot of their behavior.

Their attempt at associating "Kek" with white evil, trying to co-opt this before it gets out of hand. And still, the waves of destiny seem to be on our side. Every trick the jews have tried to stop KEK and his followers have fallen on its face. Literally divine memes have sprung into existence to stop every attack by our semetic detractors. From the "kekistani" meme, to the call for a "meme jihad", we are on to something here guys.

Look at the hysterical jews over at SLPC and the article they wrote on kek:


>A satirical religion with a frog-headed god has become a favorite new way for white nationalists to troll liberals, while spreading their meme-driven strategy.

You can almost smell the sheer panic in this sentence alone. "Satirical religion", "white nationalism", "troll". Words of dismissal almost the same way a terrified child psyches himself into believing is "just a movie" to ameliorate the fear he experiences when watching a horror movie.

MOLOCH has won.

KEK is finished. Your meme magick is over. It is time for you to lay prostrate before the Horrid King and admit your fealty.

You cannot stop us.

Abar Ba'esh.

Archived it for you

>splcenter org/hatewatch/2017/05/08/what-kek-explaining-alt-right-deity-behind-their-meme-magic

Revelations 16:13.

True we have not engaged many targets lately. But then again it's not like there are anywhere near as many around as there used to be....

i'm feeling E N E R G I Z E D guys
anybody wanna do some jumping jacks to get their blood flowing?
we've got a lot to read and archive today, so let's all get going and get some ENERGY.
feeling energetic let's have some energy this is a good feeling this could be a great day of happenings let's all find some energy

How does kek relate to the frog part of the Masonic god-figure Jahbulon? Are you guys actually crypto-masons and unwittingly doing jews' bidding for them?

you wish

Nope, it's still Jesus Christ for me. Repent.


thank you. Temporal bump. Don't want shills to slide this topic just yet, let see if we can get something going on here


Gets for KeK

We should really get going with this religion, & in a couple of years we can see Jews piss their pants over it

kek's ded

We should really get going with this religion, & in a couple of years we can see Jews piss their pants over it


Autism finds a way

hang tough fellas

i imagined if hillary won, and atheism prevailed, pepe memes would always be on the internet and would end up being a new religion once the origin of it was forgotten