srs q, just interested in how you arrived at this knowledge.
What are your scientific reasons that whites are superior to blacks and other races?
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Because people need a scape goat. Ive noticed several threads on here lately talking about how poor conservative states are, and the answer is always "because we have so many black people".
Look at what they did in Germany after WW1. They blamed the Jews for the catastrophic economic collapse which came after the first world war, they were the scapegoat. Its a fact that crime and murder rates are exuberantly high in black communities, and some people choose to pick the easy answer of just blaming their race for all their problems. "It isnt because of anything we/our country has done! Its just because black people are sub human!".
It isnt "knowledge", its an opinion.
>biological reality of race is an opinion
I don't know what you mean about superior. No race is absolutely superior as others. It's like choosing a character on a video game, they all have different abilities and they all excel on something others don't but at the same time lack on what others have. It's quite simple actually, it's all about energy and how the body utilizes that energy, where it channels it. Black people channeled it on physical development while white people channeled less on physical development and more on cognitive development, ending smarter than them. But you can't call that ABSOLUTELY superior because if society collapses today black people will we the ones that outlive us thanks to their aggressiveness and high physical performance. Meanwhile, in today's society we outsmart them because that's what we are good at, being smart.
each race is superior in it's own environment within it's own culture.
Kek westerner cucks and you wonder why niggers rape your women and shit your countries up.....
Is this your first day on Sup Forums buddy?
>being this much of a cuck
Look at the western civilization who built it?Who invented all the technology you are using?White men.Which commen langage do we use?English,a language of white men.
Who discovered all the lands and explored the earth?White men.Who could've wiped all the other races from tge face of the planetwithout much effort?
White man.The true whites are the absolute master race its plane and simple,just open yor eyes look and you will see....
Here is the tip of the (((iceberg)))
>it's like a videogame
This is the most retarded, blind oversimplification I've seen all day and I've been browsing Sup Forums for hours
No it's not. Please explain to me why isn't like a video game when one can clearly quantify the average psychological traits someone will have depending on their race.
He's probably an actual nigger
Because Strongmen competitions place Europeans above Africans in strength. How does your analogy of point spending make sense when Europeans are both stronger and more intelligent than Africans?
>its plane and simple
1000 years of teck progress .
I don't bother too much on the science myself although others might. I look at societal and cultural history.
Whites build the strongest, best societies. Period. Where whites leave, it becomes shit in only a few years. If they arrive, the quality of life tenfolds. Where they build, there is culture, science, philosophy, art, and advancement. Where they don't there's typically dirt.
Simple historical observation is enough. Still too much? Then modern world observation is enough. Very simple. Nothing to it.
no one is paying attention, shut up
>>What are your scientific reasons that whites are superior to blacks and other races?
i dont have to be superior to anyone to say GTFO of my country
you vote with your feet on the topic btw, thats why tens of millions more are on the way
Not going to go on about this, because I can post more "black culture" until the end of the day.
Here, have some stats on mulattos
Bloody kikes are worse
Oy Vey Jamal!
have you seen their societies?
Because being a strongman takes dedication and a strong will power, which come with intelligence and ability to plan long term. On average Black people are more fit than white people but you will never see Black strong men because to achieve that you actually need something more than just your genes, so in this particular sport genes isn't the only factor to take into account.
Lel, she probably brought him in for a fuck.
i'm not black, bitchcunt
>Look at what they did in Germany after WW1. They blamed the Jews for the catastrophic economic collapse which came after the first world war, they were the scapegoat.
Non-whites move to white countries en masse and are willing to risk anything to go be oppressed there. Whites don't move to non-white countries (except a tiny handful of eccentrics) .
>Massive debt, global depression, and Germany faces collapse
>Hitler names the Jew and prevents them from seizing his country
>Reform happens, and Germany recovers in under a decade
It's all a coincidence Goy!
Read "The Bell Curve".
this is how I explain it every time to people asking me whether I am a racist
no you're just too retarded to read
>What are your scientific reasons that whites are superior to blacks and other races?
Ever noticed that everything you have, use, or value was given to you by whites, faggot?
I just want a fatherland for my people
Who cares, most of us just want to be with our own race/people.
I highly doubt anyone here really cares about whites being smarter.
I'm the exact opposite.
>a woman in armour
You're daft.
This. Mud huts.
So, in summary (all citations given on the linked pages):
Blacks have a lower IQ, and this is demonstrably NOT because of environmental factors, but genetic.
Large black populations affect the country's crime rates on a national scale.
Blacks have a genetic predisposition to violence, which has been confirmed by geneticists.
There is a stronger and higher-sloping correlation between populations of blacks and crime, than between levels of poverty/unemployment/low education and crime. YES. a poor, uneducated white is less likely to be a criminal than a better-off black. You can see that in poor regions of the US like Appalachia, which still have lower crime rates than places like Detroit, despite being far poorer.
More confirmation of above
Statistics on what crimes blacks commit.
The blacker a mixed black is, the dumber and less successful they are.
Niggers are given every leg up in our society, every free pass, every gibs, and still fail. This is inherently anti-meritocratic, as schools are admitting sub-par black students instead of competent whites who could become professionals in a field.
Blacks commit absolute atrocities against whites that whites would never commit against blacks.
Racemixing fucks up your lineage for generations to come
I hope this has been enlightening.
end isael
IQ test is a pretty horrible test of intelligence... It's more related to spacial awareness but ok.
>IQ test is a pretty horrible test of intelligence
Wow, neck yourself you worthless nigger loving like.
It's obvious this isn't even bait, you're actually this stupid. Fuck off the Reddit.
I dont think any race is superior.
I just want my race to have safety from Jewish subversion.
B-bububut WE WUZ KANGS!
Well, recent studies have shown that the early pharoahs were closer-related to the pre-arab Levant, but and the later pharoahs were greek. (Which we've known since forever). But fear not, the blacks did have a black dyanasty in Egypt! The Illustrious 25th Dynasty! Who are responsible for the beautiful pyramids pictured to the left. Their main accomplishment was economic decline and being conquered by Persia.
gtfo you low-iq negroid paint huffer! you can't mix objective and subjective. weren't we supposed to be educating the negroes? what happened to that plan? why the fuck is there a nigger here asking me for a scientific analysis on an opinion?
Fuck it. Let's just answer what the nigger probably meant to ask so we can get back to blacked threads: why is an average white smarter than an average blackie?
Caucasoids' problem solving and pattern recognition selected upwards due to an unknown cause or causes with speculation focusing around survival advantage, for obvious reasons.
Different races actually have different muscle fiber than others
Europeans have more slow twitch muscle fiber than Africans in general. This is good for long endurance and long exertion of strength.
People of African descent have more fast twitch muscle fiber good for sprinting and short bursts of strength.
I wont say anything about mental ability in this.
Thank you.
Products of white societies
Renaisance, Humanism, Illustration. Civil rights, Constitution, abolition of slavery, falling into jewish tricks
About all the science and technology in the world
Why are you newfags so insecure about this? Every race is DISCURSIVELY SUPERIOR (and inferior) to every other race. No two races have the same strengths and weaknesses. How are you all this fucking ignorant of basic biology?
Not scientific, but I don't know a single white man who says "MUH DIK."
That's all I need.
i hate rap but that was amasing
Every race has unique and positive qualities. Blacks are no exceptions.
HOWEVER, nothing in nature is equal when it comes to fitness for a particular environment. One creature is always more fit than another, even when you look in the same species. The way black society evolved, they lived in a land of plenty, with long growing season and an abundance of wild fruit and game. This tended towards a low IQ and the idea of manna from the heavens being always there for them, with no need to work. Their main strategy as a species was to have a lot of children and overwhelm enemy tribes and massacre them. This was the environment blacks are adapted for.
When we take them out of that environment and put them in modern white societies, they are neither physically nor culturally adapted for it, and only create chaos.
The problem is that we can't even address these inequalities because of the fanatical idea of "equality", which has no foundation whatsoever in science, but is purely an ideological construct of the left.
>we can't even address these inequalities because of the fanatical idea of "equality", which has no foundation whatsoever in science, but is purely an ideological construct of the left.
(((pure coincidence)))
We are actually different species.
read guns germs and steel by jared diamond. your race superiority is a lie
Niggers are mentally retarded as defined by standardized IQ tests. They've also been the slaves to every other race in history, including other niggers. They are a slave race. I'd be surprised if 1 in 100 niggers would be able to do basic office work as good as your average white.
>(((jared diamond)))
thanks, I'll check it out
Cultural, scientific, medicinal, architectural achievements.
slide thread. saged
Name one environmental advantage Europe had over Africa that is covered in GG&S. By "Europe" I mean Europe. Not the middle east, not north Africa, not central or east Asia, Europe.
well sheeeeeit, you got me master lol this house nigga should keep away from the books
I remember when I was in high school..
>Blamed the Jews
>Puuuure coincidence, Goyim
Read these.
>this house nigga should keep away from the books by Jews
FTFY, but seriously, you should read bullshit by kikes, to learn how they lie:
Chapter on Boasian anthropology in here is interesting:
Whites have higher intelligence and greater ability at abstract thinking, therefore they are superior in civilization.
Whites also have the tallest people, biggest variety in pigmentation. in my opinion, whites tend to be better looking.
White Europeans, especially from the north and the Alps, are not superior to West Asians, but we are superior to everyone else.
the usual faggotry
Evolution has no concept of "inferior" or "superior" unless you're talking about a specific environment, and environments are always changing. Evolution has no interest in always going from simple to complex, but it often works out that way. It doesn't have to. Sometimes evolution goes "backwards". Consider Foster's rule. Humans could see a future where stupidity is an advantage, and that would then be considered "superior." How could stupidity be an advantage? Well, imagine a nuclear holocaust where survival becomes very tedious. Being smart would be a disadvantage, because the harshness of the environment would seem worse to people whose brains processed fully what happened. Or another example is global warming. What if it's real, and the sun's rays get to earth with more harsh radiation in them. Being black would be "superior" because you'd have more protection from the sun. Anyway, Bill Clinton is a rapist.